Person of Interest


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2009
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I've been watching since the first episode, but its never been a can't miss show for me. I was truly surprised at how good last nights episode was. I also just noticed that its ratings have been landing it in or near the top 10 this season.
I started watching reruns of show this summer.
I'm not too lost about what's going on.

I had a bad dream Wed early after watching Tues show.
I watched the first episode but have missed a couple this season. I don't particularly care for the new chick.........she's backup gunpower.....maybe when I catch up?! It is time to close the HR case so I enjoyed this weeks episode.
Yeah, I never understood why they brought in the new female version of Reese either. Until this past week's episode, I was actually thinking about taking the show off my DVR, but this latest episode actually intrigued me. Whether I continue to watch depends on which main character gets killed off, and if they stay on track.
I watched it on a regular basis until this season but still catch when I can. Michael Emerson is a favorite actor of mine, so he's the reason I tune in. It has changed since its first season, but still remains one of the better network shows.
At least it's serious, and not another dreaded "comedy-romance-adventure." Men need shows to watch, too.
None that I know. Person of Interest. Bluebloods, Southland, The Bridge, Longmire, Dracula. Not Bones, ,etc.
Gee that is odd. I know men who yes, they like the westerns, drama, cops & robbers, etc. But also really enjoy laughter as well. The Crazy Ones, The Middle, Big Bang Theory.....
Comedys are great. It's the shows that look to be serious dramas. and turn out to be "comedy-adventures," for which I have no use. They are usually co-ed detective shows. They are often popular, so I guess it's just me.:confused:
Co-ed detective shows??? Hmmm, cannot say I know what exactly you mean? Are you inferring that because a woman (who also might be a detective) is featured along with the men, that it then becomes a "comedy"?
If so....hmmm, I have seen some really tough women portrayed...Ziva on NCIS for instance. And...well, the great Alfred Hitchcock always said that you have to relieve the excitement/suspense with something light for the audience, even if it only lasts a minute or less. He felt that it was absolutely necessary.
A Guy I watch a lot of the shows you watch :)

You said not Bones. I watch that one and Castle.
A little mystery and romance thrown in together.

I stopped watching Law and Order SVU this season because you
can onlywatch so much of that stuff.