The Cop and the Bad Girl-a Rafe and Nicole love story

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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I thought that, since many of us here have been talking of a Rafe-Nicole pairing lately, that I'd make a story where they begin to acknowledge their feelings for each other. So here it is, so far anyways:

Chapter 1: Rafe's point of view (takes place sometime around where DAYS is right now)

Rafe walked into the Town Square, and saw Sami and EJ sitting together, laughing, with Johnny and Sydney playing with their little dinosaur toys nearby. Rafe had to admit to himself that he did still love Sami, and it hurt to see her with EJ, but he knew that he didn't deserve all of her crap. He also didn't think she would last long with EJ: Sami Brady was one of the most fickle women he knew. But most of all, he missed the family dynamic he had with her and the kids: playing with Johnny's dinosaurs with him, having tea parties with Allie and Sydney, watching action movies with Will, and even cheesy chick-flicks with Sami and Gabi. He knew that those days were gone, and it wasn't even all Sami's fault. Sure, she cheated on him, and lied about it, with EJ, got together with Lucas, and then when Lucas left her, kept hanging onto EJ and stringing Rafe along. But Rafe lied to her about Nicole's baby, got involved with Carrie, even while they were married, and, of course, Sami hated his friendship with Nicole. But for whatever reason, Rafe didn't want to lose Nicole as a friend. They used to...well, not quite HATE each other, but they didn't like each other. Maybe because Rafe was married to Nicole's mortal enemy, Sami, or because Nicole was married to Rafe's mortal enemy, EJ. But because of the pain Sami and EJ caused them, Rafe and Nicole put their sordid past behind them, became friends, and gained a mutual friend in Daniel over the whole baby secret. And, despite Sami's anger over the baby situation, Rafe knew that he would never tell her if he got another chance. Was it because it wasn't his secret to tell? Maybe...but there was a deeper reason...Rafe couldn't make out what it was. This feeling: why had he been so protective of Nicole? He was even a little bit upset when he learned that she was dating Daniel. Partly because he knew Daniel would always love Jennifer, but there was another reason.

"Hurts, doesn't it?"

The soft voice sounded behind him, and it was all too familiar. Rafe looked upon a beautiful blonde woman, taller than the average woman, her eyes the color of the ocean. "I mean, I miss playing with the kids too."

"Nicole!" Rafe was glad to have his best friend by his side. He hugged her, feeling her warm breath on his neck.

"Whoa, OK, you're too strong Rafe, you're hurting me!"

Rafe broke his bear hug and the two friends laughed. "Hey, sorry I haven't had time to return your emails. I've been so busy at the office, now that Bo's gone on that sailing trip around the world."

"Oh, don't worry, I haven't had much free time, either," Nicole replied. She got that look on her face, like she up to no good. Rafe knew that look all too well. This was Nicole Walker, after all.

"What, getting busy with Eric? You guys having a secret affair?" Nicole looked down as Rafe laughed.

"Well," she began, "that's not what I was gonna say. I was talking about trying to split up Brady and Kristen, but now that you mention it..."

To Be Continued...
Chapter 2: Nicole's point of view:

Nicole remembered the night she spent comforting Eric after another one of his nightmares, which had been less frequent. They had nearly kissed after a heart-to-heart, but Nicole left. The next day, Eric had kissed her, and they began making out, sleeping together that night. They decided that their feelings could no longer be ignored, but Eric wanted to keep it a secret. Nicole knew she had to tell Rafe: he was her best friend, and she wanted to tell someone. And yet, something about it felt wrong. She didn't want to hurt Rafe, or for Rafe to know exactly.

But why would this hurt Rafe? He was so hung up on Sami.

"Well?" Rafe said, starting to get one of his smirks when he suspected something.
"Eric and I...we're together." Nicole said in a rushed, quiet voice. Nicole saw a glimmer of sadness in Rafe's eyes, but thought he was probably thinking of the kids still.

"Wow..." he said.

"Rafe, you obviously can't tell anyone. Eric wants to keep his job, and so do I. And what would people think of me if this secret got out? They'd think I was truly incapable of changing, like EJ and Sami are."

Rafe nodded. "Hey, Nicole, I'm not gonna tell anyone. I just think you should be careful about this, K?"

