The pregnancy or not

Yep, remember how far along Sami was with Sydney before she found out. I think Belle was pretty far along with Claire too. Even Gabi was 3 months along. Having had two children I find those shows about not knowing you're pregnant hard to believe but every woman and every pregnancy is different.
DAYS has divided the characters EJ mostly involves with Sami, Gabi, Will, Sonny, Kate and Stefano....While Nicole is usually with Eric, Jen, Brady, Dan, Marlena, Hope. So I don't see EJ being involved in Liam storyline.

And then there are characters that cross over to both sides such as Abigail. She could be the one that gets EJ involved in the Liam storyline, either directly or indirectly., am guessing all that will come up during sweeps month, which begins on April 28th.

That would be my guess. Drag out other stuff until then and then bring up the affair (and possible pregnancy) during sweeps.
I just keep hoping that Abigail is NOT pregnant. That sl has been done over and over and over.
The Dr. could have been telling the truth (as she knew it) about the possibility of a pregnancy, and Abby could still be pregnant. Remember the doc's "false negative" advisory?
Not every woman has nausea when pregnant (I didn't) and my goodness, we have heard tales of women GIVING BIRTH and not knowing they were pregnant.
Now years ago, our ancestors did not have vitamins, pre-natal care, and many women had large families, gave birth at home, etc. etc.
And ...yes, there ARE women who, for some reason, continue to have a monthly cycle, even though pregnant. (And my mother was one....and she was a nurse!)Thus are not aware they are pregnant for several months.
I agree that Abby should have taken a home pregnancy test. The thing is, her pregnancy test MAY have been done too soon. Thus she did not show up pregnant from the cabin encounter, but heck, she could have become pregnant from the shower romp, which happened just a couple days before she went to the doctor.
We all know that Salem has it's own rules for medical issues, depending on the whims of the writers. LOL
That said.....I hope she is NOT pregnant. But I do like the fact that there is an attraction between her & EJ that neither can seem to resist.
There are home tests that can tell you within a day of your missed period if you are pregnant. When Abby looked at her period tracker app she gasped and acted like it had come and gone and she didn't even realize it. Most women who don't realize they were pregnant have been told it could never happen or have a medical issue that masks or resembles some pregnancy symptoms. My sister in law didn't have a positive test till she was 5 months but that was 28 years ago and testing even in home tests is next to perfectly accurate if you are barely late for your cycle.
When I was pregnant with my first son, I bought 3-4 different home pregnancy tests to make sure...that's as neurotic I got. Second child, only one, but as soon as I was "late" I bought it!

At first I really thought Abigail was pregnant but now I am having doubts.
Sign me up for one of the strange ones who couldn't pass a pregnancy test.... I was still nursing my firstborn when I thought I was pregnant... I did the home kit... failed.... waited a week... took the sample to a lab... failed... and so it went... I couldn't see a doctor till I was pregnant.... clinic rules.... I was 22 weeks along before I finally saw a doctor.... Made for a short pregnancy... :) no sickness... nada.... just a feeling something wasn't right.... but I think Ms Abby should be having some issues with her leggings and skinny jeans... but then again this is Days and in Salem medical issues rarely follow the real world normals....
Abby may still be pregnant...Look out for the writers' bag of tricks....The Seed could still be an issue.
Growing up, my next door neighbor wore a bikini the whole time she was pregnant... never showed, the only way we knew she was pregnant, she would get weird and not let any of her other children play with anyone, they had to stay in the yard and not talk to their friends.
Was she a large person? How much did the baby weigh? Is it possible she got the baby from someone else?
This thread is about whether you think Abby is still pregnant or not; let's get it back on track.
I saw on Days Cafe where it says "in the months to come Abigail is haunted by thoughts of EJ, happy with Ben, and then Chad comes to town"................etc. I am assuming this means she is not pregnant if she is happy with Ben in the months to come. :confused:
Abigail could be clueless about a pregnancy in a few months, and she might not be "showing" at all. She could be happy as a clam in a new relationship when, BANG, along come Chad, EJ and baby. Maybe bang was the wrong choice of words. Even if she played the last virgin on earth pre-Chad, she became horny as can be with EJ. She could be back to timid and virginal with Ben. Who knows, on this show.

Or, Abigail could ultimately fall for JJ's new crush, causing great conflict between the siblings and much hair wringing for Jennifer!
Oops! I think I meant hand wringing. However, Jennifer could easily twist and play with her hair, nervously, while fretting about the sibling war. She would likely breathe heavily as well.