Storylines that could've been

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Years ago, before Sami got involved with EJ, I always thought it would've been a great storyline to find out that when Samantha Evans was a struggling actress, she sold her eggs to make money. Somehow Stefano got them, fertilized one with his magic essence, and managed to have it implanted in Marlena when she was pregnant with Eric, so that Sami would've been the biological daughter of Samantha and Stefano.

Imagine her finding out her beloved daddy wasn't really her father? Her screeching would've caused Salem to implode.

I also would've liked if Susan and Edmund had a bunch of kids, all with Elvis-themed names like Presley, Jesse (Elvis' stillborn twin), Aaron, Garon, Priscilla, Lisa Marie, Vernon, Grace (for Graceland), etc. who eventually made their way to Salem to interact with EJ. Normally DiMeralings don't have half-siblings on their mother's side, except Lexi (Cameron was her half-brother via Celeste). The other one is StefanZero. But I doubt they'd have Quinn Hudson come back to Salem to meet his Frankenbrother.

What storylines would you have liked to seen throughout Salem's history?
Back during the Parker paternity umbrella, I really wanted Stephanie to grow a spine and kick Nathan Horton to the curb, then be single for a while and work as a reporter (getting involved in several stories) before getting a non-Horton, non-DiMera, non-Kiriakis love interest.

I always thought they should have given Will another boyfriend before Sonny with whom he was semi-serious. I just hate it when couples are set in stone for 2 years before they happen.

I second the notion that there are too few non-DiMera half-siblings in Tony's generation. (We're supposed to believe that Stefano was a premium lover who spoiled his women for all other men.) Although we did have John for awhile, and I do wish they'd reconciled the story the way I did in a peri-Daysaster fanfic (where his mother was Daphne, but his father was still Leopold Alamain, making him the half brother of Tony & Lawrence).
Speaking of Parker's paternity, I really wanted them to redo that (again) during the Philip/Chloe/Brady half-triangle we had last year. Instead we got crazy Philip. Perhaps we could still have the reveal happen, and Philip is recovered and returned to Salem, and despite no longer caring about Chloe, Brady is crazy jealous (he's usually not the jealous one in a triangle). I'm not saying it'd be great, but it'd be better than bratty Rachel and her psycho mom's machinations.

I also thought it would be interesting if a sister or other close relative of Kate's could come to town. A brother would be interesting, or even a really young mother (maybe she had Kate as a teen). Come to think of it, I can't think of a darn thing that's ever been said about her pre-hooking days.

And of course, my old standby, ending the DiMera curse of endless Stefano-spawn and bringing in a nephew or cousin of Stefano's (not to mention leaving André as a nephew). This would increase the likelihood of some family loyalty but place different fault lines around what's acceptable and not acceptable. (As is, the siblings pretty much forgive anything short of murdering each other, and even that's negotiable.) A great example would have been Sam Maitland actually being the sibling of André by Vivian, or EJ really being brainwashed into being the still-teenage Stefano/Susan son but he was really another brother's son.
Come to think of it, I can't think of a darn thing that's ever been said about her pre-hooking days.
Well, we do know she was married to Curtis Reed, had Austin and Billie, and thought the kids were dead (Curtis faked their deaths), before becoming a hooker.

Speaking of, they never did say what Austin and Billie's real names were since Curtis changed them after faking their deaths. You'd think Kate would've said "OMG, it's really you, Gabe and Susie" [just making up names], when she discovered they were her thought-to-be-dead kids.
we do know she was married to Curtis Reed, had Austin and Billie
Oh gosh, I meant pre-those-days, although Curtis (not that he was reliable) did refer to her as a (different word for) hooker during their marriage.

Like it's weird she's been on the show for nearly 30 years and we don't know anything about her family background. Great point about the kids' real names, too.
I'd like to see them slowly get rid of the sci fi angle of the soap now...
I second that, but with a "one week until all the zombies except Will wither and die". Will was a special case. They didn't even have a formula when Jack died.

If they did it soon, it could create conflict as Gwen might inherit some of Jack's money (if he still has any). Imagine if Chad and Gwen were co-running the Spectator (actually who owns that now - didn't Jennifer and Adrienne buy it? - I forget what was mentioned after that...). Meanwhile, almost all the DiMeras would also be gone - Stefan, EJ, Tony - which would leave quite a power vacuum (leaving just Chad and Kristen). If we like EJ enough, we could reveal he's actually a cousin who had surgery to look like EJ.

That would also mean we don't get Bo and Megan, which is fine by me but if I were the showrunner would get me axed by the fans, lol.
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It would make more sense than a random lookalike cousin, and it would play as an homage of sorts.

I also think the show wasted the talent of A Martinez as Eduardo, who had tons of story potential with or without Adriana around.

They have wasted so much story with Sarah.

They have sacrificed too many characters for Ben & Ciara.

They have destroyed too many characters based on Alison Sweeney's casting whims (as Sami).
I’ve always thought that having Xander lose his Titan CEO job was a big mistake. He was doing a fine job and actually went to work. They could have had a plot where the hard-charging X-Man has Titan easily outperforming DiMera leading to chaos there as Gabi, EJ, Zero, Li, and even Little Johnny play the blame game. Aiding Xander is his assistant, Charlie Dale, who thanks to Xander’s advice, is a major player on the Salem social scene outcompeting a frustrated Alex who’s regarded by many as a vulgar horn dog who can’t keep track of his wandering underwear.

Ava is so proud of her successful son that it never occurs to her to kidnap Susan. A living Susan has a vision, allowing her to find the missing orchid, meaning that Doc, Kayla, and Kate are saved in the nick of time, leaving Orpheus chewing the carpet in his prison cell in frustration. Meanwhile, Sarah’s grouchy, judgmental, and self-righteous behavior at home and the hospital has even Maggie wondering if Xander would be better off without her.
I wish they would go back to the root of the story, the Horton family. There are a lot of Hortons out there and their families. What about all the Bradys also?

There a lot of stories they can make just with in these families but no, they have to go with such farfetched storylines and nobody is never happy and the marriages never stay. What about just every day problems and health issues? No, it's got to be about orchids and gems and something so far out there you can't believe it. Lol Also the devil, too. Lol