"I will." Nicole and Rafe hugged. For whatever reason, their hugs always Nicole. The smell of his Black Suede cologne from Avon, his muscled, protective arms around her, and of course, how attractive he was, in every way.

Stop, stop thinking "what if"! It's not gonna happen! He'll probably try to win back Sami. Nicole kept wondering recently what would've happened. What would've happened if she had told Rafe over the summer that she had feelings for him? What would've happened if she had chosen to pursue him instead of Daniel? Would her new friendship with Carrie have turned into a rivalry? Would Rafe have felt the same way about her? Would Sami have tried to steal him from her? There was no point in wondering, because Rafe had loved both of the Brady sisters, and Nicole had developed feelings for Daniel-feelings that she recently weren't love, but obsession. Suddenly, the hug broke, and as Rafe stepped aside, Nicole saw EJ and Sami staring at them.

"Hey, you wanna go grab a cup of coffee from Sonny's place?" Nicole suggested.

"Yeah," said Rafe, "I wanna hear more of how you and Eric Brady got together!" They walked off.

The coffee house was adjusted to a comfortable temperature, and Rafe and Nicole sat at the table they usually sat at.

"So, tell me what happened, Nicole. How you, the bad-girl-gone-good, fell for the priest!" He laughed a bit, and Nicole couldn't help but giggle either. She told Rafe the whole story.

"So you and Eric are for real...even though he and Chloe had that tryst recently?"

"Hey! How'd you know about that?" Nicole asked.

"Rumors, but I know they're true. I saw how they looked at each other. She must've given up on Daniel."

"Yeah," Nicole said. "He figured out her plot, and in her sadness, she turned to Eric before going back to Chi-town. I'm glad that hasn't come between us, though. I told her yesterday about me and Eric, and she didn't seem to care."

"Well, that's good! I'm glad you didn't lose her as a friend, even if she does live far away."

"Yeah," said Nicole. "You and Chloe are the only ones who know. And for a while, I want to keep it that way."

Rafe took a sip of his coffee. He looked a bit dismayed at the news, but he covered it up with one of his smiles. "Well, I'm happy for you, Nicole. For a moment there, I thought you were gonna say you wanted Daniel back."

Nicole laughed with Rafe. "Daniel and I are just friends now. I'm happy for him and Jennifer...even if Jennifer and I aren't...well...friendly, to put it mildly."

After finishing their coffee, Rafe decided he had to get back to work. He hugged Nicole goodbye, and walked to the door. Nicole watched him leaving, wishing that it was Rafe that she had decided to be with, not Eric. Suddenly, Rafe looked back at Nicole, smiled, and left. Nicole wondered. I like Eric, a lot, so why am I thinking like this about Rafe? And why was he sad to hear the news? Does he feel anything, no way in hell. Nicole brought her coffee mug up to the counter and walked out into the cold Salem wintery air.
Chapter 3: Rafe's point of view:

Rafe arrived at his loft and hung his jacket on the coat hook. After washing his hands, he sat down in front of the TV, trying to see if anything interesting was on. But except for reality shows and reruns of his mother's favorite Spanish soaps, nothing was on. He turned off the TV and thought about his talk with Nicole earlier. Why? Why am I so upset that she is with Eric? They have a history, afterall. Rafe brushed off his anger at the fact that Nicole and Eric were secretly seeing each other, believing that he was just mad after seeing EJ with Sami and the kids earlier that day. A knock sounded at his door. Rafe got off of his couch and opened it, seeing Daniel standing outside.

"Hey, man, I was just hoping we could talk," said the surfer-surgeon.

"Hey! C'mon in! It's good to see ya," said Rafe. "We haven't really talked in a while, since the incident with Nicole's baby. How are you? I hear you're back together with Jennifer Horton."
Daniel smiled. "Yeah, I am. We're happy together. And that's kind of the reason, I guess, why I haven't seen too much of you and Nicole lately. Not to mention everything with Chloe and Parker. Sorry about that, I don't want you to think that I don't have time for friends."
Rafe closed the door and got two beers out of the fridge for him and Daniel. "No, man, I've been busy myself. Work, Sami, my sister being pregnant, everything. And I'm happy for you. I know you've always wished that Parker was yours. And I'm happy for you and Jennifer."

Daniel smiled. "Thanks, man. So, how have you been?"

