Salem Weddings

Oh, wow, that was great! Thanx Shawn P........wherever you found this, just love it!
Ahhhh, back when soaps had huge budgets and could pack a wedding with most of the characters and a ton of extras.

I'm a little disappointed they didn't show Sami's wedding when Will shot EJ off the altar. :rotfl:
JS, how about when Xander picked off Marlena when he was trying to shoot Eric. Then there was the “romantic” wedding presided over by Father Eric where Victor showed the Kritter-Eric sex tape. That’s the thing about Salem weddings, you can get heart-warming romance or depressing nastiness or criminality.
I remember Deidre Hall (Marlena) used to joke that this wedding gown and veil were her Statue of Liberty look.

Here's a front view of her gown/veil:
