Texas Girl and Days Degrassi

Days Pretender

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Myers, Florida
We have two of our own who are taking final exams very soon, and man if you ever need the help of our Lord In Heaven, it is when you are trying to take the exams that will make a difference as to the assistance we receive, or where we go to school, or even if we get to go to school due to one thing or another. Pray for our young adults that choose to join us on a regular basis, and perhaps we too with the assistance of Our Lord and Savior, can do some little thing, or say just the right thing to help them with a decision they are trying to make, or perhaps to have the Hands of our Lord on them for the protection and assistance that they will need. Thanks everyone,,, I just know this is easier for us to pray about, than it is for them to mention, Let us surprise them with the knowledge that God is on the side of education, and His being able to assist the studier... Thanks again.
Thanks so very much for this! I need it! Alas, I will have to take Anatomy and Physiology I all over again...must have an "A" in the class to get into the Physical Therapy program. But, I will still try to do as well as I possibly can on the test Monday. As well, on my other three tests! Love ya'll