The huge non-disclosed spoiler=TOTAL LETDOWN!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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So I have to say that the super secret we aren't gonna tell you what it is spoiler that had a thread with a countdown on it was a TOTAL Bust. Seeing the backside of who more than likely was Bo as Caroline was telling Victor about her dream was nothing.

First, she was describing her dream so there was nothing real to it. Second, anyone can have a dream and tptb could hire someone to shoot from behind and claim it was the character the they were referencing. Third, if they intended some supernatural feeling from Caroline that Bo was in trouble they still only showed the backside of any actor they could have hired and tried to imply it was Bo.

Regardless of the fact that my favorite character of all time was destroyed to the point of not standing them anymore the fact that there was a week long countdown to it made it fall flatter than a fresh mooseturd squished by a steamroller.

Boo, Boo, Boo, catcalls and all that rot.
Had the face been shown and it was Bo played by Peter Reckell, even I who came to hate Bo due to the polka dot bra incident, would have been squealing like my avatar. I would be happy to see him back, just not with Hope. Instead with humility and acceptance that he threw her away like garbage.
What I want to know is what exactly did Jason47 know? I'm guessing he got inside information saying that today Bo was returning to the show but not that they wouldn't be showing the actor's face and it was being left as a cliffhanger. Now this is just a speculation on my part. So in excitement, not knowing we would just get a back shot, the countdown began. I don't know.

But maybe come Monday or Tuesday after we see whether this is in fact Bo and it's not just a dream, he can let us know what he knew. Also, that type of information leaves Jason47 hung out to dry if he doesn't do the right build-up that they want and I don't ever see him admitting that because he knows where his bread is buttered and that is understandable.
Oh I agree that he's not with NBC or Days, but they aren't fools. The suits know how to leak things and who to leak them to, so they get to the persons with good reputations at promoting the show. It's free advertising for them.
I was anticipating something BIG like Caroline flat-lining.....NOPE! Perhaps even Victor/Maggie or Julie grabbing their chests and collapsing. I say this because Vic was just talking about his mortality...NOPE! or even Marlena telling John to take a hike...NOPE! I really was expecting something BIG at the end of the show and it just left me scratching my head and saying "what? this is it?! What a disappointment!:confused:
We do realize that Jason47 does get some info ahead of time, and in my opinion, he really is very good about not revealing what he knows ahead of time. That said, in this case, he MAY have been told that Bo makes an appearance, and had no idea it was going to be seen the way it was.
After all, the "Caroline has a bad dream about Bo" sort of indicated we would see the entire dream. We did not, of course. Heck, I thought we would see it while she was having it.
Anyway, there are a lot of Bo/Hope fans so, the guess was there would be a lot of excitement at seeing him earlier than expected.
According to Jason47 that was indeed Peter Reckell (Bo) in that final scene today so it's not a body double.

As to the "big secret" to this spoiler, I suppose it wasn't too huge or unpredictable but as I noted in the daily summary, if you're spoiler free, suddenly seeing Patch and Bo back on your screen would probably make your jaw drop. I'm certainly not going to knock on Jason47 for all the hype and hoopla. I always appreciate his efforts at making things fun and being a wonderful source of info for us. :clap:
Even though there may not have been airplanes writing messages in the sky, I was excited to catch the glimpse today of things to come with Bo. For me, I think I was just more excited that the big spoiler reveal wasn't Jack. While I may be in the minority, Jack is a character that I really have no interest in seeing return from the dead and/or to Salem anytime soon.