Pure Speculation


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2016
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if what I am seeing, reading, or down right imagining is about to happen, I believe that...

An explosion in which Nicole is collateral damage...so Eric can raise Holly perhaps with Jennifer until it shows Nicole planned it to take advantage of being dead and giving Holly a new life. We need more babies crying in the back room.

Gabi and her revenge... Enables them to write off actress, Chad and Abby so they can pursue other artistic outlets. You cannot redeem Gabi because she will end up committed either to jail or a place for the criminally insane. That whole story is too twisted. We have seen her bemoaning being separated from her daughter and we know it will happen again. OR Gabi will run off with Arianna leaving the Dad's sad.

EJ is he or isn't he...no one cares. Salem had been derailed by a bunch of sci-fi nincompoop writers. No one watches soaps for this. Yes other soaps have people return after "thought to be dead". No one was resurrected by maniacal scientist with ridiculous accent. Same scientist plants chips in people's brains, etc. Stop it for crying out loud.

Hattie / Bonnie... Hattie has a better chance of being furloughed or pardoned. Personally sick of her over the top as shenanigans but she isn't as heartless as Bonnie. Bonnie needs to never return. Not one thing is done because she cares about anyone but her. Not an ounce of remorse.

Maggie...give her something more to do than being a friendly ear. Even if Victor is home in a chair sipping and snarling from his chair, Maggie could be more active. There was a lot more to Alice than her donuts.

...again my own thoughts...
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I'm not sure Gabi is worth saving. This storyline is bad. I can't watch most of the scenes she is in (and I was a Gabi fan). Turning her into this awful person (drugging a pregnant women and trying to make her go crazy is not something a decent person would ever think of doing!), was a big mistake, unless they want her to be Salem's next big baddie. And she doesn't have what it takes to be that bad. She's not watchable any longer, and at this point, I want this story and this character off my screen.
Kudos to Moira for her input. Here are a few additional thoughts.

Nicole: This poor woman has made a career of being collateral damage. If the writers can't give her some happiness at last, she should be off-screen.

Gabi: Sick, sick, sick. Unless the writers use mental illness caused by her prison beatings as an explanation for her perverse behavior, she should vanish from Salem -- prison, Bayview, or back to Mami -- who cares.

EJ: Unless TPTB can coax James Scott (real EJ) back for a few episodes why even mention his name? If they keep showing the top of faux EJ's head, hands and legs, viewers might just start throwing things at the screen.

Hattie / Bonnie: Send them back to prison ASAP. Small doses of Hattie can be entertaining, but Bonnie is beyond belief. She should vanish permanently and take nasty Mimi with her.

Maggie: Yes, she needs to do more than being Salem's chief busybody, leading cookie-baker, and dispenser of advice. Get her back to Chez Rouge (Salem needs a decent eatery) or get her involved with the Horton Center, which must badly need leadership since the fallen Father Eric swapped his position there for serving watered-down drinks at the Pub.