Salem To-Do Lists


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Canada, Eh?
I thought of this idea a few days ago and knew you guys would have some funny responses - if Salemites had "To-do" lists, what would be on them?

Some examples:

Abigail: EJ, Cameron, Chad, Ben,
Theresa: Scheme, avoid work, scoff, roll eyes, speak in tongues to Tate.
Arianna: Nap, nap, nap, nap, nap, nap, nap.
Eve: Buy wine, shop at Barron's, dig through Jennifer's garbage, sniff JJ's jacket, listen to my old records, buy more wine.

Jen: Read Abby's diary, buy braids, call Daddy in Africa, wander through the square, call Daniel to remind him we're not speaking.

Kayla: Check dating apps, review payroll, meet with board, email Stephanie, check email for dating messages, review surgical procedures, check on Mom, buy groceries, call matchmaker

Roman: File reports, call Sami to ask her "What da hell?", scowl-off with Eric, call Marlena, go through cold case files, add to cold case files, lurk outside DiMansion, vow to get Stefano, check on Mom, eat dinner, call Carrie

Kate: Call Lucas to tell him to stop seeing Adrienne, empty threat session with Philip on Skype, email Billie, Rex, and Cassie, take over Countess W's contract at Barron's, get upset about losing three employees to Countess W, daily empty threat session with Victor, 3:30 pm holler with Justin over wine

Paul: Work out, breakfast, work out, run through park, get yelled at by Will, declare self over Sonny, run through park again, stop by Club TBD to tell Sonny I'm not interested in him, get yelled at by Will again, lunch meeting with Vanquish photographer, call Kate to say I hate the name Vanquish, run through park, go to Gym, buy more protein shakes, visit new siblings, therapy, go to gym, run through park, play tennis with Derrick, dinner, go to Gym
@Jason......fab ones!

Kate: buy more clunky jewelry that doesn't go with new ghastly outfits

Anne: Check out new wrap dresses

Eric....check mirror to see if scowl expression stays even if good news

Abby: Start rubbing tummy all the time
Kate: Trade insults with Justin, buy more Blue Chunk hair dye, lunch date with Clyde, make snotty comments to Paul

Will: Blame Paul for something, "research" for Sonix article, blame Paul, help Abby with her pregnancy woes

Abby: throw up lunch, schedule paternity test, not notice how creepy Ben's dad is

Hope: rummage through people's trash for no reason, argue with Aiden over Clyde, read the article "Signs Your Child Might Be A Sociopath", meet with Rafe about investigation on Clyde

Anne: scheme with Theresa, give donors tours of hospital, note that Jennifer hasn't been at work all day, attend Wrap Dresses Annoymous meeting

Tate: side-eye mom, nap, hang out with Uncle Paul, nap, try to tell dad what mommy and her friend did to Nanny Hayley, diaper change

Clyde: Hang out in bushes while listening to Stefano and Chad's conversation, lunch with Kate, be creepy around Abby, call Sami Brady and ask for her copy of "Paternity Test Switching for Dummies"
Eric: Yell at someone, blame Nicole for ruining your life
Caroline: wear a vest, buy Wanchai Ferry, forget something
Julie: cry about Nick, give people Buddha figurines to calm them down, go on a cruise
Doug: break out in song
Maggie: drop some recipes off for Abigail, investigate egg baby's love life.
Arianna: nap, work on plan to break mommy out of jail, nap, practice saying "Damn it Daddy!" so I sound like great-grandpa Roman

Serena: have hourly confrontation with Nicole, record confessionals to use as blackmail, try to figure out who is sending all the "Go away, Bluebird!" messages, avoid Xander

Ciara: make list for my Mayor of Salem campaign, lunch with Chase to discuss how we can make blackmail legal, repair the hole in the secret compartment in my pink backpack, make list of everything I want from Barron's

Daniel: make my hair messy again, buy Nicole the latest fashion from the Hospital Gowns collection, get praised by my egg mommy, apply new coat of Orange Glow
Jeremiah: wake up under bush, brush dirt off clothes, have beer for breakfast, meet with Clyde about selling "product."

