The Ultimate Revenge

Chapter 5


BO: How in the hell did Junior escape?
ROMAN: We’ve reviewed the tapes. Apparently, one of the guards led EJ down to the infirmary but we never saw him come out. Then we caught on one of the exterior surveillance cameras someone matching EJ’s height and build going out one of the back exits dressed as a guard and hopping into a black SUV. We believe the guard who took him to the infirmary helped him escape and is probably on DiMera payroll. He left the prison earlier today and has not been found yet. We have an APB out.
BO: Alright, well the quickest way to get out of Salem would be by air. Have you looked into the status of the DiMera jet or checked in with the airport?
RAFE: We have. Their jet is not at Salem International and security there knows that Stefano and EJ DiMera are not to get on a plane under any circumstances. We’re still trying to locate the jet.
BRADY: What about surrounding airports?
ROMAN: I’ve notified any airfields within a 100 mile radius of Salem. Nothing yet.
LUCAS: Damn it! We can’t just sit here and do nothing!
The door opens and Officer Smith comes in.
OFFICER SMITH: Commander Brady, we just received a call from Brookfield Airfield. They have a plane on the runway matching the description of the DiMera jet. I have the tower on line 2.
Roman quickly grabs the phone and picks it up.
ROMAN: Hello this is Commander Brady, Salem PD.
AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER: Yes, sir, this is Rodger, what can I help you with?
ROMAN: Rodger, there is a plane ready to take off, tail number N666MF, is that correct?
RODGER: Yes, sir. They are taxiing down the runway as we speak.
ROMAN: Listen to me. They are NOT to take off. Do you hear me? That plane needs to be grounded.
RODGER: <crackling> I’m sorry…<crackling>…I didn’t…can you…hello?
ROMAN: Rodger! Rodger? Can you hear me?
The line went dead. Roman slams the phone down.
ROMAN: DAMN IT!! Officer Smith, get them back on the phone immediately.
The officer dials the number again but the line is busy. She keeps trying. Finally it is ringing. She hands the receiver back to Roman.
RODGER: This is Rodger, flight control.
ROMAN: Rodger, it’s Roman Brady again, from Salem PD. Please tell me you grounded that plane.
RODGER: I’m sorry sir. The line broke up as we were speaking earlier. Sir, I’m afraid that plane is now airborne.
Roman closes his eyes, lets out a deep breath.
ROMAN: Ok. What information do you have to tell me regarding their flight plan, direction their heading, etc?
RODGER: It says here they filed a flight plan to Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are heading south/southeast as we speak.
ROMAN: Alright, thank you, Rodger. I want you to keep tabs on them until they fall off your radar and then call me back with their coordinates.
RODGER: Roger that.
Roman hangs up the phone and is silent for a moment.
ROMAN: They’re in the air.
BRADY: Damn it! Those b*stards got away!
BO: Alright. Well, let’s call around to other airports on their flight path and see if we can follow them to their destination.
ROMAN: Good call, little brother.
RAFE: Ok. Brady, Lucas, why don’t you come with me. I think we should pull the files on all known DiMera homes and hideouts around the country and world.


Stefano and EJ are sitting comfortably on the jet both enjoying a drink.
EJ: So, fatha, we are now in the air, would you care to inform me of the plan?
STEFANO: <smiling> I think you’re going to like it. <motioning toward the rear of the plane> Why don’t you go see for yourself?
EJ gives Stefano an intrigued look and walks to the back of the plane. He pulls back the curtain and lets out a gasp.
EJ: Fatha! You little devil, you! Are they ok? How long will they be out?
STEFANO: Don’t worry. They’re fine.
EJ: How did you manage to…never mind, I don’t think I want to know. So where are we headed?
STEFANO: You’ll see.

to be cont'd....
Egads, you still have me on edge of my seat......good story, Sparkster......
Woohoo... it's getting better and better!!! Holding my breath and hanging on!:clap::clap::clap::clap: Wish I could give thumbs up and exclamation point!!!

Bookworm - one of the thumb's up is for you!!
Chapter 6


ROMAN: What do you got?
BO: I just got off the phone with the tower in Cincinnati.
ROMAN: They got the DiMera jet on their radar?
BO: They did.
ROMAN: What do you mean, they did?
BO: Just as the jet got into Cincy airspace they banked a hard left heading east. Then they just abruptly fell off of radar. The controller thinks they turned off the transponder.
ROMAN: Ok. Well, that’s definitely going to make our job of trying to follow them a little harder. Hopefully Rafe and the guys are making some headway with the list of DiMera properties.

