Stock up -- Stock Down


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
Stock up: EJ (sort of) -- who knew that he could be anyone's shoulder to cry on?

Stock down: Shawn -- the clueless wonder never thought of asking for a paternity test for Jan's baby.

Stock down: Orpheus -- why is a supposed criminal mastermind getting involved with a nutcase like Jan Spears?

Stock down: Hope -- what gave her the idea that two people whose only experience in the water involves floating in a Salem pool should sail a boat on the ocean?

Stock up: Rafe -- he's finally picked a good woman, instead of the likes of Sami and Ava.
Stock down: Hope -- what gave her the idea that two people whose only experience in the water involves floating in a Salem pool should sail a boat on the ocean?
Do we know if either of the two folks who now own a boat know how to swim? Not sure they've ever got to the Salem River/Lake (depending on the writers) Honestly I'm not sure either of them ever played in the sprinklers when they were younger.....
Stock Down: Brady Black - His romance with the ex-hooker chanteuse is tepid at best, and he mainly exists in scenes to glower at Leo, Xander, or Kristen.

Stock Up: Kristen Blake - Her decision to stop running for her daughter allows story potential for years, without the silly disguises and further dumbing-down of other characters.

Stock Down: Eric Brady - This wishy-washy doofus makes his twin sister look stable by comparison. He's decided again that Nicole is the love of his life because he can't have her.

Stock Up: The village/s in Africa - The streets of these unnamed and non-specific locations will be brightened by the absence of the skulking ex-ex-ex-priest who has relocated to Salem.

Stock Split: Chanel Dupree - If she can maintain her decision to dump the Dunder Twins and find a new romance, she'll be on the rocket to storyline success.

Stock Way Down: Chad Peterson-Woods aka Chad DiMera - A failure in business and only happy with his wife long enough for her to be temporarily murdered, this guy's storyline potential is all dried up.
Stock Down: Salem P.D. -- Jan fell off a dock and they can't find any trace of her? Go figure.

Stock up: Rafe -- Lani is off his police force which vastly improves its level of professionalism.

Stock Way Down: Jan Spears -- Vanishing without a trace into the murky Salem River could be the end of the line unless she can rise from its watery grip like Nick Fallon.

Stock Down: Orpheus -- Having a son as clueless as Evan makes him look bad.

Leo: Stock up -- With Clyde in the slammer, people won't be looking his way in the Abigail case.

Stock Down: Shawn --Thanks to how own foolish behavior, his wife has developed the hots for EJ, which will make him a laughingstock at the police station if the news gets out.

Stock up: Moby Dick -- With the obsessive Captain Ahab gone and replaced by amateur sailor Ben, things will be looking up for Moby and his fellow sperm whales.
Stock down: Belle -- for forgetting a critical wardrobe item when fleeing EJ's bedroom. Hopefully, she's more careful than this when handling her client's affairs.

Stock way down: Lucas -- the former Mr. Good-Guy has been revealed as a scheming felon.

Stock down: Sami --in addition to her poor taste in bridal gowns, rudely and abruptly dumping the groom at the altar is always bad form.

Stock down Johnny -- wearing a bright red suit to a wedding indicates that he shares his mother's poor taste in clothes.

Stock down: Chad -- instead of being a cool, calculating DiMera, he's revealed that he's a semi hysteric who jumps to possibly wrong conclusions.

Stock up: Rafe -- he kept his cool when people around him were losing their's.

Stock up: Clyde -- for the discovery that he couldn't have committed Salem's current crime of the year.

Stock up: Eric -- he managed to get through his twin sister's wedding debacle without showing his classic "hurt" expression.
Stock down: Ava -- The best she can do for a sort-of love interest is a guy who's half her age. Whatever happened to the temptress who lusted for Patch?

Stock down: Gabi -- She's clinging to her job because of the whims of unreliable DiMeras. She'd better check out the location of the unemployment office.

Stock way down: EJ -- He's proving to be truly pathetic as a schemer. Stefano would be more than disappointed.

Stock up: Wei Shin -- He's catching on how truly dysfunctional Gabi and the DIMeras really are. He ought to pull his foolish son right out of Salem.

Stock up: Leo - He's proving adept at dodging legal bullets despite the fact that people despise him.

Stock slightly up: Alex -- despite his social ineptitude, Stephanie hasn't thrown anything at him yet.

Stock way down: Abe -- he actually thinks that he could get elected governor and that Paulina is just the person to pull it off. The sad fact is that outside of Salem, Abe couldn't be elected dogcatcher.

Stock way down: Orpheus -- his plots are boring, trite, pathetic, and unsuccessful, which puts him at the bottom of the Salem barrel. He should ask to return to prison where at least he got three free meals a day.

Stock slightly up: Dr. Rolf -- his elaborate plan to bring back Stefan Zero seems on the verge of success but will the Kreepy Kritter pay him for his efforts?
Stock way down: Clyde -- he went to the DiMansion for no good reason, committed a pointless murder, and is now in the Salem slammer.

Stock up: Leo -- against all odds, he's actually out of jail. Can he now beat more odds and actually find true love?

Stock down: EJ -- for all his noise and plotting, he's no closer to taking over at DiMera Enterprises.

Stock down: Stephanie -- she actually thinks that she can promote a state-wide campaign for governor? She'd be better off advising candidates for class president at Salem High.

Stock up: Will -- he's getting out of town while he's still whole in mind and body.

Stock down: Eirc -- no matter what happens, he always has his "hurt look."

Stock up: Nancy -- she's survived the worst Salem has to offer and is getting out of town with her head held high.

