Real Life Gabi lives near me


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
The REAL Gabi lives in my town (well, the town next to me... lol). Her name isn' t Gabi, though- it's Regina.

She's in the news this week.... she has filed 19 police reports claiming that she receives "threatening letters from a stalker".... and recently was busted for sending the letters to herself. She made it all up... for attention or whatever.... but I kept thinking... "Gabi? Is that YOU?"'s a link to the article:
yes, I remember that story. :( so sad-- there's sick people everywhere though. Have you heard about the naked man in Florida???

so... twice now.... one was a naked man in Florida, arrested for eating the face off his victim.... another story about a college kid that "went crazy" and ate the brains <-yes brains of his roommate.... not sure where that happened but it was in the U.S.... AND --- we have 3-4 cases just around here of people in quarantine with "flesh eating virus"... all of witch had contact with the same Georgia hospital, so I'm thinking they got it there...but one girl has lost her left leg all the way up to her hip, lost her right foot, and both hands. ... She is in high spirits though, anxious to be a survivor and share her story.... I feel like I'm in a real Zombie movie!