Salem PD

Agree completely. However, the Salem PD has proved pretty inept on many occasions. Never could nail Andre, Stefano for countless crimes. Easily let Lucas take blame for Will shooting EJ, and Steve take blame for Joey doing in Ava. could not find EJ guilty of the Black Hand shenanigans....heck, half the time they did not even know it was the Black Hand doing it.
Currently, their insistence that Ben set that fire, despite no proof, and dreaming up ways for Ben to have gotten to the pharmacy and back, etc. etc. Ugh.
Just wondering what the most corrupt or just stupid thing you have viewed the Salem PD doing since watching the show? For me the treatment of Ben Weston ranks right up there with covering up for Hope when she shot Stefano. :sick: disgusting!
Most of the Salem P.D.'s low points consisted of utter incompetence, but another event that stands out for its total malfeasance was the Fake Rafe incident. When Bo Brady the criminal cop and his happy helper, Hope, apprehended Arnold Finnegar (aka Fake Rafe) instead of taking him directly to the police station they took him to some room, tied him to a chair, and physically assaulted him in an effort to extort information.
I can tell you 2 things I would never count on...
1. The Salem Keystone Kops.
2. The oh so public record hospital.
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