SOD Days' 50th Anniv Issue


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
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As some of you know, I had a very hard time finding this in stores so I ended up ordering directly from SOD. Friday, I actually found an issue in a store and immediately bought it AND I'M SO GLAD I DID.

I sat down to read it today, FINALLY, and it brought back so many memories, bad and good. The magazine opens up with a 2 page interview with Deidre Hall (Marlena) and she tells how her sister, Andrea, came to be on the show. It's an amazing story!

There's a feature called "Super Club" on supercouple weddings - Bo/Hope, Jack/Jen, Steve/Kayla, John/Marlena, Kim/Shane, Justin/Adrienne - and it describes each of their courtships and eventual nuptials. The wedding pictures alone are amazing and each of these amazing weddings garnered their own SOD cover which are also shown.

And they didn't leave out the wacky that's for sure. There's a feature dedicated to the "Utterly Outrageous" which includes Rex & Cassie, Greta and the land of Eden, and of course Marlena's possession. Still can't believe we were led to believe initially that Rex and Cassie were aliens LOL.

One thing I liked most was reading about characters and history of the soap that pre-date my DAYS viewing such as Don/Marlena/DJ, and David Banning & Valerie Grant who had the first interracial kiss on daytime.

The issue is definitely a must read in my opinion.
Yesterday, the WalMart here had about a dozen issues still for sale. !!! I like that the cover has all those very special couples on it....Bo/Hope, John/marlena, Steve/Kayla, Shane/Kim, Justin/Adrienne, ....and a pic of Sami...
I found mine at Meijer, which is local to the Michigan area (it may be in some surrounding states, I'm not sure). I've also read it can be found at Target, Kroger, Wal-Mart and some drug stores. If/when you look for it, most people I correspond with have found it by the magazines & books - not at the check out. It's an actual sized edition, not the smaller one they usually publish.

And yes, it's an absolute must-have!!
I found a copy yesterday when I was at Rite Aid in the magazine section. Thanks to those of you who warned it was an actual magazine size, because when I was looking for it before I was looking for the little magazine SOD normally sells. I now need to find time to sit down and actually read through it.
I picked mine up at my local grocery store, Giant Eagle, and found it by the checkout lines after spending a good 5+ minutes scouring the magazine section like others have suggested (much to the chagrin of my two young children whom I was feeding goldfish crackers just to keep them quasi calm while I looked :)). Anyway, I'm enjoying the magazine. It's interesting reading about the history of the show and old storylines before my time watching the show. All the interviews have been great and the pictures are fabulous. I highly recommend it if you're a Days fan. :clap:
So over the course of the past few days I finally read the whole thing. Here are some things that stand out:

-in the yearly summary section I found it interesting that Tom and Alice didn't seem to be heavily involved in storylines as they were barely mentioned.
-the commentary from the actors involved in the Salem Stalker storyline was very interesting. They all seemed to be shocked at being killed off and as far as they knew it was for real and had moved on with their lives when Days came calling less than a year later to have them back in Melaswen.
-I noticed a lot of comments from various actors talking about the "good old days" when they had more rehearsal time/multiple takes, location shoots, bigger budgets, etc. They said Jennifer's wedding dress cost $10,000 and they made 3 of them due to the stunts involved during the wedding!
-I didn't realize Austin Peck (ex-Austin) was such a jerk. He admitted he was immature and unprofessional while with the show and seemed kinda miffed that the show asked original Austin (Patrick Muldoon) back the last time. Also Lisa Rinna (ex-Billie) said she wasn't happy at all with her last stint with the lack of story and will never return to the show.
-I liked reading about the actors who got their start on Days but are now on other soaps.
-Peggy McCay's (Caroline) comments were pretty funny. She thinks she's written too "fuddy-duddy" (her words) and stereotypical old woman and thinks she should be written stronger. She said she always thought they would reunite Victor and Caroline.
-everyone seems to have such high praise for Ken Corday. I mean, I didn't expect anyone to badmouth him in their interview but I saw a lot of appreciative comments about him and his involvement with the show.
-there's a Days quiz and crossword puzzle. :)
I think I still have the original SOD from Jack and Jennifer's wedding which was filmed at Universal Studios Hollywood. I remember the 3 dresses part due to the stunts.

Around the 2008-2009 timeframe, Austin Peck (Austin) was teaching a group fitness class (kickboxing?) at a gym in NJ. A former boss of mine attended the same gym and actually was friendly with him.
Peggy McCay (Caroline) is correct. She is written too fuddy duddy. She should be stronger. But then again, only Kate is allowed to be strong. All the other women are incapable of showing strength that lasts longer than one episode, with one who is never forgiven for anything, even though others have also "sinned". At least that's how I view this show.
I love Peggy McCay, and think she is a wonderful actress. However, Caroline is a great-great grandmother (Arianna) now, and really managing quite well with her Alzheimer's. And....I seem to remember her having a wonderful time stuffing money into the belts of those male strippers. LOLOL
That said....the character of Caroline is just another victim of the poor writing for characters over the age of 25 on Days by the writers.
Gary Tomlin & Chris Whitesell perhaps would do well at a new version of 90210, since they seem so intent on story only for the very under 30 crowd. Just take a look at Jason47's stats for the year so far.
Kate isn't strong at all in my opinion. She bullied Jordan all the time simply because Rafe was dating her. Then she continued to bother the boring doc even after their breakup. Ridiculous.
Sparkster & Mtnmom win the dare. Bought the issue today. Still have to read. My TV Guide arrived, plus the weekly newspaper......lots of reading for the next several days. LOLOL

As to Kate...she IS strong. But she is a bully, a manipulator, a liar, and evil to boot. And she gets away with it all BECAUSE she is a strong woman.