Speculation on Clyde and Aiden

guilty pleasure

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
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I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed - I didn't see it anywhere, so I just wanted to share my idea.

With all the stuff going on between Clyde and Aiden, Abby being pregnant with possibly a DiMera involved, and Sami and EJ being mentioned a few times recently. I'm just wondering if Aiden dropped Clyde because he somehow found out that Clyde was involved in EJ's death. I mean, Aiden seems straight-laced enough that he probably wouldn't be comfortable representing Clyde knowing that he was involved in drugs, or money laundering, or whatever games he may be playing, but the interaction between them today really makes me think it's something more - plus the fact that Aiden is hiding it from Hope.

I don't have any ideas on HOW he found it out (well, except for the guy looking up stuff on Clyde - but there had to be something to precipitate dropping him as a client to begin with), but Clyde has really been more brazen in manipulating people and exerting whatever power he thinks he has, so it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think that Aiden overheard or otherwise caught wind of something Clyde has done recently that caused him to dig deeper.

I don't know, just seems interesting that Stefano is now back, EJ has been mentioned, Abby is pregnant and now the target of Stefano's current plan, and add in the triangle with Ben and Chad, something just seems ripe, to me, for that news to come out. What a tangled web we weave!

What do you all think, am I going out on a limb?! What else could Aiden have found out about Clyde, and where do you think this could be going? Please stay spoiler free in your responses! :)
When Clyde was on the phone with someone, he was confident that Aiden would not "put it all together", then the person called again, (when Clyde was with Ben) and Clyde was very angry, as Aiden HAD put it all together. It could be the trucking business being a front for moving drugs, but it could possibly be something additional.
I caught that family comment too but I'm honestly at a loss right now. I've seen speculation from fans saying that Aiden may go bad and I know anvils were dropped yesterday but I just don't see it yet. To me, Aiden is simply protecting Hope and Chase and himself. I've seen no evidence to indicate that Clyde has something on Aiden only the opposite.
I think Aiden has the concrete proof he needs now that Clyde's business is a front for drugs. It's really time that someone took down Clyde! He comes into town, is responsible for the death of EJ, & the stabbing of Sonny and now this whole paternity thing with Abigail and beating up Aiden? It's insane that he has caused so much trouble with the powerful families of Salem and he is still walking around.
Clyde almost made me laugh with that nobody can go after his family comment. The same family that he spent years treating like dirt. However, he can go after Victor's, I don't think so. Aiden may have very well dug up everything on Clyde's so-called businesses. Why is he being allowed to walk around Salem like he owns the place? Clyde is nothing more than a coward and a bully. What he did to Aiden just proved my point.
Clyde could have caused the accident that killed his wife. Jordan was never very clear about it. After today (8/20) I can barely stand to look at him. RE that: what was the point of that lengthy banter with Rafe? It seemed way too long to me. And now Aiden is lying his face off to Hope.
Rafe also had seen Hope in HTS earlier so I would think the timestamps would work out to show Clyde was somewhere else before the Edge of the Square.
I, too, thought about Aiden finding out about EJ's death and has anyone else wondered if Aiden might work for Stefano?
Sadly I did. But, I am really hoping that is NOT the case. I have no doubt that he really does love Hope at this point.
Clyde intimated to Aiden that he already had an alibi (sounds like Xander's) in that he is on the other side of town, drinking with his buddies.

I am thinking, like DaysLady, that Aiden has learned something personal about Clyde, that HE caused his wife's death, perhaps in chasing that truck with Jordan & his wife in it, he came along side, forced it to swerve, and thus go off and hit the tree.

OR...perhaps Clyde is NOT the father of Ben. Or yes, Aiden learned of the rape of Jordan. The thing is, Clyde said to his lackey on the phone......"You mean he put it together, damn it, he put it all together".
And bam, he was out the door to "take care of business".
I am not sure of the age difference between Jordan and Ben , but is it possible that Jordan is Ben's mother? Clyde could have killed Jordan's mother because she was going leave and take Jordan with her? Maybe Aiden found out and so the reference to "family" in Clyde's remark.