Sonny's guilt


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I can't begin to describe how utterly stupid it is that Sonny is admitting he killed Diemos though he doesn't have any memory of it. Good grief this is dumb.
Sonny isn't the only dumb one. Commissioner Raines wasn't exactly clicking on all cylinders when he decided to charge Sonny with the Deimos murder. Currently, the only evidence against the Big Boy is his confession. Nobody saw him do it, his prints and DNA aren't on the knife, and there isn't a spot of blood on his clothing. In short, all the Salem P.D. has is an uncorroborated confession, which isn't good enough. In real life, If the police arrested all the people who confess to major crimes, the jails would be jam-packed.
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Raines is a knuckle head!
Yes, he is. The writers are really missing a chance with the Raines character. Initially, it looked as if he'd be a no-nonsense, truly-professional police commissioner who would put an end to cronyism, nepotism, and gold-bricking, and turn the Salem P.D. into as good a police force as is possible under the limited soap format. Now, however, he's as stupid as the dumb plots require, and is a simply a bad-tempered martinent whose main function is making the main characters' lives miserable. In short, he's a one-dimensional character like D.A. Melinda Trask who's all barracuda all the time.
I have been binge watching This is Us and the episode I saw yesterday had Raines in it as a Karate instructor. I have never seen him until Days, but I have to agree with all of you!:back:
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Raines is an annoying character at best. Couldn't Salem come up with a better candidate? Just having a stick up his back doesn't make him intelligent.
Oh, I agree about current Raines......however.....perhaps his character took a nosedive just as other more major characters did under the previous writing regime.
Raines is an annoying character at best. Couldn't Salem come up with a better candidate? Just having a stick up his back doesn't make him intelligent.
At the rate JJ is moving up the ranks, they could of named him as Commissioner!!:sarcasm: