Theory of Relativity

Just a little something to ponder: The bible has a few things that are not satisfactory in some of our eyes. Lot slept with his daughters and they had children. There are more, but that is the one that sticks in my mind. (Genesis 19:30-38).

Bring on more of the writing. Looking forward to how you will wrap it all up.:smile:
I think Belle should be more upset that she is actually related to that dumb stump Shawn than that she's married to her cousin.....:D
Chapter 22


Melanie: Papa, look!
Steve: What have you got there, Sweet Pea?
Melanie: My grade from my science course.
Steve: An “A”! Well, aren’t you a chip off the old block. That’s great. I’m really proud of you.
Melanie: Thanks, Papa. I worked really hard for this grade.
Steve: And you got a little more out of the class than most.
Melanie: I sure did! I found my real father. [She hugs him.] I was thinking, Papa….
Steve: About what, Sweet Pea?
Melanie: About opening a little storefront DNA shop in Salem Place. You know, somewhere people can come in and get their DNA tested when they absolutely positively need to know who they’re related to.
Steve: That’s a great idea, little sweetness... I mean Sweet Pea. What would you call it?
Melanie: I was thinking about calling it “DNA While U Wait.” What do you think?
Steve: I like it! In fact, I may want a piece of the action.
Melanie: Really? That would be so cool if we could go into business together. We’d like be partners!


Sami: Rafe! I’ve been trying to call you. Why haven’t you returned any of my calls?
Rafe: I figured you needed some time alone with your family. [He picks up Grace.]
Sami: I feel as if you ARE part of my family.
Rafe: That’s truer than you think.
Sami: What? What’s that in your pocket? A plane ticket?
Rafe: I’m leaving Salem, Sami.
Sami: What? Why? How can you just up and leave? What about us? I need you.
Rafe: There can never be an us. Not anymore.
Sami: Why not? I don’t understand. Is it something I did or...
Rafe: No, it’s not you. It’s just that I found something out.
Sami: About me?
Rafe: About me.
Sami: Please, Rafe. Tell me what it is. Please.
Rafe: I’m everything you’ve been trying to run away from, Sami. I’m a Dimera.
Sami: What???
Rafe: I’m Stefano Dimera’s son. EJ’s brother.
Sami [instinctly takes Grace from Rafe]: How can that be?
Rafe: It just is.
Sami: When did you find this out?
Rafe: When I went to question Stefano about Grace. I didn’t believe him at first, but he knew too much about me. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it has to be true.
Sami: You don’t know that for sure. And even if it is true, what has that got to do with us?
Rafe: I’m a Dimera, Sami. I’m poison to your family. Your worst nightmare.
Sami: You could never be a true Dimera. You weren’t raised by Stefano. You’re a good man, Rafe ... the best man I’ve ever known in my life. Well, next to my father.
Rafe: I take that as a great compliment. Thank you for saying that.
Sami: I mean it. Wait a second. I know a way you can find out for sure if you’re a Dimera.
Rafe: How? We can’t do a DNA test. All the Dimeras have left town.
Sami [looking at Grace]: Not all of them.

To be continued....
No way is Rafe a Dimera. Sami & him need to be together forever.
It is too funny that Mel also calls Steve "papa". But he does need to be careful with his "sweets!"

Maybe Rafe is a son of Rolf and that is why Stefano knows so much about him. Maybe him & Mary were also a couple from a while back. :idea:
Ok kpatch. I need to know. Has the baby switch taken place, or is Grace EJ's? Or knowing you and your surprises Grace could be Lucas's. Just waiting for the DNA test results. We can go to Mel's new shop. I love Rafe and Sami together and hope he is not a Dimera. I am so shocked at how close Mel and Steve have gotten. It has not been that long. My SIL when she found her Bio family they got together, but she never called her bio father Dad. Her bio mom died before Evelyn found them.
Ok kpatch. I need to know. Has the baby switch taken place, or is Grace EJ's? Or knowing you and your surprises Grace could be Lucas's. Just waiting for the DNA test results. We can go to Mel's new shop. I love Rafe and Sami together and hope he is not a Dimera. I am so shocked at how close Mel and Steve have gotten. It has not been that long. My SIL when she found her Bio family they got together, but she never called her bio father Dad. Her bio mom died before Evelyn found them.

It had to be easy for Mel considering Trent was such a really bad dad. Plus it's another way to really bug Stephanie.
Ok kpatch. I need to know. Has the baby switch taken place, or is Grace EJ's? I am so shocked at how close Mel and Steve have gotten.

Thanks for asking, DJM. Yes, the baby switch has taken place, just like on the show. As for Melanie and Steve getting close, sportzgirl is correct. You know your girl Melanie. No one is better at manipulating people than she. And she's feeding on poor Steve's guilt for not being there for her when she was growing up. Even if it wasn't his fault, he would likely feel bad that she had been treated so poorly by Trent, and he is trying to make up for lost time.