Over in the PD conference room, Rafe, Brady, and Lucas are busy combing through the DiMera files. They have a map spread out on the table.
BRADY: Wait a sec, I think I got something.
RAFE: What’s that?
LUCAS: Do you think that’s a property list?
BRADY: Looks like it. There’s a bunch of different addresses here. There is one in Buenos Aires. But it looks like the majority are in Italy.
RAFE: Let’s take this back to Roman and Bo and get a game plan together.

Back in Roman’s office, they show him and Bo the list.
ROMAN: Alright. So there is a property in Buenos Aires. I think it’s a ruse. They’re trying to throw us off course.
BO: I agree. I think we should concentrate on the ones in Europe. Let’s contact all the airfields close to these properties to be on the lookout for the DiMera jet.
RAFE: You know, we might need some additional resources to help out with this.
ROMAN: What are you thinking, Rafe?
RAFE: I know he’s retired but how about contacting Shane Donovan?
BO: Not a bad idea. He could probably call in a few favors with some people in Europe.
ROMAN: I like it, Rafe. Why don’t you go ahead and make that call. Bo and I will continue making calls on our end. Brady, I need to ask you a favor.
BRADY: Sure, anything.
ROMAN: I’d like you to ok it with Victor to make the Titan jet available to us.
BRADY: Done.
ROMAN: Alright, why don’t you and Lucas go handle that and make the necessary preparations. Once we figure out where these sons of b*tches took the girls and the kids we’re going to need to hightail it out of here.
LUCAS: You got it Roman.

A few minutes later Rafe is on the phone trying to contact Shane.
RAFE: Shane, it’s Rafe Hernandez, how are you, man?
SHANE: Rafe Hernandez! Well, this is out of the blue. What can I do for you?
RAFE: Well, I was hoping to get your help on something.
SHANE: Sure, no problem. But if it’s official business, you do remember I’m no longer in that arena, right?
RAFE: Yeah, I know. I think when I tell you what happened you’ll be more than willing to help out.
SHANE: Sounds serious. What happened?
RAFE: Sami has been kidnapped along with her friend Nicole and their kids Johnny and Sydney.
SHANE: Oh my…did this just happen?
RAFE: Yeah, just a couple hours ago. We believe the DiMera’s are responsible. They’re trying to throw us off course by making us think they’re headed to Argentina but we have reason to suspect they’re actually headed to one of the DiMera compounds in Europe.
SHANE: I see. Ok, hang tight there. I’m going to make a few calls to some people over there. This may take awhile so I don’t know when I’ll get back to you on this.
RAFE: Thanks Shane. I appreciate it.

to be cont'd.......
Yahoo, Shane!. Boy, this is exciting, for sure.
Great Chapter. Love that Shane is helping out. It also appears that (at least in this wonderful story) that the Salem Brain has gotten alot bigger. It seems that everyone involved has the brain.

Loving this story and can't wait to read the next chapter.
Chapter 7


Brady is on the phone with Joe the Titan pilot.
BRADY: Alright, Joe, I’m not exactly sure where it is we’ll be going but we’re nearly 100% certain it will be out of the country, likely in Europe somewhere. I need you to make sure we got a full tank and everything prepped and ready to go. Stand by and we’ll be in touch shortly.
VICTOR: I’m sorry I wasn’t able to find out any information for you from my contacts.
BRADY: That’s alright, Granddad. Giving us access to the jet is a huge help.
VICTOR: So the PD doesn’t have any leads on the DiMera jet?
BRADY: No, they’re waiting to hear back from Shane Donovan, hoping to get some intel from his contacts in Europe.
Lucas has walked back into the room.
LUCAS: Alright, man, I’ve got our duffle bags here so we should be good to go.
BRADY: Great, Lucas. Let’s pick up some take-out from the Pub on the way back to the station. Hopefully they’ll have some good news for us.
VICTOR: Listen, boys, I know Nicole and Sami aren’t my favorite people but I pray that you find them and bring them and the kids back safely. I’ve grown quite fond of that sweet little Sydney.
Brady embraces Victor.
BRADY: Thanks, Granddad. I appreciate that.