Rafe opened his and Daniel's beers, wondering where to begin.

"Well, I'm glad that Sami and I are history. Other than that, I'm just a bore. Doing nothing but work and hiding myself from the cold in here, watching TV."

Daniel and Rafe laughed.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I mean, you and Sami...Nicole told me she was rough on your sister."

"Thanks, but I'm not sorry. I've seen her for who she is-a hypocritical, fickle tramp. I mean, as soon as we were over, she ran to EJ and they had sex."

The look on Daniel's face showed his disgust. While Daniel had slept with many women, most of them being his patients, Sami's eagerness to never be alone or single still mystified him-especially since she was reuniting with EJ, a man who she had so much baggage with.

"Well, I'm just glad that EJ and Nicole are finished. She was hurt by him so much. She deserves
better..."Daniel smirked, looking pointedly at Rafe.

"Oh boy. What is it?"

"Nothing," Daniel said, smiling and looking down. "It's just that...well, you're awfully close with Nicole. Y'know, when we first got together, I was jealous of that closeness."

Rafe smiled. "Man, you had nothin' to be jealous of. Nicole and I are just friends. Besides, I'm not totally over Sami. And when I talked to Nicole earlier today"

"See?" Daniel interrupted. "You and Nicole, talking earlier today."

"Well, that's what friends do," Rafe said. "When I talked to her earlier today at Common Grounds, she said she isn't looking to be with anyone right now." What Rafe said wasn't exactly a lie-Nicole wasn't looking for anyone to be with, because she already had a boyfriend.

"Oh...I see. Well, I gotta say, I'm a bit surprised that you're being so honest. Y'know, about the fact that you still love Sami."

Rafe nodded. "Doesn't mean I wanna be with her. Rafe and Daniel finished their beers, and turned on the TV. A football game was on, and Rafe and Daniel were cheering for the Chargers from San Diego, hoping that they would defeat the Raiders from Oakland. Another knock sounded at Rafe's door.

"I'll be right back, man," Rafe told Daniel. He got off the couch, and opened the door to an all familiar face.

"Hi. Can we talk?"

It was Sami Brady.
Although i don't really care for Daniel, i'm glad Rafe and him are friends.

Chapter 4: Nicole's point of view:

Nicole arrived back at the church, sneaking into Eric's office. Father Matt was visiting an elderly friend in Chicago, and the nuns were out volunteering at a homeless shelter. There was nobody here that would interrupt her and Eric. She closed the door behind her, Eric not noticing that she entered because he was busy with paperwork.

"Forgive me, Father," Nicole said seductively, "for I'm about to sin."

Eric looked up and saw Nicole removing her jacket, wearing nothing underneath except for a dress that she would've worn in July.

"Nicole, what are you doing here?"

"Getting ready to give you a...different kind of work." Eric smiled, and walked towards his girlfriend. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips, removing his jacket and collar. Nicole rubbed her hand along Eric's neck, putting it behind his head. Eric lifted her up and put her on his desk, where they continued kissing. Just then, a phone call interrupted them.

"Sorry, Nicole, I really have to take this. It's about funds for the orphanage."

"Go ahead, it's fine. I actually realized just now that I have somewhere to be. I'll see you later, boo." Nicole pecked Eric on the lips before walking off, allowing him to take the call. Nicole knew that Eric was a noble, good person, but her relationship with him felt so empty. They'd been back together for two weeks, but they had barely seen each other since they had sex, other than work. She began to wonder if maybe he didn't have time for anything but a short fling, like he had with Chloe. Frustrated, Nicole decided to go to the pier. She'd been spending so much time in that stuffy, Horton Town Square. Everything about the Hortons bothered Anne Milbauer, Chloe's friend, and Nicole was starting to see why. They had it easy. Sure, in getting hospital jobs, but also in love, which never came easily to Nicole.


Nicole turned around to see a handsome, dark-haired Brit who just happened to be her ex-husband. "EJ. How are you doing?"

"I'm well, thank you," he said. "And you?"

Nicole came up with a good snark. "Well, I was fine, until you showed up. I'm on my way to the pier, so if you'll excuse me-"

"You're not going anywhere. We need to have a little chat."