As for the rest of your ponderings, tune in tomorrow and Wednesday.
So she got an A on her science test.......and now the 18 yr. old thinks she can open a DNA testing shop???? sigghhhh. And my Steve falls for this stuff? double sigghhhh.
Ok, wait a minute...they will use Grace for the DNA test thinking she's a DiMera, but she's not, so if he matches then he's related to Mia right...?? But we will be the only ones, well and Nicole and Dr. Baker, to know that....if he doesn't match, they will think he's not a DiMera, but we will know he still could be....oh my, oh everyone in town going to be related....??? Literally....??? Did anyone ever see the movie "Dogville" with Nicole Kidman...?? It kind of reminds me of Salem....and if you've seen the movie, you know it doesn't end well for the town folk.....
Love Melanie and Steve, oops I mean Papa....never really thought of Steve as ditzy but seems he's become a male Melanie, oops, I mean Sweet Pea....!!!
Chapter 23


Max: So, Dr. Evans, it turns out that Melanie’s not my sister after all.
Marlena: Not even a little?
Max: We share no blood. None. Nada. Zip.
Marlena: Well, that’s quite an interesting turn of events. Then again, this is Salem. What are you going to do now?
Max: I’m taking her out to the movies this weekend.
Marlena: That’s wonderful!
Max: She was a little hesitant at first, but I think she’s warming up to the idea of going out on a date with me.
Marlena: I’m very happy for you, Frankie.
Max: It’s Max. [Long awkward pause. Max starts whistling nervously.] Well, that’s all I have to say.
Marlena: We have another 40 minutes left. What else would you like to talk about?
Max: Uh. Um. Hmm. Do you know what’s playing over at the Salem Place Bijoux?
Marlena [Unfolds the Arts & Leisure section of The Salem Spectator]: Here it is. Salem Bijoux. They’re running a Shirley Jones film festival.


Rafe: It’s sure a relief to know that I’m not Stefano’s son. Thank you for letting me get my DNA tested against Grace’s. Now I have proof I’m not a Dimera.
Sami: I’m happy for you, Rafe. But like I said, it wouldn’t have made a difference to me. I love you just the way you are.
Rafe: Then maybe we should revisit that question I asked you a while back.
Sami [smiling]: I think we should.
[Nicole arrives at the Pub with Sydney.]
Sami: Uh oh. I guess there ARE still a couple more Dimeras in town.
Nicole: I don’t mean to interrupt. I’d like to talk to Rafe for a minute.
Sami: Rafe??? What do you want with HIM?
Nicole: It’s personal. Sami, would you mind watching Sydney while Rafe and I talk?
[Nicole and Rafe go to another table in the Pub.]
Rafe: This is odd. We really don’t know each other. What do you want with me?
Nicole: I want to give you some information and ask you for a favor.
Rafe: What information?
Nicole: My mother’s name is Fay Walker. She was raped....
Rafe: I’m really sorry to hear that. I can refer her to the special victims unit.
Nicole: It happened over 30 years ago.
Rafe: I’m not sure I’m following you.
Nicole: She was raped by Stefano Dimera and she ... she had a baby.
Rafe: Go on.
Nicole: She had a boy. And to protect him, she hid him away in a convent. The last my mother heard, he was adopted by a Mexican family with the last name of Hernandez. Rafe, you’re my brother.
Rafe: Sorry, Nicole, but you’re lying.
Nicole: I’m not!
Rafe: I know for a fact that I’m not Dimera’s son. We’re through with this conversation. [He starts to leave.]
Nicole: I never said you were Stefano’s son.

To be continued.... Tune in tomorrow for the Finale
Oh kpatch. If I go to sleep now tomorrow will come sooner. (I would do that on Christmas Eve to hurry up christmas. ) I can not wait til tomorrow to see how this ends. So happy for Max and Mel. I think they are so cute together and glad they are not brother and sister. A Shirley Jones special sounds like fun.
As for Rafe. I am all confused. He did not match with Grace. But Grace is not a Dimera they just don't know that. I am tring to figure out that if Fay was raped by Stefano and had a baby that was adopted by the Hernandez's yet Rafe is not Stefano's son. Hold it. Did the family adopt more then one child that Fay had? Nicole did say that he was her brother. That's for the chapter kpatch. It is going to be a long wait til tomorrow.
Let me get this straight: Sami's Grace is Mia's child, so she might not be related to Rafe or EJ. Rafe is supposedly Fay's son from Stefano and the rape storyline, which makes him brother to Nicole, Taylor and Brandon. As far as I know these are the only children Fay had. Sami and EJ's child is being raised by Nicole, that goes by the name of Sydney. I believe this is the way the story goes. I sure hope the rest of the story is as good as this, to get us all thinking. I am ready for the finale and more stories to come. I hope kpatch has more things to come up with. Thank kpatch for all you have given us to read.:smile:
Just another thought came to mind. What if Fay was raped by Stefano and was going out with another guy at the same time. She would not know who the father was. She may have put Rafe up to adoption just to make sure that Stefano does not know about him. That would still make Rafe Nicole's brother. kpatch are you going to give us any hints, or make us wait til tomorrow?
I can't wait til tomorrow to find out the ending. I'm with you Donna. Maybe if I go to sleep tomorrow will come sooner (I'm sure my boss won't mind).