It is getting later in the evening now. Bo and Roman have been busy on the phones trying to find out anything they can. Rafe has been on the computer checking the DiMera files. Brady is busy studying the map he and Lucas were looking at earlier of the known DiMera properties. Lucas is on the phone with Allie, who is at Maggie’s, telling her goodnight and promising to bring her mommy and brother home. He hangs up and sighs.
LUCAS: I hope I can keep that promise, Allie.
BRADY: Why haven’t we heard anything yet? It’s been nearly eight hours since the kidnapping. Shouldn’t they have landed somewhere by now? Damn those DiMera’s!
Just then Rafe’s cell phone rings.
RAFE: Hernandez.
SHANE: Rafe, it’s Shane. I’ve got news.
RAFE: Hold on, let me put you on speaker. Go ahead.
SHANE: I just heard from an ISA friend of mine stationed in Milan. He said that a jet with a tail number matching the DiMera plane just landed near Como.
BRADY: <pointing on the map> There’s a DiMera property on Lake Como!
ROMAN: That’s got to be where they’re going. Hey, Shane, thanks for your help.
SHANE: Glad I could help. Now go bring them home. And please take care of those DiMera’s once and for all!
ROMAN: With pleasure. Those b*stards have messed with my family for the last time.
Brady is studying the map and other property information they have on the villa in Como.
BRADY: Ok, we got the Titan jet on standby.
ROMAN: Excellent. Now, I don’t think we should land at the same airport. Stefano could have inside people everywhere. Any suggestions?
BRADY: Yeah, I got the perfect plan. Dad and Marlena live just over the border in Lugano, Switzerland. I think we should go there and cross the border by car.
RAFE: Sounds good to me. They can probably help us out with logistics too.
LUCAS: Alright, then, let’s go.
RAFE: Lucas, you should probably just stay here in Salem and leave this to the professionals.
LUCAS: No way, man. Those freaking DiMera’s have my son and the mother of my children. There’s no way I’m staying put.
RAFE: I just don’t think-
LUCAS: Forget it, Rafe! I’m going and that’s final!
BO: Alright, calm down everyone. Why don’t the four of you go and I’ll stay here and finish with the investigation on this end. Let me know if you need anything.
ROMAN: Alright, let’s roll.

to be cont'd....
Ohhh, yes.......let's roll! Terrific, Sparkster. Lovin' it.
Am loving this story. Can't wait to read more.

On another note.... I am attempting a continuation of Bookworm's story "Chloe's Aunt". I have never done anything like this before, so I would appreciate everyone taking a look and let me know what you think.
Chapter 8


Stefano, EJ, and their captives arrive at the villa on Lake Como.
EJ: I should have guessed you’d pick Italy, Fatha.
STEFANO: <grinning> L’Italia e la mia casa.
EJ: You don’t think it’s too obvious?
STEFANO: Relax. We’ll be fine here.
Turning now to his minions, Marcello and Dante:
STEFANO: Marcello, Dante, come stai?
He has them take Sami and Nicole down to the basement dungeon and then the kids upstairs to their rooms.
EJ: Don’t you think it’s a little worrisome that they’ve been out for so long? Shouldn’t they be coming to by now?
STEFANO: Yes, very soon. Why don’t you go with Marcello and Dante and get your prisoners settled? I’ll have Maria look in on the children and alert you when they awaken.
EJ: Ok.


LUCAS: So, how long till we get there?
BRADY: Joe said it would be about eight hours from takeoff to landing.
LUCAS: Damn it. I hope they’re ok. It’s driving me nuts thinking about what those sick freaks are doing to Sami and Johnny.
BRADY: I know man. Nicole has to be freaking out. And poor Sydney <his voice quivering a bit>….kidnapped again.
RAFE: We’ll find them, guys.
ROMAN: Ya got that right. And then we’ll take care of those damn DiMera’s once and for all. Brady, did you get in contact with your father?
BRADY: Yes, I called him and Marlena on the way to the airport and filled them in on everything. They’re ready and waiting for us and will be at the airport to pick us up.
ROMAN: How’s Doc holding up?
BRADY: She’s scared for Sami and the kids, obviously. But she’s glad we were able to get a jump on this and that we’re heading there right now.
LUCAS: Roman, do you think Stefano has some minions that are tracking us and he’ll somehow be warned of our arrival before we’re able to get there?
ROMAN: We thought of that. We had them file a flight plan for Buenos Aires.
BRADY: Yep. And we’re actually on Titan 2. We sent Titan 1 to Argentina as a decoy.
RAFE: Let’s hope that worked to throw them off. The element of surprise is going to be our biggest weapon.
LUCAS: <staring out the window at the night sky> I just hope we’re not too late.

to be cont'd Monday.....! A Friday cliffhanger, to boot. LOL
Oh no... wonderful story so far. And seeing how this is the Salem Spectator, NOT Salem, USA I just know that everything is going to work out the way WE the readers (viewers) want.

It is, isn't it Sparkster??? You wouldn't let the DiMera's get away with this would you???
LOL, gapeach! I guess you'll just have to tune in to find out! :wink:

Thanks to everyone who has commented on my story. :hug: I'm glad you all are enjoying it so much. :)


Monday: Nicole and Sami wake up to their nightmare
Tuesday: The good guys prepare for their mission. Meanwhile, Nicole and Sami "see" their kids.
Wednesday: The good guys approach the villa. EJ and Stefano discuss things.
Thursday: The good guys make a move. Nicole and Sami work on a plan of their own.
Friday: The showdown begins.