The Kidnapper - Poll

Who devised the elaborate plot to kidnap Tate

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Nov 23, 2006
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The show has thrown out all kinds of red herrings in the saga of the kidnapping of Tate Black. What it amounts to is someone paid Summer $100,000 to snatch Tate, while Theresa was passed out after being drugged. Summer passed Tate to another woman, who was under strict orders as to taking good care of him. She left town with him, to Indianpolis, finally leaving him alone in the hotel room, sort of hidden, when Tate's family members were closing in. (Though it almost seems that was the intention)

So, while we are all curious as to the why..........who do YOU think may have arranged it all.Am leaving out Victor & Deimos, as too obvious a set up.
This should have multiple choices available. (I'm holding out on voting in case this changes.) I still think there were two plots and they over-crossed each other.

I'd really like it to be Sonny. He could be "night Sonny" (abusing prescription sleeping pills à la Hope), "possessed Sonny" (à la Marlena), or "lookalike Sonny" (hey, we don't know what his brother Alexander is up to, do we?). And frankly, I'm not sure he's really the Sonny who left Salem twice in 2015. This "by any means necessary" Sonny might just have orchestrated the kidnapping, framed Victor for it and framed Deimos for that, to play the hero in his Uncle Vic's eyes and discredit Uncle Deimos. This could be fun if only the audience learns of it. We'd feel bad (maybe?) for Deimos, because everyone would hate him, while also feeling mad at Victor for hating Deimos for something he didn't actually do that his precious grandnephew did. Story would abound. (Therefore, it's not likely.)
I'm gonna have to think before I vote. LOL. I REALLY hope it's not Jeannie T. trying to see how far Brady would go for her. At first I thought maybe it was Deimos looking for a way to redeem himself. Now I'm not sure what to think.
Huge schools of red herrings of various shades are now swarming in the Salem River, so at this point it could be virtually anyone except the reddest of the red, Victor and Deimos. That said, at this point there's no real reason why the culprit in this long-running plot still couldn't be an early favorite, a still alive Kristen. She has a motive to snatch Tater Tot (she probably thinks of him as her's) and has plenty of DiMera cash to toss around to put her plans into effect. Since she presumably hates virtually everyone in Salem, she also has plenty of reasons to plant false clues that will result in innocent persons being arrested (right Victor?).
I voted other, but I can't say who I think it might be since a spoiler.
Just because any of us thinks of someone doesn't mean it is a spoiler. We have dozens of suspects, and heck, any one of those listed could be the kidnapper. That is the reason for the poll.

And yes, there could have been a double over, which you could explain in your post. I indicated that Summer was paid to take Tate. That is the original kidnapping. And the one this poll concerns. Who did that.........and if you think someone else then came in and did a 2nd kidnapping....then say so.

That would copy Nicole taking Sydney, and then having Sydney taken from her by Anna, via EJ's orders.
As odd as it may seem, I voted for Sonny, I think he's trying to frame Deimos for something that may have happened off screen in Europe that we don't know about yet. I just have a feeling especially after how adamant he was about it not being Victor and "knowing" that Deimos was setting him up.
I voted other (because I think it's a returning villian), but I was torn, because I think it could have been Theresa herself who did it; as the others have said: either as an attention plea, or to see how far Brady would go for her (which is a really stupid and tired storyline. Stop testing the men, and the women, and just let more purposeful storylines play out).
I'm wondering if it's not part of Andre's and Kate's "world domination" plan. When they first allied with one another, they wanted revenge on both Victor and Deimos, and this kills both birds with one stone.
I voted other. I think it has to do with the returning villains. I still would have preferred it to be Kristen.

I probably would have suspected Theresa, but I can't explain why I don't think it is her because it has to do with upcoming spoilers which can't be stated in this thread.
Why would a capsule be on the living room floor of Vic & Maggie's apt. after all this time? I mean Maggie was in hospital, Victor in jail, plus, they probably have a cleaning lady come in to clean, so the floor would be vacuumed. And conveniently, it was under Tate's toy. Seems if it was there before Brady & Theresa arrived, it would have been noticable (red & white). Even if Andre, Kate, or some hood gained entrance while the apt. was empty, & why put it where Maggie or Victor would see? It was MEANT for Brady to find.

And yes, this is a soap, so they do tend, at times, to make it so overly obvious, it is stupid.
I'm on the edge here. I was truly shocked at the suggestion of Theresa being behind Tate's disappearance. This thought never entered my mind.

To orchestrate a kidnapping of this magnitude would require a lot of money. If indeed Theresa was behind the whole caper, where would she obtain such a huge bank roll to fund it, without Brady, the Black Patch agency, Salem's finest (ha, ha) and any other supper sleuths working on the case, in finding the money trail?