Salem Family Tree Project


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Fill in the blank for the Salemite's origin story they shared (or will share) with their 6th grade class about how their parents met.

"My dad held my mom at gunpoint and said he'd help save her fiancé's life only if she slept with him."

"My mom loved my dad so much, she wore a suit to look like his ex-girlfriend and didn't tell him who she really was."

"My mom and dad were married to other people and were both delirious when I was conceived."

"My mom cheated on her boyfriend, whom my dad loved to torment, with my dad."

"I was probably conceived on the Titan conference table. At least that's what my half-sister says every week."
"My dad raped my mother, who kept quiet and let my uncle, her husband, who was sterile, believe he was my dad until I was a teenager; my Grandpa also knew the truth but kept quiet."

"My parents tried to have a baby but couldn't, so their good friend, my godfather, had frozen eggs stolen from a lab to create me, but never told anybody what he did for over 40 years, even though in vitro fertilization didn't even exist when I was created."
Got all but one of Jason's.

Just Samantha's I don't have a clue.
I thought perhaps Daniel Jonas might be the test tube baby.
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My mama found out she was pregnant but sadly miscarried me at 12 weeks. I returned as an older teen a couple of years later looking for my parents. Then I ran over my baby brother and killed him yet they forgave me.

My mama was drunk got pregnant then went to my dad to tell him he was going to be a daddy, but nope she wasn't my mama anymore, someone else was. I had a better name with my second mom but my first mom and dad gave me a terrible tot name.
My mom and dad hooked up and mom got pregnant, then dad discovered girls weren't his thing, so our cousin pretended to be my daddy. Eventually the truth came out, then later my mom shot and killed my cousin/fake daddy after he tried to rape her.
I was conceived on a day when my sexually adventurous mom had sex with two different guys. I was later kidnapped by a woman who would probably have been a better parent than my dysfunctional mom. Since then, I’ve kept a low profile, which is probably for the best considering the problems that my better known siblings fave had.

I was born because my dad fooled my eccentric mom by dressing up as Elvis. I was raised by my father despite the best efforts of my mother to be reunited with her “darling baby boy.” Since then I have had some contact with my mom, but the chief influence on me was my overbearing, overwhelming father who let absolutely nothing stand in his way.
These are all good
My creative side is currently AWOL