The life of Riley-Cont'd Story. Phil/Melanie (previously untitled)

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Ohh ZR just loved the last few chapters. Victor's one liners were wonderful. You did to me what Kpatch has done a few times in the past. I got coffee all over my computer. Just couldn't stop laughing when Victor said to tell the harlots to stop showing up at the house. Ome of them stopped by looking for you yesterday. When Philip asked which one. Victor replied I don't know Philip, the both look the same to me.
So happy that Mel and Maggie are going to move into the mansion with Philip and Victor. Love that Victor is not married to Vivian. Thanks for the chapter. You write so well that I can picture it as it is happening.
DJM, me too! Well, not the coffee part. But I laughed out loud when Victor said he couldn't tell the two harlots apart. That's funny. There are indeed similarities.

I could see the actual show evolving to where Maggie ends up moving into the mansion. My favorite line of these last few chapters was when Melanie asked Philip to take her home. Home. She still considers his home hers.

Thanks ZR!!!
Mel knows Philip almost aswell as he knows himself. And as she sits on the couch on her first day in her new home, she can tell he has something on his mind. Mel:Philip are you going to tell me what's on your mind, or are we going to have to play 20 questions? As he looks straight at her, he knows he could be about to blow everything. Phil:I was just thinking about when you fainted at the hospital. As Mel looks over at him, she knows exactly what he's going to say. Phil:Well when you were coming to... Mel:Oh you mean when I was imagining you were Brad Pitt, and I told you that I loved you? As his head jolts to look at her he's in shock, not to mention feeling like a total idiot. As Mel takes in the look of rejection on his face, she immediately softens. Mel:Alright I lied, I knew it was you. As he looks into her eyes, she knows she's about to disappoint him. Mel:Philip I do love you, and sometimes I even think that we could be us again. And then I picture you in bed with Chloe, and I know that we can't.
Oh no. Melanie didn't only disappoint Philip, but me as well. At least she admitted that she loves him. I still hope that being around Philip will help replace the bad thoughts with the good and that those harlots don't show up at the mansion.

Great dialog. I loved when Melanie admitted that she didn't really think he was Brad Pitt.

Thank you ZR!
Ohhhh Melanie. What am I going to do with you. You keep getting close and then backing off again. Think I willl get some krazy glue and put it on you and Philip. That way when you get close you will not be able to back again. Why not listen to your heart and just forget Chloe. I will get her out of Salem if that will help. I am sure if given a second chance he will never cheat again. And remember you were with Nathan as well therefore you two are even (Just like on the show Taxi) Thanks for the chapter ZR. I am really enjoying this rollercoaster ride you are taking me on.
When Mel had told him that there was no chance for them he'd been instantly devastated. But as he thinks back over the 6 weeks that have passed since that conversation, he knows she was wrong. Everyday since she's moved in, there's no denying that they're growing closer. And for the first time in really long time he's happy. With Maggie and Mel living at the mansion it finally feels like a home. Philip remembers vividly the very first time they felt the baby kick. They'd been sitting on the couch talking when he'd heard her excited little squeal. When she'd immediately placed his hand on her growing belly, he remembers her smile that easily lit up the room. Without even thinking he had automatically lowered his head to her belly. And as he listened to hear the baby, she had gently stroked his hair. And as Philip sits thinking about that moment he knows that was the turning point. That was the moment he knew that everything would be okay, and that eventually both he and Mel will get their happily ever after.
awwwww I loved philip thinking about when he felt the baby kick. yayyy they are almost back.
Mel's no stranger to embarrassing moments, but as she knocks on his door she knows this is definitely taking the cake. As she waits for him to answer, her nerves are unbearable. And just as she's about to turn around, the door slowly opens. As she takes in the sight of him in front of her, she silently curses her hormones. Phil:Mel what are you doing? As she notices him yawn, he's still half asleep. Mel:Oh sorry, were you sleeping? As he looks directly at her he can tell she's got something on her mind. Phil:It's 3am, of course I was asleep. Mel:Oh okay I'll go then. As she turns to walk away he can see her hesitate, and reaches out to stop her. Phil:No stay, come in. As she walks into his room, he closes the door behind her. As he turns to face her, he can straight away tell she's nervous. Phil:Okay Mel, what is it? As she looks into his eyes, she tries to find the words. Mel:Well you said you wanted to help with whatever I needed during the pregnancy. Did you mean that? Phil:Of course, what do you need Mel?
OMG I think I know what she wants and needs. please let me be right in what I'm thinking. I am so noughty, but I dont care.LOL.
I must have the same mind as you because that is what i was thinking too
She either wants pickle and ice cream or her back rubbed... see my mind isn't a naughty as SOME people on here.. :clap:
Wow. great chapters. I love that Mel and Philip are getting closer. So sweet when they felt the baby move for the first time. Ohhhh I am hoping that she tells Philip that she needs him there for the birth of the baby. That would be so amazing if she needed him for the birth. It would really bring them closer. Thanks ZR..
Ooh, I can't wait to find out what Melanie wants. No matter what the request is, I'm sure his answer will be yes. He can't say no to her.

Looking forward to more more more! Thanks ZR.
@ krw... No the divorce did not go through. Philip said he would sign them, but when the time came he ripped them up instead. I am still hoping it is to go though prenatal classes and to be with her when the baby comes. Can't wait to find out. Hope it is before I go away to New York.
As she stares into his eyes, she tries to find the words. Mel:You know Philip, pregnant women usually get cravings. As he takes in what she's saying he thinks he knows exactly what she's after. Phil:Mel if you want me to go and get you some spearmint icecream, all you have to do is ask. As she notices his gorgeous dimples and his impeccably toned body, she knows it would of been asking to much for God to have given him a clue. Mel:No I don't want icecream right now. How'd you know about that anyway? He lets out a little laugh. Phil:I don't know Mel, but it could have something to do with the fact, that I see you constantly cart gallons of it into the house. Mel:Oh okay, well your right normally I crave spearmint icecream with red liquorice frogs. Phil:Red liquorice frogs ha, interesting. She knows she's getting impatient, and she silently wishes he would stop speaking. Mel:Anyway for the last couple of weeks I've been having a different kind of craving. As Philip watches her, he realizes she just turned shy.
Okay, so now mind is entering naughty territory as to what it is that Melanie wants. If that is what she wants I can't wait to see Philip's reaction.:D You have me totally hooked on this story ZR can't wait for the next updates. Thanks ZR!!
Oh stop teasing us ZR. The anticipation is maddening ... yet delightful. Thanks for the chapter. I am so anxious to see where this will lead!
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