"I have nothing to say to you, EJ. Now leave me alone and go do some more chasing of your precious 'Samanther'". Nicole stormed off, but was aware of the fact that EJ was following her. Once she was outside of the Town Square, she turned around at EJ.

"OK, what is going on here?"

"I wanted to ask you to do me a favor," said EJ.

Nicole rolled her eyes and sighed. "I don't owe you anything, EJ, but today is your lucky day. I'm not in the mood for fighting, so what is it?"

"Please, stay away from Rafe. Samantha doesn't take too well to you two laughing together, being all close."

"OK, EJ, I'm going to say this loud and clear, so listen up. First of all, I don't give a rat's behind about Sami. She's the worst thing that ever happened to this town, and I don't wanna waste my time thinking about her. Second of all, I'm not gonna stay away from Rafe, because he's my best friend, and I don't have to listen to what you or that stupid cow say. And thirdly, I'm glad you're finally beginning to see the truth."

Nicole tried walking away, but EJ stopped her in her tracks with more words.

"See the truth about what, Nikki?"

Nicole turned around, smiling. "That Sami has never loved you, EJ, and she never will. Why do you think she hates seeing me and Rafe talking? Because she loves him, but since he's not kissing her butt, she is using you. I mean, you know she was gonna choose Rafe before the wedding, and you still want her? Boy, you really are pathetic. I'm glad I divorced you, because I finally see you for who you are: a man so insecure in his love life, so desperate to be with someone, to be in control, that you're willing to settle for second best. I hope you have a nice day, EJ."

Nicole turned around and walked off, knowing that EJ wasn't following her. She could tell from his face that he was offended, but also that he knew that every word Nicole had said was true, which was very unlike Nicole. As she arrived at the pier, she decided to catch up with her sister via phone call. Taylor and Quinn had split up again, and Nicole wanted to make sure she was alright.
Chapter 5: Rafe's point-of-view

"Sami, what are you doing here?" Rafe asked. He was stunned to see her outside his loft. It brought back too many memories...He didn't want to think about it.

"I'm here to talk to you. Can I come in?" But before Rafe could answer, Sami barged her way through, setting her purse down on the counter.

"Sami...hello," said Daniel.

"Dr. Jonas," Sami began, "good to see you. I'm happy for you and Jennifer."

"Thanks," said Daniel, who was obviously irritated. "I wish I could say the same for you and Lucas-er, sorry, I meant EJ. Or, is it Lucas again? I've lost track."

Rafe and Daniel looked at each other, trying to make sure they didn't burst out in laughter. Sami looked annoyed. "Yes, EJ was the right answer. And I wouldn't say we are back together, we are just...well, working on things."

"Oh, of course you aren't back with EJ. You always wanna keep your options open...which explains why you came here, I suppose." Rafe was stunned that Daniel was attacking Sami so openly. He knew that Daniel didn't really like her because she hurt Rafe, his buddy, but Rafe just expected that Daniel would leave them alone.

"Well, you'd know all about that, what, with Kate, Nicole and Jennifer all in town, and many more women who needs doctors-"

"Alright, Sami, that's enough!" Rafe said. "Daniel, can I catch up with you later? Ive got to deal with this right now," Rafe said pointedly, looking at Sami. Daniel nodded and left.

"So why are you here? What do you want? Didn't I tell you to stay away from me?"

"Yes, but you know me, never listen to anything anybody tells me," said Sami. She and Rafe started laughing a bit. It reminded Rafe of the good times they had shared.

"I came by because I'm concerned about you. Y'know, being all cozy with Nicole and everything."

"Sami, Nicole is my friend, there's nothing to be concerned about. And I don't buy that you really care that much. If you did, you never would've tried to assault my sister, or gotten back together with EJ.

"EJ has changed! And he's the father of two of my children! What was I supposed to do?"

"Gee, I don't know! Maybe turn to the other father of two of your kids! Someone who's actually a respectable human being, unlike EJ. Lucas! Someone you actually love and trust, and who treats you right! You can't really believe that EJ DiMera will change, can you?"

Sami looked down, knowing that what Rafe had said was true. "I don't have to justify myself to you. You always put me down-"

Rafe rolled his eyes. "Don't turn this on me! You told me that you're glad I don't take any of your crap! The only reason you are turning to EJ is because you know that he is so pathetic, he'll tell you exactly what you wanna hear, even if it's a lie. Now go! I don't want to talk to you about EJ, or Lucas, or Nicole or anyone!"

