Prayers for a member here


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Our KathyLu prays for all who ask, and gets friends to do so as well. But she never asks for herself, and so I am asking for her. She just had major surgery, and this is always difficult. Please remember her, say an exra one especially for our very witty, long time friend, who never wants to ask for herself, but is always there for us all.

Thanks to all of you. When it rains...

I was scheduled for my yearly colonoscopy on Aug, 5th, and surgery on the 7th to repair a huge incisional hernia that developed after the surgery three years ago.

The Friday night before that, I was notified that my only remaining sister was having colon cancer surgery the next day.

During my colonoscopy, the doctor found a huge mass, unrelated to the other cancers, that had to come out. After the surgery, he was sure it was cancer but it had not invaded any areas outside the colon and he said it would be unlikely that I would need chemo. So, I went home six days later resigned to the fact that I was facing my fourth battle with cancer. Surprisingly, 12 days after surgery, I found out the mass was benign! Thank you, Jesus!

My younger son had his first colonoscopy a few weeks ago and a mass was also found in his colon. He had surgery on Monday of this week and we don't yet know the biopsy results.

My older son had Anaphylaxis in early June, spent several days in the hospital, and almost died. Lots of tests have not revealed what caused it so he now carries two Epi Pens with him at all times.

I'm still in a great deal of pain (because I refuse to take narcotics) but I know that, "this too shall pass." I still have two drainage tubes that I have to care for and eventually have removed but it's a heck of a lot better than the colostomy that I was told I would probably need.

My dear KathyLu... You mean so much to me, and to all of us on this board, and when you and I had to opportunity to share our pasts, and how similar we are. I love you KathyLu, and more than that, our God loves you darling. My prayer list is now one name longer with the addition to my dear friend KathyLu. I am sure with the news of your tumor being benign, and the loving of our Father, we can again be assured of you being in the loving and healing Hands of our Father in Heaven, We who believe, are so fortunate to have Him to watch out for us, and to direct the operating hands of our Surgeons. They try, but with the Hands of God around theirs, it just seems safer.... Be assured my dear friend, He is there, and He loves you, and is in charge.... May His Will Be Done.....

Get well now, and hurry back to us... Will write to you ....
Glad to hear the surgery went well.

Sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes your way to you and your family!! And I'm wrapping you up in a big vitual hug!
KathyLu - Thank you for the update. So very sorry for all the medical issues you and your family are facing. Congratulations on your own diagnosis, I know how relieved you must be. Continued prayers for all. Keep the faith.
We lost a sister to lung cancer in April of this year and it's been tough.

My son's biopsy came back as Stage 1 colon cancer but he won't need any treatment. The mass was huge but only a tiny portion deep in the inside was malignant. The part of the colon that was removed and the lymph nodes all came back clean. We consider that a huge blessing.