Salem's Baby Birth stats


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Western Wisconsin
Of 52 births that either occurred on-screen or we were told about contemporaneously, 34 (65%) took place in hospitals (including Marcus's Emergency Clinic, Dr Baker's Clinic, Sherman Falls, wherever Sonny was born, and Los Angeles). Some of these (I'm estimating 3) were hospital-focused stories (i.e., a one-named character giving birth).

Importantly, if you look at the last 10 years of story, there have been shockingly few births (7, or one every 17 months) on-screen or otherwise, with only 1 happening at SU Hospital and one at Dr Baker's clinic (28%).

Go back another 10 years, we have 17 births (or one every 14 months), of which 6 took place in a hospital (35%).

Go back to April, 1992 (halfway point of the show), and we have 24 births (one every 13 months), of which 9 (nine) took place in a hospital (38%). So it's not just our perception - they're actually getting worse at this and cheapening the "drama". (Note: This doesn't include Abby's current pregnancy.) A Salem character who is pregnant is twice as likely to give birth outside a hospital than inside. :rolleyes::eek:

Jennifer Rose Horton was in fact the first non-hospital birth, so I guess Abby's following dual traditions: the DiMera tradition of kidnapping pregnant women and the Bill-Horton-branch birthing-in-odd-places tradition, LOL.
Belle, Parker and Charlotte are the only ones actually born in the Horton cabin on Smith Island. Arianna was born in a shed on Smith Island.

Jennifer was born in a farmhouse.

Noel Curtis was born at Ridgecrest (DiMera hideout)

Andrew Donovan was born in a random hunting cabin

Brady was born in the side room of St. Luke's

Abby was born in a cabin (but not the Horton cabin)

Philip was born at the Salem Inn

Chelsea was born in a Louisiana Bayou gas station

JJ was born in a jungle cave on Melaswen

Claire was born in the side room at St. Luke's

Ciara was born in a warehouse

Johnny and Allie were born in Marlena's bedroom

Grace was born in Mia's apartment

Thomas was born in a cabin in Mammoth Falls

Holly was born in the Lakeview Inn motel

The rest of the more well known Salem babies were born in the hospital (or Dr. Baker's clinic).
My sheet's pretty unruly, but JS has the gist of it. It's just that the majority of babies on the show have been born in odd locations for the last 10-15 years. And yes, that includes Arianna, Parker, and now Charlotte on (Smith?) Island. (I can't recall if that's the name of the island anymore or not.)
Yes, it's Smith Island. It's surprising they didn't name it Horton Island.
Any attempt to rename the island after a dysfunctional, in-crowd Salem family would incur the wrath of the pitchfork-wielding year-round residents and the heavily-armed Horton Cabin raccoons. Both groups must be heartily sick of Salemites bringing their sordid affairs and/or personal problems to their peaceful little island home.