The moron otherwise known as Ben


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I really don't at all like the way Chad has been changed when it comes to his and Rafe's relationship. However I am laughing my butt off at Ben, The Official Moron of Salem. He is such a dimwhit that Chad doesn't even have to speak before Ben is verbally hanging himself out to dry. It was just hilarious how Chad let everyone speak over him while gesturing that he needed to say something and practically on cue Ben opens his yap and in an attempt to show Chad to not be the gracious donor he blabs who is and makes everything worse. Can anybody say DUH!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
I used to like Ben (I think the older recast made Ben have a better personality), and thought he and Abigail had potential. Now, he's annoying and boring. All he does is make love to Abby, argue with Chad, and refill the sugar containers at the Club, all while wearing the same burgundy long-sleeved shirt everyday.
However I am laughing my butt off at Ben, The Official Moron of Salem.
Ben is not exactly slick, but Salem's "Official Moron??" Ben may not be playing with a full deck, but let's not forget that he has a lot of competition in Salem when it comes to the stupidity department. There's always Will, who currently is the subject of an entire thread devoted to discussions of his stupidity. Other candidates would include Jordan who has mastered the fine art of the blank stare and Ms. Perfect who inexplicably thought Austin was worth stalking, fell for Chad's brain-tumor story, and then decided that showering with EJ was a fun idea.
Ben played right into Kate's hands, on behalf of Daddy. And I agree, there are a lot of 'top moron' candidates in Salem, but it's hard to pick a winner when they all have such unique and special kinds of stupid :rolleyes:
Ben is not exactly slick, but Salem's "Official Moron??" Ben may not be playing with a full deck, but let's not forget that he has a lot of competition in Salem when it comes to the stupidity department. There's always Will, who currently is the subject of an entire thread devoted to discussions of his stupidity. Other candidates would include Jordan who has mastered the fine art of the blank stare and Ms. Perfect who inexplicably thought Austin was worth stalking, fell for Chad's brain-tumor story, and then decided that showering with EJ was a fun idea.
You make my point for me. Abby is so stupid that both Chad and EJ played her like a fiddle. So she had to find someone that even she was smarter than so she didn't get played again and Ben fits the bill as the Official Moron of Salem.

Everyone there that knew who the donor was knew that it was supposed to be anonymous. And when properly prompted, the one who would easily blow it did. I also think that Chad either knew or Kate told him that she needed him to act the way he did and he went along with it.
No, I think Kate knows exactly what she is doing. Clyde let her know he expected and really wanted it to slip out that he was the donor (in order to gain "respectability", and she laughed, knowing he wanted her to facilitate it. She also knows Ben and his temper, and how he has been swallowing Clyde's "I want to be a good father" act, and she came purposely to steamroll thru that announcement.
All the board members were NOT there, the Board had nothing to do with this at all, but she roared in and took over very nicely. Jordan has thought her wonderful Chad had done this anonymously for her, so she was bound to blurt something out, when Kate pushed. It all went according to plan. Imagine that Kate & Clyde will be having a celebratory dinner and roll in the hay soon. LOL
Well, she HAS been with devious men before: she was married to the likes of Victor and Stefano! Then, her romps with the Love Doctor, who was in a relationship with her granddaughter (and later flirted with Billie) and rolled in the hay with all of his patients. Plus, how she got in the sack with John, the husband of her best friend, while she was married to Roman, John's frenemy and the ex of her best friend...Kate has never been wise when it comes to love.