Kyle: trim goatee, wonder if JJ is a spy, have second thoughts about dating Paigie-poo, meet with Clyde about selling "product."

Xander: admire self in mirror, go out into the hotel hall in towel, think of new ways to threaten Bluebird, ponder how unfair Uncle Victor is.

Carrie: think about how much she hates Sami, daydream about having sex with Rafe, handle legal work, daydream about having sex with Rafe.

Cole: recall with pleasure trashing the Town Square tree, think lustful thoughts about Paigie-poo, ponder how much he hates JJ and Eve, regret flunking out of Salem U.

Rory: think happy thoughts, try to cheer up gloomy JJ, smoke some pot with Bev, feel proud about making the dean's list at Salem U.

T: think positive thoughts, enjoy company of new, hot girlfriend, feel sorry for Sonny because he's married to an immature brat.

Maxine: think about applying for job at a better hospital; wonder how she could have thought Daniel and Jenny were a good couple; wish the hospital would supply better coffee; wish Salemites wouldn't use her nurse's station as a place to socialize; wonder when or if Jeannie "T., Jenny, and Daniel will show up for work.

Horton Cabin Raccoon Team: keep careful watch for human intruders, make sure Tec-9 submachine guns are in working order, stock up on tasty munchies, party with the Forest Preserve Bear.
Anne: Flirt with every man she comes in contact with, shop for new wrap dresses, tell Jeannie to come to work, tag along with Jeannie when she refuses

Kate: reconcile with Lucas until the next time he disowns her, daily meddling calls with Austin, Billie and Philip, declare Anne her enemy for moving into her territory with the men of Salem

Rafe: "Manage" the Edge of the Square, Investigate Clyde, Talk to Hope about Clyde, Ignore Hope when she reminds him he is no longer a cop

Brady: Figure out who to propose to next; Decide which knee to use; Talk to anyone who will listen about Tate and how great he is while Tate is home with the nanny; Comfort Eric

Jen: Buy Winter wardrobe, berate Daniel, be Mother of the Year to JJ and Abby, berate Eve
Sami: spend quality time with her 8 children (via video chat), make new Truly Radiant commercials, hire PR firm to make sure everyone knows she is "Salem's Greatest Mother", call Carrie and tell her she's a doody-head.
Theresa: Attend Planned Parenthood Classes
Brady: Attend Planned Parenthood Classes
Abby: Attend Planned Parenthood Classes
Chad: Attend Planned Parenthood Classes
Ben: Attend Planned Parenthood Classes
Salem Doctors: Prescribe Birth Control for Salem unmarried but sexually active residents
Salem Pharmacies: Stock condoms and birth control pills
Days New Writers: Right (write) the wrongs of the previous writers
Maggie: Bake cookies, stick my nose in everyone's business, dote on my precious egg baby, take Victor fresh baked cookies, try to remember the names of my other children

Chad: order suits from the Dimera Men's collection, have a cryptic conversation with dad, flashback to sex with Abby, drop in at Club TBD, go to the hospital and lust after Abby

Paige: Yell at JJ, go to work, yell at mom, have coffee with Kyle, remind Bev to not let JJ around her mother

Rory: smoke some pot, have lunch with dad in his favorite bush in the park, try to remember why I'm friends with JJ, buy some more pot to use in new brownie recipe

Brady: leave Tate with my new found brother younger brother, go see my older sourpuss step-brother, ignore Theresa's scheme's, find new nanny for Tate

Eve: blame Jennifer, buy wine, blame JJ, drink wine, whine to Theresa about how awful Jennifer and JJ are

Stefano: plot new moves against the citizens of Salem, plot against Clyde with Victor, manipulate Chad, have a cigar and laugh at the Salem PD, consider hiring Ciara Brady as new scheming partner
Daniel: Kiss Nicole every chance he gets, dote on Parker, drop Parker with sitter, save EVERYONE in Salem (because he's wonder-doc)

Nicole: Plan the wedding, avoid Eric, plan the wedding, play with Parker, kiss Daniel, plan the wedding, avoid Eric, get into it with Serena, plan the wedding.