"Rafe-" Sami started.

"Go! You disgust me and I don't want to ever see you here again! GET OUT!"

Sami looked like she was about to cry, but she opened the door and left. Rafe knew he had been very hard on her, but he couldn't stand being around her. It was too painful, and he didn't deserve what she put him through. But Rafe knew just who he could call to make himself feel better, get his mind off of Sami, and keep it that way. He quickly dialed the number.

"Hey, Nicole? It's Rafe. I just need someone to talk to, and I was wondering if I could meet you at, say, the pier?"
Chapter 6: Nicole's point-of-view

It hadn't been half-a-minute after Nicole hung up on Taylor that Rafe called, asking to meet her on the pier. She could tell he was upset about something, and that something was most likely a short, blonde woman named Sami. Nicole hated her more than anyone else in the world. Heck, the only other person who felt that way about Sami was Carrie, her own half-sister, and Nicole's friend. And it was true that Nicole didn't want Rafe to end up with Sami. However, they were in love and made each other happy, and Rafe's happiness meant a lot to Nicole. But she wasn't quite sure why. Suddenly her phone rang again. Was it Rafe? She picked up.


"Nicole, it's me, Eric. I just wanted to...I wanted to apologize for earlier. I know you feel like we don't spend a lot of time together. And I wanted to ask you if you wanted to maybe, well...if you want...we could go on a date?"

Nicole smiled to herself. "Eric don't apologize, it's fine. And yes, I would like to go on a date with you, but how? Everyone will be suspicious of the town screwup and the priest eating lunch or dinner together, and flirting over the table. And I can't just pretend like we're discussing work, because that wouldn't be a date..."

"Don't worry," said Eric. "I've thought everything through. I was thinking we'd go spend the weekend in Chicago, get a hotel room. It'll just be the two of us."

Nicole smiled, picturing it. "Yeah, I'd really like that. Hey, I have to meet Rafe now, but I'll call you after we talk, OK?"

"That's fine. See you later, boo."

"Bye," Nicole said, hanging the phone up. She was happy that her and Eric got that chance they'd been awaiting. She remembered the day she had said goodbye to Eric, and how heartbroken she had been to lose her first love. But she couldn't help but feel like this was a short-term thing. That she wasn't supposed to be with Eric. She didn't know why she was feeling this way. Perhaps it was because of his job as a priest, and the fact that their relationship had to be secret. Nicole could take it being secret for now, but she had always dreamt of being with someone publicly, holding hands, kissing in public, having a big white wedding. She just wasn't sure that the guy for that was Eric. Who would it be? Who is it?


Nicole turned around to see Rafe. She smelled a new cologne on him. Acqua di gio, from Armani. She recognized it because EJ used to wear it occasionally. Rafe looked very sad and angry, and suddenly walked up to her and hugged her. Nicole wrapped her arms around his back, rubbing his back. She would have to worry about Eric and her love life later on. For now, the most important thing on her mind was making Rafe feel better.
I'm enjoying your story. I laughed when Daniel talks about who she's with :)
Chapter 7: Rafe's point-of-vew

Rafe was hugging Nicole rather tightly, and he didn't want to let go. He loved the smell of her perfume, and the general warmth of her body. As they let go, he saw a look of worry on her face.

"Hey, how's your sister doing?"

"Fine," said Nicole. "But you didn't come here to tell me that. What's going on?"

Rafe told Nicole the whole tale of how Sami interrupted his get together with Daniel, and how he was still upset that she was with EJ again. Nicole sighed and rolled her eyes throughout the whole story.

"Rafe," she started. "I know you probably don't wanna hear this right now, but...well, it's like I've said. You deserve better than that...thing.

"Yeah, I know that now. I'm ready to listen to you now." And Rafe was ready to listen. Nicole hadn't steered him wrong so far. She had always warned him about Sami's true nature, but he was so blinded by their love that he couldn't see the true Sami...until now.

"Look, I know that you love her, OK. But you being in love with Sami won't get you anywhere but in an mental institution. Lucas moved on, and now you have to," Nicole told him. "Now, c'mon. Let's go to my place."

