This week in Days history

Jul 23, 2010
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Boston, Ma
Here is a look at what happened this week starting in 1998.

Aug 17-21, 1998

Bo is blinded by a bat attack and Swamp Girl(Greta) attends his wounds. Marlena, John, Roman, and Billie return from Lugano for Sami's wedding and to check on her progress after the shooting. Marlena and Sami grow much closer as they shop for wedding dresses, but John warns Marlena to be careful of Sami's sudden change of heart. Hope continues to struggle with whether she is Gina while preparing for her trip to Bulgaria; Lucille plots to accompany them. John, Ivan, and Celeste are dismayed to learn of Vivian's plan to go on vacation with Stefano. Kate learns that the INS may have information on Franco. Lucas starts drinking again. Carrie and Austin continue to argue about Sami. Taylor turns out to be Nicole's sister, but Nicole makes her promise never to reveal that to anyone, especially Eric.

Aug 16-20, 1999

Kurt nearly caught Princess Gina in the process of digging her way out of her locked room. After finding the supposed grave of her mother, Greta agreed with Eric that Gina's body should be exhumed to prove she is dead. Kurt heard Greta and Eric talking to John, who said he would get the French authorities to allow the examination. Stefano and Rolf had Gina (Hope) give Bo another dose of the potion that will turn him into Stefano's pawn -- and a killer. Mike and Carrie conned Ali into believing their relationship is over. Belle continues to gossip about her family's troubles. Ali plans to get revenge on Nancy for not inviting her to Craig's congratulations party. Austin and Sami shared a tender moment.

Aug 14-18, 2000

Everyone is suspicious of John's attention to baby John. It's confirmed, John is the father of Isaac, Hope's biological child. Stefano and Dr. Rolf insure that John receives the correct results of his DNA. Greta decides not to tell Lucas about Eric and Nicole. John tells Marlena about some of his past memories as a mercenary. Hope and Lexie plan a wedding. Chloe is turning into Salem's new "Sami Brady", but Philip is working on trying to bring out her kinder side. The ground-breaking begins on the Lockhart house with a dash of danger lurking in the woods. Nicole gets Lucas drunk and he almost admits to her that he shot Franco. Meanwhile, Brandon and Sami make some progress with Angela in Italy, while Kate and Victor continue to struggle with their relationship and make plans to take care of Sami's meddling. Faye and Abe finally meet again, and Abe learns some of the reasons for Brandon's revenge against him. Marlena accepts the offer as talk show host, while a familiar face, Hattie, the waitress, has other plans to cut her career short.

Aug 13-17, 2001

Belle tried to deal with her new feelings for Shawn. Jan was an easy mark for Paul who had plans for her to star in his "porn" flicks. Philip and Paul rescued Shawn from a diving mishap while he was trying to retrieve one of the clues to find Alice's missing ruby. Philip and Shawn had their doubts about Paul's motives in helping them find the treasure. Brady and Chloe got closer after she opened up to him about her past and the death of her foster parents. John warned Hope not to trust Lexie, and then Bo confronted John and Hope about their mutual secrets and lies. Lexie and Dr. Rolf were determined to keep Hope preoccupied so she would forget about the possibility of a baby switch. Nicole warned Faye about staying away from Paul. Alice and Julie collaborated to encourage a Jack and Jennifer reunion as Greta grew closer to Jack. Craig nixed Colin's employment at University Hospital after he discovered his connection to the Horton family.

Aug 12-16, 2002

Lexie's reconciliation with Abe was short-lived after Bo exposed her lies about how long she has known about the baby switch. Sami's future with Brandon came to a screeching halt when Nicole asked Victor to put the squeeze on Sami or risk having her secrets exposed. Lexie and Brandon took comfort in each other over the misery of their lost loves. Bo convinced Roman not to formally discipline Billie, and that she saved his life and they reached a professional understanding. Billie was disturbed over Roman's romantic interest in Kate and Kate's indifference toward the entire matter. Isabella's spirit was a catalyst to Brady's spontaneous apology to John and Marlena for his past behavior toward them. Brady's good intentioned second attempt to connect with Chloe via "Isabella's intervention" was disastrous as Chloe didn't want to be reminded of her mortality and went running back to Philip for comfort. Philip suggested that he and Chloe leave town. Tony couldn't understand why he kept dreaming of Marlena and her importance in helping him solve the mystery of his future. Marlena informed Tony that she could not see him as a patient. Unbeknownst to each other, John and the teens continued to be intrigued by the mystery of the "key."

