The shredded paper in the bushes


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
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New Jersey
After watching yesterdays show, (5/7), I came to a conclusion.. well its something we all know on here already.... The Salem PD are idiots!! They couldn't solve a crime if it happened right in front of them!!! Im convinced! perfect example ....How is it that Daniel is able to find a shredded document in the bushes when the Salem PD supposedly did a sweep of the area??.... and perfect evidence of that is the yellow police tape that was in view that Daniel picked up off the ground?? These geniuses weren't able to see that paper which was in plain view ..yes it was in a bush but come on!!!!!!!!!!!!! its laughable!!
i just thought this was extremely funny and wanted to share... any comments??
As all Days viewers know, the instances where the stupidity and incompetence of Roman's cops were on display is endless. Among the leading incidents that come to mind are:
1) Sami is kidnapped by Bart, Dr. Rolf, and Stefano for the airborne stem cells operation. After her release, no charges are ever brought against anyone.
2) Rafe is imprisoned in the DiMera basement and then shuffled off to a mental hospital. No charges are ever brought against EJ and Stefano.
3) Chelsea and friends bury Ford Decker in the sorority house basement. A Salem P.D. "forensic expert" fails to detect that the weeks-old corpse was buried there despite arriving only minutes after this aromatic object was removed by Max.
4) John is kidnapped and has his memory erased by Dr. Rolf. No charges are ever brought.
How can this be? Other than stupidity and incompetence, other options are that Hope, John, and Rafe are too busy with their personal lives, the cops are all on Stefano's payroll and/or they are totally apathic because only Bradys and their friends get promoted, DiMera criminal immunity really exists, or perhaps Salemites see the criminality of the DiMeras and others as an entertaining spectator sport and have told the police that they should never arrest them or seriously look for evidence against them. (After all, why else would they choose EJ, a well-known career criminal, to be their mayor.)
I've said it before and I'll say it again - it's a shame how they portray the Salem PD.
I feel sorry for the actors that have to play inept Salem law enforcement characters.
The only criminal they have caught lately was JJ when he crashed the store window with a chair....oh wait - that was Save The Day Dr Dan wasn't it?
I've said it before and I'll say it again - it's a shame how they portray the Salem PD.
I feel sorry for the actors that have to play inept Salem law enforcement characters.

The only criminal they have caught lately was JJ when he crashed the store window with a chair....oh wait - that was Save The Day Dr Dan wasn't it?

That is because Dr. Dan moonlights as a superhero. Everyone always wonders why a surgeon like him lives in an apt. It is a coverup his real home is The Batcave.

edited to fix quote....JS
I really wish they would portray the Salem PD as more capable than they appear. Hope, Bo (before he left), and Rafe are all intelligent, cunning people who are good at their jobs. Same with Roman. So why are they so unreliable as a police department? I blame the bad writers!