Rafe nodded. Along the way, he and Nicole talked about other things. They made jokes about bad movies they had seen recently, or Ke$ha and her horrible songs, which Nicole only seemed to enjoy when she was drunk, or Honey Boo Boo, Wife Swap...a multitude of different things. Rafe knew he could be himself with Nicole, and he really valued their friendship.

"Hey, wanna stop at Common Grounds?" Rafe asked. "My throat's really dry from all this cold winter air, and I wanna grab a fresh-squeezed lemonade. Sonny makes 'em really good!"

"Alright," said Nicole. "But let's make it fast."

The two friends entered and quickly purchased their drinks, but on their way out, Rafe noticed something on the announcement board on the wall. An orange flyer.

"Hey, Nicole, take a look at this!"

Nicole walked over to the billboard. "Oh my gosh! A dance! In the Town Square tomorrow!"

"Yeah," said Rafe. "You gonna ask Eric?"

Nicole considered it, but came up with a better idea. "We can't go. People will get suspicious, remember?"

"Right," said Rafe, who laughed a bit.

"But I'll take you!" Nicole said.

"Nicole, that's ridiculous! You have a boyfriend, and what would Sami think?"

"Sami doesn't think, that's the point! Otherwise she'd be going to this dance with you. She's probably going with EJ. Besides, who cares? We're going to have so much fun and heat up the dancefloor. C'mon, please?!"

Rafe knew he couldn't say no to Nicole. "Alright. Meet me outside the Town Square tomorrow. The dance starts at 7:00, so let's meet at 6:50. Is that fine?"

"Yes," said Nicole. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

They walked out of the coffeehouse, and Nicole suddenly got a call from work. She had to leave to see Eric right away, and said goodbye to Rafe. After she left, Rafe thought about the dance tomorrow. Would Sami be angry that he took Nicole? Would she be there with EJ? Suddenly, he found himself wondering about him and Nicole. Would Eric be mad that Nicole was going with him? But all Rafe could think about was the good time he would have with his friend. Because afterall, it was always a good time when he was with Nicole.
Chapter 8: THE TANGO! Nicole's point-of-view

Nicole waited outside the Horton Town Square for Rafe's arrival. She was glad that Eric hadn't read more into this "date" than it was..just two friends having fun. And she'd been right: it was too risky to bring Eric, who was working anyways. Rafe arrived in a nice button down, blue-and-white striped shirt from Macy's, khaki pants, and brown leather shoes. He was wearing the Armani cologne like he had yesterday. Nicole had put her hair up in a bun, and was wearing a green dress...the same dress she had worn when EJ and her had that talk after he and Taylor were done...the talk in Chez Rouge...but she couldn't think back to then anymore.

"Nicole," said Rafe. "You look beautiful! Nice heels, and perfume."

"Thanks, officer," giggled Nicole. "You don't look so bad yourself."

Rafe took Nicole's arm and led her into the Town Square. Nicole felt Rafe get tense upon seeing EJ and Sami together. EJ was, as usual, wearing a suit, and his hair was starting to get back to that ugly, long hairstyle that looked like a butt. That, Nicole remembered, was one of the reasons she chased Brady instead of EJ upon her return to Salem after being in prison. Sami was wearing a blue dress, with her hair in pigtails. Ugh, how childish! Nicole thought. People were dancing, and Nicole could hear EJ from across the center of the square, his British accent asking Sami, "shall we?". He and Sami went to the dancefloor. Both EJ and Sami saw Rafe and Nicole, but merely smirked and continued dancing, everyone remarking how cute they were.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," said Rafe, as he turned around.

"No!" Nicole said. "We are not leaving and letting them think they've won! We're gonna have a good time, like we agreed. Just wait for this dance to end, and I'll show you some real moves."

