Random Thoughts of Salemites

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
Rafe: I can't believe that Hope was making Malcolm play Russian roulette. Maybe I should notify Roman.

Belle: Same old Sami dragging me into one of her messes by putting the stolen DiMera money in my account. I HATE her.

Mammoth Falls cabin owner: Maybe I should get the dogs and my pump action shotgun and check on the cabin. I don't want any teens partying there or criminals using it as a hideout.

Dr. Chyka: I warned Dr. Malcolm about going to Salem, but he wouldn't listen. I wonder how he's doing.

Rory: Where's JJ these days? Ever since he entered the police academy, he never calls. Bummer.
JJ: Is it okay to date your dead ex-girlfriend's previously unknown half-sister?

Baby Boy Deveraux: I've been kidnapped by a psycho and my mommy and other daddy have been set on fire. Guess I'm a real Salemite.

Kate: Did I remember to buy more blue hair dye?

Nicole: I'm having trouble telling Daniel and Fynn apart. Is that a sign of old age or overexposure to orange?

Brady: *crickets*
Roman: Wonder if I should leave the police force and join a monastery. I already live the life of a monk, might as well get credit for it.

Paul: How odd, now that I finally find my father, it is like I am invisible in Salem.

Maggie: Wonder why my wonderful egg baby son is rarely around anymore? Bet he is hanging with that new guy, Pete, Paul, something like that.
Ben: Could Chad and Abigail somehow escape? Nah, can't happen.

Clyde: I wonder how Ben is. I'll bet he's fine. The kid is always so sane and sensible.

Tater Tot: My new home is so peaceful. No more grouchy great-grandfather barking about one thing or another.

Roman: Dammit, more problems. Now Hope's running amok. If I can't get a kiss, why can't I at least get some peace and quiet?
Daniel: Why do I get a sudden feeling of deja vu every time I talk to Fynn?

Ciara: I wonder how I can force Claire to call me "Aunt Ciara". I am her Aunt after all and I am more important, even though I'm younger than her.

Tate: It's so odd that my great-grandparents are in love and share a child yet aren't married to one another.

Tate: I really hate my name. Though I do like the actor who shares it with me.

Colin: It's so odd how my cousins were married to each other yet they aren't related to one another. RIP Will.

Andrew Donovan: How come my entire family except Mom and Dad are in Salem and I'm not? I want some clam chowder!
Fynn: I wonder if taking that hottie nurse to the Pub will get her to sleep with me. Maybe Daniel will know.

Fynn: I love it that Daniel is also a big ladies man, but that drooling over babes in hospital gowns is a little off-putting.

Fynn: Why does everyone assume that I like to put shrimp on the barbie and want to eat at the Salem Outback?
Jennifer: Hmm I guess I should be a little worried about Abby, after all she.. Wait Eve!! Where are you Eve? I haven't yelled at you this week!

Rafe: Hope has been single for a day, maybe I should kiss her.

Hope: Maybe I shouldn't be waving my gun around. But it's my precious.
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Claire: Wow I just learned that my mom used to be married to my great-uncle :sick:

Kate: I hope that our head designer isn't too conservative. I need some more patterns in my wardrobe that don't coordinate.

Kate: Is my hair blue enough?

Sami: Both my sisters are lawyers? I hope they don't go into practice together and gang up on me. I HATE them.

John: That's a fact! Wait...who was I talking to?
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