

Active Member
Aug 23, 2011
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We know that Bo is coming back now, and that he has a good reason for staying away this long from his wife and child. I used to love Bo and Hope together, but I don't know how the writers are going to twist history so Bo comes out looking like a hero in all of this? No matter what happened on the way, he still choose to leave his wife and child.

And Hope and Aiden have become a stable couple now, but it seems they want to make Aiden a bad man, for Bo's return. Thought Corday said Aiden turned out to be a good guy? This seems like the story they made for Jack and Jennifer last time Jack came back (without the bad guy).

I am sooo happy Bo is coming back, and I don't mind a Bo and Hope reunion, but in my opinion Aiden should not have to be a bad guy, and Bo should get some competition, and fight to get Hope back.

What do you think? Do you think they will push for a fast Bo and Hope reunion? Do you think Aiden will be bad? Is Rafe the new guy?
Yes CTDaysfan, I'm wondering that too. I don't know what his contract status will be, but if it's short term, and Aiden is bad, then what?
I hope the Rafe angle is scrapped and doesn't get resurrected.

As far as Bo and Aiden, it seems like Hope would forgive Bo, but probably not so fast, no matter the circumstances. I don't like Aiden becoming a bad guy. He was the only likeable new character the old writers spawned, I'd like to see him stick around and not be a jerk.
I haven't watched in so long I probably shouldn't be answering this thread but I'm over the moon happy that Bo is back and I want to see him and Hope back together and I'm willing to swallow just about any stupid excuse they give me for his absence. I know that is wrong and flies in the face of my past criticism of the writing but what can I say, I'm a Bo and Hope supporter from the 80's. They were my first taste of romance as a teen and I :love: them.

That said, I would be happy to see Bo have to fight to win Hope back from Aiden.

By the way, I've watched the last few episodes for the first time in ages and am enjoying what I'm seeing.
Bo and Hope were my first romantic story as well. But he has crapped on their marriage too many times. It's like the new team knows how ticked we all were when Jenn had little sympathy for Jack and only got back together when Daniel had enough, walked away and left her with Jack, the booby prize.

So now they may just bring Bo back, have another sob story and have her forgive him and reunite. Bo ruined himself with the polka dot bra hag. This story could truly be the poop frosting on the dung cake.
I'm not liking Aiden anymore. He is too much a opportunist and has been lying for awhile. He can be a victim of the serial killer, off him and Bo can GO! I'd be fine with Rafe and Hope even though there is NO chemistry. Even Deimos could be a match for Hope.
Thank you. If anything can bring me back, it is Bo and Patch. :)

And I forgot the part about Rafe - No.No.No.Just No.

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Hi Puddle Duck! :)

I'm not so sure Aiden is a bad guy. I think this all may be a red herring and he is in some kind of trouble. He seems to be quite fearful of whomever he keeps talking to on the phone so it's possible he is being blackmailed. Perhaps someone knows about Chase killing Meredith. I like Aiden and I like Aiden with Hope. I do not want to see anything bad from Aiden.

Bo Brady does belong in Salem as does his son. I want Bo in Salem whether he is or isn't romantically linked with Hope. I am hopeful that he is either recurring or he has signed a short term contract with the intention of returning again in a few months. I know his wife has been on tour in Europe for a while now so I wonder if that may have played into his air time on the show since he has a young daughter at home.

As for Rafe, I do not want him and Hope romantically linked. The Sami factor is too close for comfort plus I do want Rafe to have children of his own. While Hope isn't exactly over the hill yet, I do think she is past that point in her life. So, Aiden or Bo would be a better fit.
I definitely think that Aiden is being blackmailed, I also think it has to do with Chase being the reason Meredith died. He does seem very fearful of whoever is on the phone, very frustrated in regards to Hope. I think he really does love her, whether it was part of his plan or not.
I agree about Aiden. They are leading us to believe that he is bad, but I think all will be revealed and he is not as bad as we are thinking.

But..... I am currently thinking he is being blackmailed, and is in need of money, and we are led to believe that he is marrying Hope for her money.

But..... one phone call does not ring true to this theory, and that is the phone call when he talked specifically about Hope and that he is sure that he has her, and Bo is no longer in the picture.

This is the call that has me thinking differently. This would have nothing to do with my original thoughts of him being blackmailed to protect Chase and using Hope for her money.

That call makes me think that he is a plant all along and it was always sinister about Hope and Bo.
I think it's complete crap that Caroline and Victor have their heads up their butts when it comes to Hope moving on with her life. Sure they are Bo's parents but they saw how Bo has crapped on his marriage to Hope and abandoned his daughter. Hope waited 2 years while Bo kept breaking his promises to come see them, he stopped contacting her and ultimately sent a dear John letter to her. So Victor and Caroline can stick their opinions in their ears and shut up.

I also don't like that Victor is siding with Caroline right to Maggie and walking away from the conversation with Caroline, it's just plain disrespectful. As was Victor going to the hospital late at night to see Caroline without saying a word to Maggie. The next time he disrespects Maggie she needs to call him out on it.
Whatever has happened to Bo in the last couple of years, no matter if he went working for ISA, or some dangerous undercover operation. The fact remains that originally, Bo left home to roam, to find himself. He was not working for anyone 6 mos. after he left, when he was visiting Shawn & Belle, and then Hope & Ciara flew there to spend Christmas. He decided to stay on with Shawn & Belle for a while, so Hope & Ciara came home alone.
So I really have no sympathy for him. He left of his own desire, to just joyride around the country, the world. He left his wife and daughter behind and did not have any inclination to come back home. He can get rescued, can be returned to Salem.
I am sorry the former writers chose to treat the character's departure the way they did. If they thought perhaps the actor needed some time off..o.k. But when he did not return, (the actor, I mean) then that was when they should have dealt with Bo being gone. They could have had Bo missing at sea, presumed drowned, just like Kate, if they did not want to get rid of the character permanently. If Tony could survive 20 years on some island, Bo could as well.
Whatever has happened to Bo in the last couple of years, no matter if he went working for ISA, or some dangerous undercover operation. The fact remains that originally, Bo left home to roam, to find himself. He was not working for anyone 6 mos. after he left, when he was visiting Shawn & Belle, and then Hope & Ciara flew there to spend Christmas. He decided to stay on with Shawn & Belle for a while, so Hope & Ciara came home alone.
So I really have no sympathy for him. He left of his own desire, to just joyride around the country, the world. He left his wife and daughter behind and did not have any inclination to come back home. He can get rescued, can be returned to Salem.
I am sorry the former writers chose to treat the character's departure the way they did. If they thought perhaps the actor needed some time off..o.k. But when he did not return, (the actor, I mean) then that was when they should have dealt with Bo being gone. They could have had Bo missing at sea, presumed drowned, just like Kate, if they did not want to get rid of the character permanently. If Tony could survive 20 years on some island, Bo could as well.

I was glad that Victor acknowledged this on today's episode. So, even though he may not approve of Hope remarrying, he does feel that Bo left on his own accord.