Rafe and Nicole laughed. After watching The Odd Couple dance for a few minutes to some corny R&B song, Nicole grabbed Rafe's arm. "We shall," she said, without even waiting for Rafe to ask her to dance. One of her favorite songs came on: Rihanna's Rehab. It described Nicole's love life in certain situations, but she knew it was the perfect song to dance to. She dragged Rafe to the center of the makeshift dancefloor. He knew what to do: it was so natural for him. He twirled her around to the other side, and dipped her. Everyone backed off the dance floor, looking in awe and whispering. Nicole and Rafe started to rise up, with their faces pressed close together. Rafe turned Nicole around, a bit quickly, and pulled her closer to him. They started moving back and forth, side to side, in each other's arms. Rafe twirled Nicole around again, bringing her back in such a way that her backside was pressed against the front of his body. Nicole's arms started slowly falling back down to her body, touching Rafe's face as they fell. Rafe turned her around, almost violently, pressing his face close to hers. Nicole saw out of the corners of her eyes the stares coming from Sami and EJ, somewhat jealous, somewhat surprised. Nicole put her arms behind Rafe's neck, the two of them swaying side to side. Rafe took Nicole's right arm and spun her around with it, letting her get some distance from him. Then, Nicole let Rafe reel her back in. Again, they came face-to-face. But suddenly, the voices around them faded away. All that mattered to Nicole was her dance partner. Her blue eyes were looking in his brown eyes. They were soft and gentle, and his hair was neat, smelling like raspberry shampoo. His cologne smelled really good as well. Rafe started to lift Nicole up onto his leg, and she moved her face dangerously close to his. The song was coming to and end, and Rafe dipped Nicole again just as the song went off. They remained there for a minute, before standing up. Everyone in the Town Square was clapping. Rafe and Nicole smiled, and moved close to each other. They walked away from the center of the dancefloor.

"Rafe, that was incredible! Where'd you learn to dance like that?" Nicole couldn't deny that she was taken aback by his dance skills.

"My mom made me take classes before my high school prom," admitted the cop. "It was embarassing at the time, but useful now." Rafe and Nicole soon found themselves lost in each other's smiles and laughs, but the moment didn't last long.

"Well, Rafe, you never danced with me like that," said Sami as she came up. "In fact, I didn't know you even could dance like that."

"Sami, you only care about yourself, so I don't know why you're so surprised I didn't tell you. You never cared to ask!" Rafe was trying hard to keep his cool in front of the town hussy.

"Sami, why are you here, bothering us? Don't you have your own date?" Nicole asked, hoping to keep Rafe calm.

"EJ went to get us drink. But congratulations! On having the hottest dance of the night! What else would one expect from a former porn star?"

"Says the woman who's so desperate to have a man that she takes back her own rapist," says Nicole. She knew she had hit Sami hard, because Sami looked down at the ground.

"What's wong? Did da wittle Bwady witch get her feelings hurt?" Nicole taunted.

"Well, at least I'm not alone, Nicole, like you," Sami fired back. Nicole just laughed.

"No, you're not. Because you're trying to convince yourself that you can fall in love with EJ, you know, since the two loves of your life have seen what a hopeless cause you are. But worry not, you'll screw it up, like you always do. Or EJ will, for that matter. Pretty soon, Sami, you'll be the one who's alone, because you and EJ never work. And this time, Lucas and Rafe won't be there to pick up the pieces."

Sami looked down. "Let's go," said Rafe. "I'm done here." He started walking past Sami, but Nicole stopped to whisper in her hear.

"For the record Sami, you might wanna ask your brother if I'm alone." Nicole smirked at Sami before walking off. She saw in a reflection in the glass from one of the stores in the Town Square that Sami looked at Nicole with rage and disbelief. Nicole merely started laughing.

Outside the Town Square, Rafe turned around to face Nicole. "Hey, thanks for tonight. I really had fun."

"You're welcome, and so did I. But to be honest," Nicole said, "I'm not sure if I enjoyed the party more, or telling off Sami." Nicole and Rafe started to laugh.

"And thanks for that too. I'm glad I didn't have to speak. Might have come back to bite me in the you-know-where later."

"I doubt that," Nicole said.

"Well, if there's anything I can do to help you in return..."

Nicole thought about it, and came up with a good idea. "Actually, Rafe...there is." She smiled the devious smile she always had.

"Oh no, what have I gotten myself into...?" Rafe jokingly said.

"You're gonna help me help a friend."

"How?" Rafe asked.

She smiled. "We're gonna break up Kristen and Brady."
Now I can truthfully say, Your story is getting very interesting. Looking forward as to how this lame and blind Rafe and Nicole will figure out a way to come between Brady and Kristen... And why is Rafe interested in this any way? I kept asking these silly questions all the way through... Good luck with this days. Looks good, and reads very smoothly. I will be watching for more from the pen of Daysdegrassi...
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