This week in Days history

Jul 23, 2010
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Boston, Ma
Here is a look back on this week in history from the years 1998-2010

Jan 12-16,1998

Jack and Jenn joined a traveling circus, whose ringmaster, Jasper, becomes an ally. Peter got back to Kristen and Stefano, but his jungle madness got worse. Stefano gave Peter a device to help him track Jennifer. Stefano's men nearly caught Susan in England, but Edmond and his mother Violet threw them off the trail, heating up the relationship between Susan and Edmond. Roman was released from the hospital without telling Marlena that he knew about her and John, and he let everyone know he intended to wait as long as necessary to make Marlena his wife. His homecoming was disrupted by tension between Sami and Carrie, and Roman tried to set Sami straight about giving up her obsession with Austin. Hope discovered Billie's schemes to keep her from Bo, and Bo told Hope that he loved her, but not that he had made love to Billie. Billie fainted again and was overjoyed when Mike Horton told her she was pregnant - but Hope, who overheard them, was shocked.

Jan 11-15, 1999

Lucas has the guilts when Eric accused him of letting Sami take the rap for Franco's murder. Suspecting Sami was trying to trick Lucas into admitting he shot Franco, Kate kept Lucas from meeting with her. Bo rescued Shawn-D, who nearly drown. During a violent encounter, Stefano caused Hope to hit her head and knock her unconscious. Bo and Shawn-D later took Hope away from Stefano. Hope was upset to learn she once was an art thief, and had given Stefano some paintings she stole from Lili. Greta had surgery to remove the scars on her face. Lucas saved Will from choking. Ali pretended to be nice to Carrie, hoping to get on her good side. Carrie later learned that Ali is still pursuing Mike.

Jan 10-14,2000

Shawn is saved from the ledge and will make a full recovery. Belle is relieved. Eric tries to convince Greta that it is not her mother that was shot. Bo prays for a miracle for "Hope." Doug and Julie share a song for "Hope" in the hospital chapel. Hope and Stefano continue to try to contact someone outside the castle. Sami and Brandon get closer, while Austin tries to help Nicole. "Hope" dies while Bo watches in disbelief.

Jan 8-12, 2001

John convinces Marlena to come home, but Brady's continued game of psychological warfare heightens her own insecurities and depression. Abe confronts Brandon, but the bond between Sami and Brandon continues. Kate and Sami are off to Italy and each have their own agenda to acquire "tape"; as Nicole decides to join Victor in Mexico. Austin draws close to Greta as they enjoy the Paris nightlife, and Greta prepares to become a princess. Lexie tries to convince Abe and Roman to drop the investigation of the body in the lake for fear it is Marlo and could ruin her life. Bo's suspicions of John's interest in J.T. continue. Alice understands Jennifer's need to leave the Horton home. Philip and Belle both think there is something more going on between Brady and Chloe.

Jan 7-11,2002

Nicole finally told a devastated Faye the truth about Paul and how he used his own daughter as a porn queen to get rich quick. Brandon realized Sami's insecurities about Austin's friendship with Nikki. Bo tried to calm Hope's fears and convince her that she must proceed with J.T.'s DNA test. Lexie's behavior and the extreme's she was willing to go with Rolf's help to keep custody of Isaac were disturbing, as poor unknowing Abe defended her honor to his friends. Everyone was beginning to believe that Lexie knew of the baby switch from the beginning. Mickey and Roman were shocked to learn that John was J.T.'s birth parent. Roman warned Bo not to let John ruin his marriage as he did his with Marlena. Marlena's comfort and support were no consolation to a shattered Belle after she learned that John and Hope fathered J.T. Belle couldn't bare to look Shawn in the eye, but was still there to try to help Philip and Chloe reunite. Jan swore Shawn to secrecy when she told him that she was pregnant and needed his help to get an abortion. Bo and Hope prepared to break the news to Shawn about J.T.

Jan 13-17, 2003

Tony caused Grandpa Shawn's heart attack after he revealed to a shocked gathering at Colin's memorial that he and John were brothers. John explained to the Brady's and his family that he was not a DiMera, but that he and Tony shared the same mother, and that he was later adopted by the Alamain family. John was not receptive to the twins invading his life and thinking of Marlena as their "mother image." Shawn told his grandfather that he was holding out information about Colin's murder, but was unaware that Cassie also knew his secret. Hope finally confided in Bo about her visions of Larry and her state of emotional turmoil. Chloe was thrilled and relieved to learn that she was still in remission. Sami was up to trouble again; first a blow out with Lexie that almost revealed the truth about Brandon fathering her child, and then caught red-handed by Brady "kissing up" to Tony.
Thanks Sonny.

I really enjoy the whole days in the past stuff!