Sightseeing in Salem

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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There's a spoiler that says Maggie and Konstantin go sightseeing around Salem.

What exactly is there to see??

Here's the DiMansion. If you'd like to see inside, all we have to do is waltz in because security is non-existent, just like at the K-Mansion. Here's Horton Town Square, the scene of Rafe Hernandez bouncing EJ DiMera around like a basketball. And here's Sweet Bits, the bakery that sold drugged biscuits and got most of the town high. Speaking of getting high, here's Tom and Alice's house, where a pot-doughnut book club gathering happened one night. Here's the park with Benchie, scene of many overheard "secret" conversations. Here's the famous Brady Pub where if you're lucky, you'll hear ol' Roman mutter his classic: "What 'da hell??" while serving you a bowl of steaming hot clam chowder or a tasty plate of Wanchai Ferry. Bonus if the Brady twins (Sami and Eric, not the other ones, Cassie and Rex) start fighting and she calls him "stoopid bad twin". Even better if John Black comes in and she calls him "the life ruining doodyhead." And here is the Titan conference room table, where John and Marlena had their infamous tabletop tryst, conceived Belle and ruined Sami's life.

Please add your own points of interest in Salem, or even neighboring areas, like the indestructible cabin in Mammoth Falls, or way over in West Salem, where Mami Hernandez lives.
Smith Island, home of the Horton luv cabin, as well as home to the Smith Island Forest Preserve Bear, raccoons and squirrels.

Salem's pet cemetery where you can visit the grave of beloved Pookie.

Chez Rouge, although since it's been sitting unused for long, it's probably been turned into a Spirit Halloween store.
And she needs to show him the purple ribbons she won for her lemon bars.

She can also show him the garden shed, where Xander held Susan and Bonnie captive.

Take him to the sorority house where Victor sent his goons to cover up the fact that Chelsea and her friends killed Ford Decker.
And especially the community food locker, where a mysterious person constantly brings all the produce, meat, canned goods the entire town may need, so no need for a grocery store, supermarket, etc. This is why no one is ever seen going or coming from the store, and thus Salemites have lots of spare time to trade info (read "gossip") about every one else. And perhaps note the comings and goings of their friends, relatives, neighbors. LOL
I think the last time we saw anybody with a bag of groceries is when Sami and Rafe were still married and had moved into his loft. She came home from the store with some groceries, then complained to Rafe how they only had a few bucks left, and the kids needed shoes and clothes, which they couldn't afford to buy. Sure. :rolleyes: Lucas and EJ were wealthy men, so there is no way she wasn't getting hefty child support for Allie, Johnny and Sydney.

That was the kickoff to the storyline of Sami getting the job with Madison James at Mad World Cosmetics.
Other fun locations would be:

the DiMera mausoleum;
St. Luke's where people have stories about the former Father Eric;
Salem Beach where Jett and Jeremy used to mock Nick Fallon, and where Willow Stark died.
what's left of the deadly Salem tunnels;
the place in Salem cemetery where Nick murdered Dr. Trent Robbins;
the sorority house where Ford Decker was buried in the basement;
the warehouse where Yo-Daddy and his Phantom Army shot it out with the Salem cops.
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In addition to sightseeing in Salem, they need to visit the Salem museum to see the following:

Carly's polka dot bra
Little Ciara's pink backpack
Claire's lighter
Xander's kilt
All of the razors the Salem men don't seem to use
Don Craig's tax returns that never got mailed
The blue flashdrive with the video of Kristen raping Eric
JJ's pot doughnut recipe
The books that didn't get read that night at book club
The book Sami wrote, "How to Change DNA Tests For Dummies"
A red necktie
The wallets Hope stole while under the influence of sleeping pills
Fred the elephant
Philip's prosthetic leg
Johnny's prosthetic eye
Nick Fallon's heart shaped pillow
The diamond bracelet EJ bought for Nicole with a tracking device in it
A space pod
A book of recipes by Kate Roberts
A Marlena Evans doll
An empty time machine
All of Sami's wedding dresses
Other fun exhibits would be:

unused condoms once owned by Love Doctor Jonas;
a set of Susan's false teeth;
one of Leo's more creative suits;
the bullet Sami fired into EJ's head;
greasy rags from Jake's motorcycle repair shop;
one of the ties used by Ben during his murder spree;
some of Stefano's Italian opera records;
a bottle of the cleaner used by Harold to sanitize the DiMera love couch.
After living in Greece and eating fine Greek cuisine, I hope Maggie takes him to the Brady Pub to enjoy Salem's finest: garbage can nachos, Choco-Puffs, EJ Chow, a juicy Brady Burger and finish up with some of Kayla's homemade apple pie.
After living in Greece and eating fine Greek cuisine, I hope Maggie takes him to the Brady Pub to enjoy Salem's finest: garbage can nachos, Choco-Puffs, EJ Chow, a juicy Brady Burger and finish up with some of Kayla's homemade apple pie.
Another possibility would Konstantin’s dismayed reaction after sampling the Pub’s version of chicken souvlaki, gyros, or spinach pie, and him wondering why Victor hadn’t made sure that Roman could properly prepare Greek cuisine.
Disgusted because Konstantin thinks he can get away with anything, Steve arranges a special tour, which demonstrates that Salem is really a very dangerous and even lethal place. (Nobody is safe.)

To state prison where he can meet with Salemites who are actually paying for their crimes: Clyde, Orpheus, Dr. Baker, Gus, Vargas, Ian McAllister, Gabi, and Dimitri.

To the DiMansion to see where Faye, Bart, and Stefano met violent ends.

To spot in Salem cemetery where Nick killed Dr. Trent Robbins.

To the place in the Town Square where a bloody Nick Fallon collapsed and died.

To the places where Deimos, Andre, and Charlie Dale were killed.

To Salem Beach where habitual schemer Willow Stark was killed.

To the sorority house basement to see the hole where Ford Decker was buried.

To the Pub to see where Bo shot Martino Vitali.

To the hospital and Smith Island to see where pistol-packing Hope gunned down criminals.

To the Salem jail cell where Arnold Finnegar was killed by a fellow inmate.

Finally, a special tour of all the places Ben strangled his victims conducted by Ben himself.
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