Prayers for Bradley


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
I thank you again for the prayers for my friend Katelyn and her baby Olivia... but I now have more prayer requests...

I can't remember if I've told you all about my nephew Bradley. He is 7 years old and in the 2nd grade and absolutely the sweetest boy you would ever meet. But when you look at him, you might wander why his eyes look so tired, as if they were that of an 80 year old man (wrinkles and all)... you might wander why he's so thin. you might wander why his skin looks like it does.

This Thanksgiving- give extra thanks for the food, and for the ability to eat without fear or pain. so many don't have that ability. Let me share my Bradley Boo with you.

When he was a baby, we learned he had "EoE"... Eosinophilic Esophagitis.
He was taken off all foods, put back on formula at age 3...he's allergic to that too. The doctors have found very few foods his body can handle- he can count on one hand what he is allowed to eat. And even those foods cause discomfort. Currently, he has taken a turn for the worse.

Doctors are thinking about admitting him for observation and taking him off all foods, monitoring closely types of formula he can have.

I was there with him last weekend and I could hear him crying for his mommy to please stop.. (She was trying to apply lotion that is supposed to help- but stings his tiny body)... he begged mommy to please stop. please. it hurts. mommy STOP! MOMMY STOP! PLEASE NOOO! NOO! While all of us sat there in silence in the other room... we all just cry with him mostly. His little sister has skin issues too- but they aren't as severe as Bradley.

And Bradley asked his mommy to go to school with him... he said "Mommy, it hurts to walk but I want to go to school..will you carry me?"... so she did. (She actually works for the school and is able to be there anyways)... but she carried him. There- in line with the kids, stood my sister in law, bravely carrying her little boy to his classes.

She is my hero. period. nobody should ever go through 1 second of what she goes through every day.

Here is a video about EoE- it's good to be aware.. I had no idea until Bradley came into my life. Wish There was more awareness!

And please pray. pray for Bradley. Pray for all of us. And pray for all the children around the world suffering. It is the most heart breaking thing to even talk about - much less witness. I would give anything to take his pain away. Tears just roll down my cheeks. There is nothing I can do. I really thought it was under control and he was doing better earlier this summer...but no, he's not ok. and it's going to get worse they say... just pray. pray. pray. pray. pray. :cry:It's the only thing we know to do anymore. Holding onto hope, praying for a miracle to make his skin heal and for his pain to go away (there is no cure). Also- the link below the video is to my sister in law's blog, you can read more about her story there and keep up with Bradley and his sisters. The youngest- Aubrey... does not have it. PRAISE GOD!!!!! Praying she stays healthy... such a happy baby.

And hug. hug your babies tight. hug your healthy children. And when you pray for Bradley, thank God for the healthy children in our lives as well.

Someday I hope to be able to talk about this without crying.
I am sure that it left you with a ringing in your ears when you heard my heart breaking as I watched the video clip, but prayers are going out for the families of these children, and to Bradley and his family as well. Keep us in touch, and until we hear from you, may God bless, and hold that little Bradley in His loving hands, but along with Bradley, may God give the mother of this poor little soul an extra helping of patience, strength, and boost her moral to try and keep it soaring, as she will need it... looking forward to the next bulletin. May God Bless
Thank you everyone. Jennifer - unfortunately it is something you are born with. It is treatable, but there is no cure. The problem is, no two patients are alike. so one treatment works for one child, leaving doctors clueless as to how to help the next... Bradley's is the most extreme that his doctors have seen. Been fighting it for 7 years - he'll be 8 in February.

last weekend- I called the kids to dinner and he looked at me and asked "Aunt Stephy, do I get to eat too this time?"... yes, he did... we had a "safe plate" for him...but just the fact that he had to ask if he could come to the table twisted the knife in my heart. Please God, help this baby. All he wants to do is eat. God, please help him eat.