Stock up: Brady -- he actually won his custody case against the unspeakable Kritter. Now if he can only get his bratty daughter under control?

Stock down: Orpheus -- he's back in jail and his dumb plot against the ladies is ultimately doomed to failure.
Stock way down: Ava — Not only is she a career criminal, she’s an awful driver

Stock slightly up: EJ — He really does care for his mother.

Stock down: Melinda — she’s salivating over a case where the facts clearly show that no crime was committed.

Stock down: Brady — he won his custody case, but then caved and moved in with the Kritter.

Stock up: Justin — he was able to play the hero by rescuing Bonnie from the garden shed.

Stock up Little Johnny - he actually outfoxed Rolf and got away with Wendy. (Will the mad scientist ever be able to live this down?)

Stock down: Xander — he’s committed a felony and then lied to Sarah. Only some really good luck can save him now.

Stock slightly up: Leo — despite his problems, Sonny does seem to feel a little sorry for him.

Stock down: Nicole — she‘s brought new meaning to the tem “faithless wife.” Thanks writers.:sarcasm:
Stock at rock bottom: Ava — her plots are so awful that they’ve landed her in Bayview.

Stock slightly up: EJ for being so hospitable to Nicole.

Stock up: Sonny — for putting a roof over homeless Leo’s head.

Stock way down: Will — For being such a jerk about Sonny helping Leo.

Stock down: Justin — for pointlessly prying into Xander’s affairs.

Stock down Sarah — for repeatedly giving Xander a hard time about his supposed role in the Mr. Clown affair.

Stock down: Li Shin — his constant fretting shows that he’s unfit for the Salem scheming game.

Stock up: Leo — for talking his way into the K-mansion despite the vocal objections of Victor.

Stock up: Belle — for actually getting all charges against Paulina and Chanel dropped (compared to slimy Sloan, she’s a regular Clarence Darrow).
Stock up: EJ for actually admitting wrongdoing and apologizing.

Stock down: Stefan Zero for using EJ’s amazing apology as the reason for another cheap revenge plot.

Stock up: Little Johnny for putting Little Trippy in his place with a one-punch victory after the son of Ava swung at him.

Stock up: The Writers: For scripting Marlena’s remarkably good death scenes.

Stock down: Allie for acting so stupidly when she found Little Johnny with Chanel.

Stock up: Rafe for arresting the Kritter and getting her into a cell without her escaping.

Stock at rock bottom: Kristen for failing to blackmail EJ and then ending up in Rafe’s jail.

Stock down: Eric for actually sleeping with shyster Sloan. (Has he forgotten that this is a serious sin?)

Stock way down: Li Shin for his pathetic efforts to win back Gabi after his cruel Stefan plot was exposed.
Stock Up: Wilhelm Rolf - he has evaded capture and doubtless has deep pools of ill-gotten cash and a whole world that's 16+ hours from Salem in which to hide.

Stock Down: Allie Horton - she's received only halves of stories since her time on the show, and unless she's possessed by the devil, she's undergone a serious personality shift in the last week that will ruin her.

Stock Way Down: The Afterlife - the show's lack of an effects budget strains credulity even more than the tepid writing.
Stock up Leo: As Lady Whistleblower, he still hasn’t been sued or assaulted.

Stock way down Sloan: Her legal actions have failed and nobody seems afraid that she’ll sue them.

Stock way down Megan: She’s in the slammer with no hope of getting out.

Stock up Xander: With Chloe, his love life has taken a turn in the right direction,

Stock down Faux Bo: His plots are going nowhere and his new personality isn’t making him any friends.

Stock up Maggie: She’s really asserted herself and put lover boy Alex in his place.

Stock down Steve: His efforts to handle Faux Bo have failed dismally.

Stock way up Marlena: She’s free of Megan, reunited with John, and back to hypnotizing Salemites.

Stock down Chanel: Her sort-of bakery drugged half of Salem and she has no idea why.
Stock down: Stefan for being rated the most craven, cowardly DiMera for obediently following Clyde's orders.

Stock down: Sloan for being named the attorney most likely to have to go to rehab.

Stock up: Harris for being shot and going into a coma, which makes him a real Salemite.

Stock up: Sarah for standing by Xander for a change.

Stock down: John and Steve for failing to convince Maggie to dump Konstantin.

Stock up Ava: for remembering her Vitali heritage by swearing to kill Clyde if necessary.

Stock up: Abe for finally doing something useful by performing a wedding.

Sock down: Everett for having a personal history that’s a hopeless mess.

Stock down: Officer Goldman for violating the rule that uniformed Salem cops should be seen and not heard.
Stock Up: Xander for manfully bearing up to his grossly unfair treatment by imoronic D.A. EJ.

Stock Up: Tater Tot: for keeping his act together and not strangling Holly despite her maddening behavior.

Stock in the Toilet: EJ for his grossly unjust treatment of Xander and the Tot.

Stock Way Down: Holly for not telling the truth about her overdose because she fears what her Mommy will think.

Stock Way Down: Self-important Clyde for his idiotic, largely unsuccessful plots.

Stock in the Sewer: Konstantin for his wailing and constant accusations against John and Steve.

Stock Up: Harris for surviving Stefan Zero’s murder attempt and not losing patience with idiot Ava.

Stock Up: Steve for saving Wendy and Trippy and bravely enduring John’s nonsense about his past.

Stock Down: John for actually getting hung up on his past for the umpteenth time.

Stock Down: Stefan for his bad imitation of a hit man and for growing what looks like a fake mustache.

Stock up: Abe for getting his memory back and not immediately demanding his mayor’s job back from incompetent, EJ-loving Paulina.