Please say a prayer for my friend's granddaughter

the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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My friends granddaughter is 3 months old. she was born with a heart problem and had more tests run today. At this point the doctors say they are not sure what they can do for her. little Ariana Faith is so alert and sweet.
Please say a prayer for her and her mommy and daddy. and all her family. We know that God can do what the doctors can't
There are a lot of major medical centers out there that specialize in pediatric cardiology and surgery. So, I would definitely encourage a 2nd opinion from one of these places. While there are some extremely severe heart defects, a lot of them can be treated as well. There are also great support organizations out there for the family such as Mended Little Hearts and the Children's Heart Foundation. Many of these organizations will run local events and fundraisers where the family can meet other impacted families. That can be a tremendous help aside from prayer.

I'll keep this little Princess and your friend's family in my thoughts and prayers.
LV15_zps662950f6.gifHey Little One,....I brought you a teddy bear, and a nice Thanksgiving cake. We were just wondering how you are feeling, and if you would be in high spirits. The teddy bear we will leave behind, and I am telling you of the love of the Lord. He will keep His healing hands around you little one, and anytime you need some one with you, call out to Him. He promises us He will never leave us, or forsake us, so those comforting arms of love and grace will be over you and around you. Rest easy little one, and we will relay any message that you may want sent to our Heavenly Father, and then you will know Him well enough to just talk to Him.... I am praying for your strengthening, and with less trauma. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, little Ariana Faith. We will check on you often and keep you in our prayers too. On this show (Days of our LIves) You have a perfect name. We all love Ariana Grace.... Welcome to our hearts.
If Columbia is involved, she is in good hands. But it still never hurts to have a second opinion. Please keep us posted. :)
Sorry to hear about Ariana Faith.

God, please take care of her and her family.
Will pray that Ariana Faith receives a miracle on par with the one my husband's friend's son recently received. He was born with serious heart and lung problems and his patens were told that he would not live long. A few weeks later, they were told that they would soon be taking home their healthy son.
Ok little girl , Arianna, tomorrow morning they will prepare you for something you will not understand, and can only be thankful for. This is the day today for the Thanksgiving, and then tomorrow perhaps with the doctors relying on the guidance of the Lord in Heaven to lead them, and to keep everything under His control. The mighty healing hands of our Father in Heaven will lead, guide, and direct anyone.
Let us send a special little prayer that your surgery tomorrow morning will be extremely successful, and that it will allow you to develop into a healthy, and a happy little darling, and that the love of life, and the love of your family will bring you joy abundantly... Rest easy little darling. You are in the healing hands of our wonderful, loving, and protective Father in Heaven. Good luck to you and to your family....
Prayers for a successful procedure, quick recovery, and that little Ariana is home in the arms of her parents and family soon!
Ok little girl , Arianna, tomorrow morning they will prepare you for something you will not understand, and can only be thankful for. This is the day today for the Thanksgiving, and then tomorrow perhaps with the doctors relying on the guidance of the Lord in Heaven to lead them, and to keep everything under His control. The mighty healing hands of our Father in Heaven will lead, guide, and direct anyone.
Let us send a special little prayer that your surgery tomorrow morning will be extremely successful, and that it will allow you to develop into a healthy, and a happy little darling, and that the love of life, and the love of your family will bring you joy abundantly... Rest easy little darling. You are in the healing hands of our wonderful, loving, and protective Father in Heaven. Good luck to you and to your family....

I have to agree with someone up above. You almost bring tears to my eyes with your beautiful posts. Thank you dear Christian lady.