The Horton Christmas Grinch

Chapter 5


Molly: What did Bo find out?
Alice: They have a lead.
Molly: Excellent!
Alice: In London.
Molly: Wow. That’s like Sherlock Holmes stuff. Wait a second. London? Don’t tell me they suspect Jack Deveraux!
Alice: They don’t really suspect him. They just wanted a little vacation.
Molly: Oh good. I found out something too.
Alice: Did you? Tell me, dear.
Molly [powering up her laptop]: Check this out. It’s ebay.
Alice: What bay?
Molly: ebay.
Alice: Is that a tributary to the Salem River?
Molly: Ha! No, it’s an Internet auction site. Look at what happens when I search for “Horton Christmas ornaments.”
Alice [gasping]: Julie and Doug’s balls! Addie! Tom! Mine! Mickey, Bill, David, Scotty, Marie, Tommy, Mike, Jennifer, Lucas, Jessica, Melissa....

[Please click here to watch the video: ]

Tune in tomorrow for the finale and find out the name of the grinch who stole the Horton Christmas ornaments ...
Oh, wow.....EBAY??? Oh, my goodness!

And another oh my goodness as the video features my fav "O, Holy Night" being sung. That made me a bit teary eyed.
Someone is really trying to sell the Horton ornaments??!! I've been thinking this was just a big misunderstanding and one of the other relatives had just moved them for some reason.... but, someone sinister must really have taken them for them to turn up on Ebay... if Molly wasn't so upset, I'd probably suspect Melanie... I can't think of anyone else in Salem who would know enough about Ebay.
Thanks for the Youtube video. It brought back so many memories I started bawling my eyes out. Great story as always!:)
I think I got it... This person is obviously jealous of the whole family tradition thing, must need money because of selling it on ebay and must be savvy enough to be able to post them, so it can only be one person:

Nicole! or maybe Mia? Eh, i have no idea...:D

I will have to watch that Youtube tonight. I need a good cry!
Thanks for the chapter and the trip down memory lane. Boy did it make me cry. I wish we could go back to those Days when Tom and Alice were the head of the Horton family. Boy I miss them.

As for the ornaments. I am thinking it might be Sami. (Just because kpatch does the unexpected) She was so wanting to be a part of the Horton family and the year she and Lucas were to be married at New Years they were hanging the balls on the tree and Lucas promised her she would have one next year. Of course the whole marrying EJ came up and she never got one. Even though she married Lucas. Carrie married Mike and got one. It was never removed when Carrie left Mike and married Austin. I still saw it go up on the tree.
It has to be Stephanie! That's why she missing! She is trying to set up Molly for being much more interesting than her. I love that Molly is helping Mrs H with the new technology. Great chapter, kpatch.
Chapter 6, The Finale


Alice: Did someone steal my ornaments and then sell them on ebay?
Molly: Looks like they’re trying.
Alice: How much do they want?
Molly: $100 a piece!
Alice: I wouldn’t take a penny under $150! Who is this person who’s selling my ornaments?
Molly: They go by the name of DaysGrinch. Let me see if I can figure out who owns this account...

Every actor
Who worked in DOOL-ville
Liked Salem a lot...

But the Grinch,
Who lived just north of DOOL-ville,
Did NOT!

The Grinch hated actors! The whole DOOL cast!
Sometimes it seemed he hoped the show wouldn’t last.
It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his budget was two sizes too small.

Whatever the reason,
His heart or his shoes,
He stood outside his office, hating the Actors,
Staring down from on high with a sour, Grinchy frown
The Executive Producer despised the whole town.
For he knew every actor down in the DOOL-ville he trounced
was busy now, cashing their paychecks before they could bounce.

For, this week, he knew
All the cast and the crew
Would do something
He liked least of all!

Every Actor down in DOOL-ville, the tall and the small,
Would stand close together, and hang their Christmas ball.
But wait! But wait! The balls could fetch major coin.
So much so “I could rehire Deidre Hall.”
They’re antique. They’re sentimental. So ebay he did join.


Molly: Unfrickingbelievable!
Alice: What is it, dear?
Molly: Dorkay. The Executive Producer. Dorkay is the Days Grinch!
Alice: He stole my ornaments???
Molly: You betcha.
Alice: And he sold them???
Molly: Have no fear, Mrs. H. I’ll take care of it. I’ll get you back your ornaments.

And she did. And she did.
Molly left and returned. A severe scolding and then some. Dorkay got what he deserved.
Now the balls were back right where they belonged.
In plenty of time for Christmas and the ceremonial hanging of the balls by the whole Horton throng.

Alice: Are they all here? All of them?
Molly: Yes. I got back every one.
Alice: Bless you, my child. And to all those we love, near and far, may the blessings of Christmas be with you now and all the days of our lives.

The End!

A Word From kpatch:
And bless YOU, all my loyal readers. Thank you for being there all year long, with your comments and encouraging words. I’ve had so much fun writing these stories over the past year and spending time with you. Look for more stories in the new year.

Happy holidays and a healthy, joyful new year to one and all!
oHHHHH, WONDERFUL! Yep, perfect, absolutely perfect villain. And thank goodness Molly got the ornaments back.......(we know E-Bay would never deal in stolen merchandise...Dorkay is lucky he is not spending the holiday in jail! ) Loved it.
What a fun Christmas story! Thanks, kpatch. Or should I say Dr. Seuss? Who would have guessed our old pal Dorkay?

Waiting for the next story........
Figures it would be Dorkay with his tiny black heart, 10 sizes too small (as well as a few other parts of his anatomy no doubt). I think he is just jealous of all the folks in DOOL-ville but Hortons most of all with their warm family traditions and of course their balls. Fabulous Story, Kpatch!!! :clap: