Paige is so nosy!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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First she eavesdrops on Kayla talking to rape victims then she is sticking her nose in about Jack. I've said it before, I don't like her, I think she is dumb as a box of rocks but now she is so nosy, she is a lot like her mother, I hope JJ breaks up with her and she goes to Stanford.
Well, book smart and lack of common sense aren't mutually exclusive. I believe that before Paige met JJ, her entire life was studying and Eve's love was conditional on her being the best in her class. Unfortunately, Paige's intelligence doesn't seem to extend to dealing with situations involving people she cares about.
If this whole thing is to create more angst between JJ and Paige it is B O R I N G.
It makes JJ look stupid, what's he so upset about?
It makes Paige a snoopy, eaves dropper, which is a big no-no in a hospital, and she's become nosy for no good reason.

And now she's all over JJ and he keeps pushing her away. They're losing me on this story line, I just do not care - and Kayla deserves better than being a prop for these two, in my opinion.
I think that JJ being upset makes sense, though I agree that the rest of it does not. He's been fearful for a while that he will go further with Paige sexually than she really wants, and the recent reminders of his father's past are triggering more fear. Plus it brings his grief over his father's death back to the front of his mind because Jack is not here for him to talk to about the situation and nobody has ever given him a straight answer about what happened between Jack and Kayla and why Jen chose to marry Jack despite his past.

He also is so ashamed of what Jack did to Kayla (partially I think because he only knows half the story) that he figures nobody could accept him if they knew he was related to a former rapist. Plus it all ties in to his guilt ove rhis own past, and apparently while not sober in boarding school he used girls for sex and isn't quite sure that he hasn't done anything unforgiveable.
I can't stand Paige either. At first, I thought her and JJ were cute. But then she just continued doubting him, yet contradicting herself by telling him she knows and loves him, and then the same thing kept happening. Now, they're just plain boring! Rafe & Jordan 2.0, if you ask me--a huge failure.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Why does Paige expect JJ to tell her every detail of his life/family life? If JJ had even known about Jack encouraging Kayla to become a doctor, how would that come up in normal conversation? Who would ask "why didn't you tell me about that?". Well, it never came up, wench!
Well, I know I for one, would love a bit of Paige's background. How long has she been in Salem??? Her entire high school years??? Did she have any boyfriends???? Who the heck is her daddy????

I mean turnabout is fair play here. She wants to know all about JJ. And perhaps it's because we, as the viewers, know a bit about him, but Paige, girl, what about you??
I think the writers are still combing the archives, trying to find the perfect character from years gone by to make Paige's father. Maybe Glenn (Jen's high school boyfriend before Frankie), or Orpheus (a Stefano-like villain that I dimly remember holding Marlena captive on an island about 30 years ago.) Or maybe there was a mixup and Theresa is Eves daughter and Paige is Kim and Shane's. Anyway once the writers finish researching and change their minds a few times, we'll be let in on Paige's paternity.
I think it was incredibly rude for Paige to listen in on Kayla's private conversation with that rape victim! It's none of her business! And then to go and tell JJ? What if he didn't know? And then to keep asking questions to JJ about it? Really? She is really turning into Maggie 2.0 by the minute!
I agree! I'm so frustrated with this character. I really wanted to like her- and I really want to like her with JJ. She seems to be good for him, he got away from drugs and drug friends, etc.
But lately I have just wanted to reach through the screen and slap the snot out of her.

A) It is NONE of her business what happened to Kayla.
* FIRST of all, she shouldn't have been snooping and eavesdropping in the first place. The right thing to do would have been to privately speak with Kayla and confess to what she heard. She doesn't need to know any more because it's NONE OF HER BUSINESS!!
B) Her attitude towards JJ is awful. I mean really, he's scared to tell her anything because she'll make that judgmental face and stomp off. It's as if she's mad for him being who he is and he feels bad about it.

Be yourself JJ. You're a good kid (when you aren't hanging out with the drug friends). Paige is a conceited twit that needs her attitude changed.

Now she's also a horny twit? Who just a few months ago was accepted to Stanford?
ugh! I repeat, I just want to reach through the screen and slap her.
I also want to pat JJ on the back for not giving in and having sex with her. HOWEVER, if they are going to, would it kill the writers to have JJ or Paige say "do you have protection?" "Are you taking birth control?"
It's free at medical clinics through the U.S. Surely genius Stanford applicant has heard of them.
Then again, it is Salem, so maybe not. ugh!
Since Paige had been told to shadow Kayla, I can understand her listening. She might have thought she was supposed to as part of her training. Everything she's done since, however, is ridiculous and insensitive in my opinion.
Even she can't be that stupid to think it was ok to listen in on a Dr. talking to a patient especially a rape victim. I've worked in a hospital, the first thing you learn is doctor/patient confidentiality. That girl doesn't have the common sense to (as my granny used to say) pour *bleep* out of a boot unless the directions were written on the heel. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she needs to leave Salem. Now her mother and aunt are different, Salem needs bad guys or it wouldn't be a soap opera but it doesn't need nosy, naive fools.
This whole plot is just forced and doesn't fit. At least from the Paige angle. JJ, I can totally buy him being uncomfortable with moving forward physically with Paige because of worries about his father's past and his worries about being like his father. I can understand his reluctance to tell Paige the truth. I understand his motives and they seem real and true to character.

What I can't understand is Paige. First, she defers Stanford and no one really bats an eye. Eve's reaction was very lackluster given the fact it's Stanford, a prestigious school and all. I just felt like there should have been someone to try to tell Paige to go for her dreams, her education and career goals first and foremost and if her and JJ are a strong enough couple, they can manage the long distance thing. Second, she's been hesitant about getting physical and even going to his room and then there is a total 180 practically overnight. It doesn't play as though she thinks she needs to do that to keep him interested, so that reasoning doesn't fit the way it's being acted out. Her attitude just changed miraculously to fit the plot of JJ hiding Jack's rape of Kayla.