Soap Opera Weekly "Days" Cover Gallery


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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Soap Opera Weekly "Days" Cover Gallery Now Archived.

Finally took the time to scan in all of the "Days" covers of Soap Opera Weekly from its entire run from 1989-2012. The covers are too big for my scanner, so there will be a small portion missing from each cover, but I did the best I could! I'll post covers on here from time-to-time for fans to reminisce. First up: the Matt Ashford (Jack) & Missy Reeves (Jennifer) cover from July 3, 1990.

It surprises me that Soap Opera Digest keeps chugging along.

It's only a matter of time before they fold too. As long as they continue to allow people to post screen shots of the magazine online, subscribers have no incentive to subscribe to or purchase the magazine. Plus their content has been going downhill. They now allow letters to the editor to respond to prior letters to the editor. That's not the purpose of that.
Several years ago this site heard from the mag, told not to post their material, or they would seek legal action. We complied. However, for the past couple of years or more, we have noticed photos of the cover, of the articles, on all different social media. I know all the Days sites, back when we got notified, were also notified. I also used to subscribe, however, they are down to 4 daytime soaps, no prime time ones, and the subscription rate is just not worth it, (unless you watch 3-4 of the soaps). The mag itself posts on social media, has to be aware of others. Admittedly, I have bought the mag after seeing something intriguing and wanting to read further, but, besides the fact my small town stores rarely have the mag, & when they do, only have 2-3 copies (have watched them put them up) it is not even worth looking for it for some time now.
Am guessing, as Heather noted, they may fold, or perhaps go to publishing every couple weeks.
I think they went to once a week when SOW folded, plus only 4 soaps. They used to do pieces on maybe 3 or 4, then the next month the other 3-4........but....times were a changing!
thanx, Jason. Boy, where does time go, lol....subscribed to the mag for years.....