Never take anything for granted. Tonight when you bless your food, remember to say thank you for the ability to eat it without fear or pain.
DaysLady - I have never heard of EoE and am so sorry for Bradley and his family. Samantha is a beautiful and poised young woman. I admire her strength. I will certainly send prayers for healing and hope that, even if there is not currently a cure for this disease, that one day, there will be a breakthrough. It's said that, when we have our health, we have everything, and that is so true. Blessings to all.
Last evening after I had spent the time with you all reading these things, watching the television, and every other commercial was all about food, and the glorious taste of the wonderful things coming into season at this time of year, and all of a sudden, all I could see was the face of the sweet angel, Bradley... The tears started all over again. I love to eat, and I have done a lot of it for the past over 70 years, and now all I can think of is the sweet Bradley. I tell you all this because my mother died with ALS, and one of the branches of the ALS tree, is Lou Gehrig's branch of it, but my mother had Bulbar Palsy, which is the ALS that starts in the swallowing of the food. Mother could not swallow, and if she could she would have the same problems as the sweet Bradley....How I pray his does not Atrophy his body any further, and I pray the ads on TV are more for the toys of children, and what they can play with, rather than so much food, and the fun that the children have as they eat it... That is torture, and it was for my mom too. My heart breaks for him, and it did for my sweet wonderful mother... Rest in peach mommy, and May God Bless our Bradley...
I am not sure I know even as yet, any details of this condition, and I thank God every day for the family I had, and the physidal condition of each one. I thank my Father in Heaven for the chance to learn, and it is strange to me as to when He teaches us something new. We do not have to do anything to receive this advanced lesson in conditions other than the ones we are comfortable with, but all we have to do is be open and receptive to the vibes that He sends us. It never ceases to amaze me, how I can learn so much from a chat board covering a show that at time makes me absolutely stark raving mad. I am so thankful that I did not quit watching when I threatened to, due to the idiotic writing of the paid staff who is supposed to write the lines that the actors spew, and there fore keep us coming back for more. I am not sure about all the details of this condition, but am very thankful to our Father in Heaven that I was present when the details were presented to us.... Thank You Days Lady for taking the time to tell us about Bradley, and the other children, and adults suffering from this condition. They will remain on my prayer list.
Days Pretender -- you are exactly right. just watching tv is frustrating - every commercial, especially during the holidays, talks about food it seems. So many other times in our lives are revolved around food as well it seems. Birthday parties..his and other kids, kids love parties... but think about it. cake, ice cream, candy bags.... that's the basis of just about every birthday party. Bradley could attend the party, but he'd just be watching others eat most of the time. :( Easter... candy filled eggs, big meals... thanksgiving is a holiday where everybody celebrates food... Christmas dinners and parties-- always food. good grades... I hear parents "taking them out to dinner to celebrate" all the time. Football-- sports, game night, anything- we humans always bring food to the table for every get together. it is the way our species celebrates.

With Bradley, we are forced to find a new way to celebrate. That is much easier said than done. :( he has not yet had a party where friends could come. but he loves the for his birthday, he usually gets a trip down to the shore to play in the sand. It's peaceful too- and nobody is asking where the cake is. nobody to have to explain anything to...just there to celebrate him. :) He thinks like me-- I love a birthday just sitting on the beach! :) :) sweet boy gets it honestly from his mom, nana, my husband and me. :) we are all beach lovers.
it sounds terrible katmouse...but we do get all the cousins together- sometimes we'll do a cake and let him blow out the candles (i have a picture of his 5th birthday when we did that) and his cousins ate the cake, he was just happy to get to blow out the candles. he had his "safe" food on a plate for him while the other kids ate the cake. He knows that some things hurt worse than others... and he doesn't want to hurt, so he really doesn't get too sad about's his mom, his nana, his aunts and uncles who feel the saddest- we just wish it didn't have to be like that. He's never known any different.

it's incredible the things you take for granted without even realizing it. I have never been so thankful for my food as I am now. I am so thankful for the ability to eat my food without fear or pain. My prayers go out to all those that are unable to do this- and also to their families, as I know too well the pain of being helpless - just watching a loved one suffer and there is nothing you can do about it but pray.