

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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It is amazing the number of things in Salem that are supposed to be a secret, that are told to someone in confidence, then get spread around town, as no one seems able to really hold their tongue. Nicole seems to feel she killed Deimos, told Brady, who loved Nicole so much, he recorded her saying so, and used it as a threat to get her to leave town permanently. But he tells Eve, who then tells Jennifer. Meanwhile he almost tells Eric, but backs off. Victor knows, too. And unbeknownst to Brady, that recording, put into the wall safe, is now in the hands of Xander. Aaaah. And just when will he come strolling back, recording in hand, to use it in some dastardly fashion?

Viv had a deal with Leo, Kate killed her, (managing to wiggle out of a murder charge) and took over the secret.Ted is the attorney, somehow manages to get dirt on everyone in town it seems. Kayla sees Ted, Kate & Leo together, gives that info to Stefan in order to get that bionic eye for her Steve. Meanwhile, Leo goes to see Sonny, Will is there, argument, Leo attempts to kill Will, Sonny pulls him off, Leo hits his head and is a goner. For some stupid reason, the guys don't report it, instead put the body in the trunk of Leo's own car, drive it to a remote location, where it disappears. And Will begins to get letters saying "I know what you did". So, someone knows their secret, Paul is already suspicious of their heads always being together, and you can bet your booty this little secret will soon have wings.
Gabi has changed the DNA results of Abby's pregnancy test, so far, only she knows what she did. But..that should be a matter of record in the hospital, right? And in a few different places besides Abby's file. The lab has to have it's own file. Spoilers say she is informing Kate....bad decision.
Kayla has done some dirty work for Stefan to get the eye for Steve, he doesn't know. Stefan knows, and Steve hates him. How long til Steve learns what his sweetness did, no matter the reason? Victor knew why theresa went to Mexico, but kept that secret until after she returned. He admitted it, was scolded, told how wrong it was of him, etc. Will is now keeping secrets from Paul, Eve from Brady, Jennifer from ERic,
Secrets do have a way of coming out...usually in the worst way.......and have, and will.
Yup, seems you can't live in Salem without having secrets.

I think I might fit in with a few secrets of my own that I kept from my husband like it wasn't the neighbour who didn't replace the empty toilet paper roll, it was me! Ssshhhhhh!!

And it wasnt my sister who used to leave the spoon in the ice cream container, it was me. Ssshhhhhh!!!!

Hahaha, but really, I wonder what event will trigger all of these secrets to come out. When Eric and Jennifer are about to marry is when Jack and/or Nicole return?

I hope there are twists with these secrets. Especially who really murdered Deimos because I still don't believe it was Nicole.
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I know this is about secrets, but 3 of them have to do with the "good" Salem citizens that murder. HUH? Abby - murders Andre. Nicole - murders Deimos & Now Sonny & Will with Leo (not murder, but the cover-up is a big issue). We've also had the Police Commissioner commit murder - (Hope - Stefano, although nobody thinks he's dead), and Kate kill Vivian. And these are all fairly recent. I'm sorry - but is this really good story telling? I don't know about any of you, but I rarely have a chance to interact with murderers on a daily basis. And yet in Salem, every core family seems to have a good guy that has murdered someone (but shhhhh it's a secret). And most of these righteous people are ready to kill Ben.... (oh, right - he's really, really bad, because he's a serial killer, not just a plain old murderer)

On top of all the murderers and secrets, we now have a town full of bullies. Stefan bullies everyone he's near. Kate the same. Hope & Rafe & Claire - all bullying Ben. Sorry - Days - and Days writers, but you are writing a show that isn't entertaining, it's almost as depressing as reality. I watch Days to escape, not for all these murders and secrets. Please, give us some stories that are actually enjoyable, and maybe just a few less murders (or maybe, solve one every before the next one happens!) Is that too much to ask?
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Count me in with those who don't believe that Abby or Nicole did those murders.

The best and most fun secret in Salem for me was Dr. Tom Horton as Norm de Plume. Poor Alice thought he was having an affair , and found him as a beatnik poet in a coffee club.

I remember that. This show used to be a lot of fun.
It's always the same old, same old in Salem.....No more mystery in Salem. We know everything before because it is all so repetitive. No brainers running rampant in Salem as usual. :fan: ShaSha
There is a difference in why people blab. Eve doesn't want her boat rocked, since Vic admitted truth to Jen, who wants to tell Brady & Eve figures he would then dump her. Vic realizes his plan to help Brady retain custody backfired, so he now told Maggie. Eve doesn't know that. Jen knows how much Eric loved Nicole (& vice versa) and believes in telling as it could make a difference in their relationship. And she knows better that he know now, than later on. Tangled webs weaved all over Salem .
And just when will he come strolling back, recording in hand, to use it in some dastardly fashion?
Hopefully soon!!

Secrets can be a good thing for drama, but the stories here are so uneven and almost all of the characters are so unlikable/interchangeable that it doesn't have any impact anymore.