Prayers Please for my friend Sam

Allow me to offer one way that we used to help our patients when the blues would take over the post partum days, and one sure way, is to allow the other children pick out something "to read to Mommy" and then have them sit on a chair or one a stool, or pillow, and actually read the story they have picked out to their mommy. Limit their time of reading, if the other child is old enough to read also, and allow that child to pick out their own story to read to Mommy. It really works, and they do not get teary eyed and upset, as long as they are doing something constructive, and "helping their Mommy" through some rough waters. We are praying for her, and the "stinker" as well as the older children, and daddy too. Sometimes it can be traumatic for him too... God does wonders to support the entire family... Good Luck Sam....
thanks for the update Dayslady.

I hope all of Sam's family and friends will come and see her.
hopefully, that might help with her depression.
@ Days Pretender, that's a good suggestion.

@ Dayslady, if one or both are not reading at all right now, they can still "read" the pictures and come up with their own stories. Those can be more entertaining than the actual story.

My husband has some chronic pain issues and is often in bed or his recliner, and our youngest daughter is 10 (the other one is in college, living in the dorm). My husband and daughter have gotten pretty good at coming up with things for them to do, while he is resting. Sometimes they will play board games, either with the board on the bed or a TV tray next to it. On bad days, she will move his playing piece for him. They have played with her Littlest Pet Shop toys in bed as well, with her doing most of the work. One day, my daughter played pet store, with her as the store owner and her stuffed animals as the pets. Daddy just had to tell her which pet he was buying and she would bring it to him, unil the recliner and couch were covered in stuffed animals. At first, they hadn't even thought to use her toy cash register, so the register and money were all pretend. Once, she even had a "grocery store," with everything, the food, the money, the register, all of it was pretend. They just discussed what they were buying. They've run a restaurant, that was all imaginary, good thing too, because I don't think that I'd eat some of the dishes she came up with, and I have a reputation for eating just about anything!

soooo after reaching 30 weeks, they allowed her to come off of bedrest. She is 34 weeks today and after a short stay this morning at the ER, they've put her back on bedrest - most likely for the remainder of the pregnancy. We are so happy she made it to 34 weeks, praying for the Baby, praying that the Baby stays in there a few more weeks at the very least! Still have 6 weeks to go- but if we take them 1 at a time, she just might make it to full term!

thank you all for praying! She enjoyed the few weeks she had off bedrest...back in the bed she goes here in a moment when she gets home. :)

Timothy Aiden was born 7/3/2013. He weighs 5 lbs 5 oz and is 19 inches long. Best of all... HE IS HEALTHY AND MOMMY IS HEALTHY!!! :) He was 5 weeks early, so they are double checking everything to make sure he is ok, but we all think he is perfect. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) eeeeekkkkk I'm so excited! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE PRAYERS!!! Enjoy a few pics below:


What a handsome little man! Awesome he is doing so well! Here we were, all hoping they'd make it to 30 weeks, and he made it to 35 on the nose. Though, technically speaking, he was only 2 weeks away from being considered full term, at least according to the Mayo Clinic's web site and a few others, 37-42 weeks is considered "full term." (All of those sites did recommend getting as close to 40 weeks as possible.)

If the doctors haven't mentioned this to Sam, you might want to. Preemies tend to reach development milestones based on their due dates. This means that if the baby books are saying that a baby ought to be doing X by 4 weeks, Timothy ought to being doing X by 9 weeks. Sometimes doctors forget to warn mothers of preemies about this, and it can be a bit worrisome if the parents think the child's development is delayed, when it's really right on schedule. Hmm.... I wonder if it works the other way around too. Both my girls were induced, past due, by almost 2 weeks, and both reached developmental milestones a bit ahead of schedule. (My oldest hasn't done anything ahead of schedule since!)
Thanks b2! :) We have been through this before though. Timothy's big brother was born 6 and a half weeks early, and weighed 4 lbs 11 oz.... He is now 5 and a half years old and smart as a whip! :) Sam is epileptic, and for some reason, when she was pregnant with her daughter- no seizures at all. But both pregnancies with her boys, she has had some seizures. Maybe it's a hormone thing that is different when pregnant with boys?