Space news

Thanks, Kat. I just posted in Donuts that I thought it was tomorrow night. But it was so big and bright last night, it isn't surprising that the full phase would be tonight. I like seeing full moons when they are still low on the horizon, and are orange in color, but this one comes up behind an old garage/shop behind my house, with trees behind that. I'd have to go out and walk partway down the hill at the time when coyotes are howling to see it that way. I would have done that years ago but not now. I'll just wait and look at it from inside after it gets a little farther up in the sky.
I went out after 9 and I was too late since moon high. It looked big this morning when I walked early.
Yeah, around 8:30 I suddenly remembered to go look, and wow, was astounded. for a bit I thought someone put up a very tall, huge light pole, lol, as it seemed so close. I had to go outside, on the driveway to get a really good look. Dang WalMart & Slumberland behind me has a zillion light at night, so usually cannot see stars, or even the moon if far away,.
But last night, the moon was so bright, so close, so BIG! was so happy I got to see this rare occurance.