
Actor Christopher Sean, who plays Paul, has said that he did not work much for quite a while, then acknowledging that he was in main story for some time, so, now it is someone else's turn. Meanwhile, I believe he has been filming Hawaii 5-0, so is still being kept busy.
Christopher Sean said Paul will have a scene with Stefano (this was taped 3 days ago). That is interesting. Wonder what they could possibly do to meet each other. We'll find out by next March (long, long wait).
Paul can have enough story just figuring out who he is, and who John is, and we can let a love story happen later, in my opinion.

My sentiments exactly. For the first time, I actually enjoyed his scenes with Marlena yesterday too. I'm also interested to see how he factors in to the Mad World stuff now that Kate wants to buy Basic Black.

They could also make him bisexual at some point since we know he has had relationships with women in the past.
I don't want him to be Stefano's spawn. I'd prefer it remain John, since we've already suspended all logic to make it "work."
Failing that, I'd prefer, in order: Neil Curtis, Banksy, Daniel Scott, Peter Blake, [Can't Say Here], Brian Schofield, Emilio Ramirez, Shawn Brady*, Leopold Alamain, Tony Dimera, Ivan G'vais, Papa Hernandez, Curtis Brown, Nick Corelli, Sid Grayson*, Abe Carver, Josh Fallon, Chris Kositchek, Monty Dolan, Scotty Banning*

*-Yes, I know, these are Horton kin, but both distant enough to take (most) of the "ick" factor out of Paul's relationship with Will.

For more info, visit Specta-pedia. Seriously though, keep him John's son and there's a decade worth of story that we HAVE NOT seen. Switch him to a DiMeraling and we get same old, same old. :)

They could also make him bisexual at some point
Generally I would loathe a switcheroo like that, but it would be a nice first for Daytime TV, and would definitely open up story possibilities.

I forgot about the MadWorld angle. I'm a big fan of a mix of romance & other types of stories, he can be in the latter for awhile until they find the right "fit".
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