The pregnancy or not


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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A couple of quick thoughts about the possibly pregnant Abby....
It seems that if she is pregnant the morning sickness miraculously ended after being told she wasn't.
It's been several episodes since Stefano revealed knowing of EJ and Abby's boinking. He also revealed he knows the doctor EJ took Abby to. EJ knows his fatha is obsessed with knowing everyone's business and using it to his advantage and has made EJ collateral damage in his past schemes. So why in the hell hasn't EJ gone to see Abby and tell her what Stefano knows questioned the results. It's not like Stefano hasn't used EJ's fetuses for his own gain before.
Because it is more important right now for Gabi/Nick story to be front and center, along with Daniel/Jen.

Kate Mansi has said in an interview that "it is not over", am guessing all that will come up during sweeps month, which begins on April 28th.
Ken Corday (Owner) did say that someone would pay the piper and massive repercussions. There is a possibility that Abby is pregnant, but my question is why would Stefano keep that knowledge a secret. DAYS was very fun during Jan/Feb now it is turning into a joke!
what I don't understand is like SaraBeth said about the morning sickness miraculously going away now, and its been over a month also..wouldn't Abby have gotten her little friend by now too??.... so she would know that she is or isn't pregnant.. Just take a test!!!!
once again another poorly written storyline ..
As far as the morning sickness goes, Abby could still be suffering from them since she hasn't really been screen as much lately...But if a pregnancy reveal doesn't happen in May then I would be 100% certain that she is NOT pregnant.
Meldrel -- You took the words out of my mouth too. It's only been a "few" days in Salem time. I have a feeling EJ will end up involved in the Liam story too as he is a hospital Board member and a lawyer. And heaven forbid EJ is not involved in every storyline on the show. :rolleyes:
DAYS has divided the characters EJ mostly involves with Sami, Gabi, Will, Sonny, Kate and Stefano....While Nicole is usually with Eric, Jen, Brady, Dan, Marlena, Hope. So I don't see EJ being involved in Liam storyline.
Could be that he wanted her to be so far along in the pregnancy that she wouldn't consider aborting the baby.
I considered this as well, however, by not telling Abby the baby could be harmed if Abigail is drinking alcoholic beverages, etc. She should be getting good vitamins. Waiting to prevent abortion, without caring for fetus, is just stupid.
Agree that letting her think she's not pregnant in order to keep her from aborting (or leaving to give it up for adoption, as she talked about) is bad for the baby, if there is one.

I'm on the fence. Stefano knows she saw a doctor on his payroll, knows the reason for and results of the visit. While I wouldn't put it past these writers to pull out a "she's actually pregnant" twist, I think we would have an inkling by now (she would still be nauseous, having trouble fitting into her skinny jeans, whatever). I think what Stefano keeps teasing EJ with is the close call, that he almost got Abigail pregnant and Sami has no clue anything even happened, nothing more. And that's disappointing, because Abigail being pregnant would have been so awesome to bust the EJ/Sami wedding up with.
I don't think Abigail is pregnant. When Kate Mansi (Abby) said "it is not over" that could mean that when Alison Sweeney (Sami) leaves, Abby will be there to pick up the pieces and help EJ move on. Having her be pregnant now is pointless, having her help EJ "move on" will shake up all the Horton's later on.
Could be that he wanted her to be so far along in the pregnancy that she wouldn't consider aborting the baby.
This is what I figure Days is doing- stalling a reveal to make any secret resolution impossible. But I find the utter lack of Abigail having zero symptoms now that she's been told she's not pregnant to be inconceivable. She had, what, a DAY of nausea- that's it? Her boobs, definitely, should be noticeably larger and enough so that her mother would notice and probably JJ, as well, his being such a BOY.

I'm on the fence here whether she's pregnant or not. If she is, again I'll shake my head at the (Lord have mercy) inconsistencies we're seeing or not seeing now.
Well it could still be explained away by her having a virus that day. There are lots of pregnant women out there who are asymptomatic. That's why shows like "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" exist.

Look at how long it took Hope to turn up pregnant with Zack.