Aug 17-21, 2003

Cassie and Rex celebrated their first St. Patrick's day at the Brady pub. Rex pushed Mimi away so as to try to avoid the pain of someone hurting him. Brady and Belle both confided in John about their "loved ones." Nancy and Craig tried to support Chloe at the low point in her illness and give her hope for a future as she prepared for her bone marrow transplant. Marlena was wise to Tony's manipulations and secrets about the twins childhood days. Belle and Shawn had another difficult episode in their stormy romance. Faye's visit to Sami and Brandon's apartment was a disaster after Brandon was called back to work. Roman vowed to learn about Kate's past. Bo's temper and anger for the DA got the best of him after the death of a victim of the Salem gangs. Victor continued to control Nicole, and now others were beginning to notice. Lexie thought it odd that Brandon offered to be a birthing coach for a complete stranger.

Aug 16-20, 2004

Days did not air this week to the coverage of the Olympics.

Aug 15-19, 2005

Bo, Hope, Billie and Patrick capture Tony and finally bring him to justice. The Brady Pub was the place of a reunion for families and friends who have been terrorized by the DiMeras. The very mysterious Dr. Alex North convinced everyone in Salem that he needed to be totally alone with Marlena to help her recover. Marlena started to recall memories in her past with Dr. North in what appeared to be the life she shared with Roman. Mimi and Shawn bonded with the possibility of a mutual romantic interest. Philip was concerned that Belle refused to accept the fact that Shawn and Mimi may become a couple. Belle was shocked to find Philip in bed waiting to make love to his wife. Jack convinced Frankie to marry Jennifer after he dies. Victor surprised Nicole with his return from the dead and took pleasure as he and Brady ousted her from Kiriakis mansion. Nicole vowed to get back at Brady and Victor. Max found his conscience and tried to convince Chelsea that sex was not the answer to her problems and that she should give Billie the benefit of the doubt and forget about Patrick. Patrick suggested to Billie that Tony's clues regarding the whereabouts of Georgia may mean that Chelsea is in fact the missing daughter of Bo and Billie.
Aug 14-18, 2006

Hope decided to serve Bo divorce papers once and for all, and an angry Bo learned that Patrick was seeing Hope and that he had applied to the police academy. Belle, Philip, Shawn and Mimi were at terrible odds as to the custody arrangement for their unborn children. E.J. asked Stephanie to be his driver for ARC for the upcoming Salem Grand Prix. Abby was upset that Frankie was interfering with her parents' reconciliation. Bo disowned Chelsea after he learned that she re-wrote all of his emails to Hope and inevitably was the reason his marriage fell apart. John went undercover by dating Eve and searching for the missing link as to who could have framed Bo and would have something to gain by the action and Kate's name kept surfacing. Sami prepared for her "wedding day" again. The mysterious black glove made certain that Chelsea found the medical file that could prove that Claire was Shawn's biological father, but was waiting for the right time to use it. Abe told Lexie that their marriage was over and that he was suing for full custody of Theo.

Aug 13-17,2007

Andre surprised Bo and Hope in Ireland and stole the contents in the tabernacle in a Galway church that would supposedly unlock the answers to the Brady/Dimmer feud. E.J. saved Lucas even though he was the one that tried to kill him. Max forced Jeremy to find a way to make right on his female smuggling ring, but Jett Carver was hot on Jeremy's tracks and determined to bring him down regardless of his change in heart. Philip learned that Shawn knew about his baby and vowed his friendship was over with Belle and Shawn as a result. Max and Stephanie reconnected behind Jeremy's back. China Lee let Nick off the hook over their "arranged" marriage but then stuck the good guy with her two kids. E.J. taunted Lucas that Kate and Stefano were an item and that's where she got the money to keep going while the SEC tied up Mythic's funds. Kayla and Steve's foster care brought back lots of memories of Stephanie and the fact that Steve missed out on so much of her life. Steve and Stephanie mended their fences. E.J. proposed a way to end the feud by Sami and Lucas would have to partner in with him.

Aug 18-22, 2008

In a fantasy sequence, Nicole imagined a life with E.J. that ended badly for everyone. Stefano seemed to be the culprit responsible for the lockdown on the seventh floor of the hospital. Nicole witnessed a tender moment between E.J. and Sami on the hospital monitor. Nicole did not believe E.J. when he told her that his feelings for her had not changed. While they lay unconscious in a locked lab room, Stefano toyed with Steve and Kayla's emotions and temporarily kidnapped baby Joe. Abe and Roman were convinced that Stefano was back to his old tricks and out for revenge. Tony and E.J. vowed to restore dignity to the DiMera name. Marlena dreamed about her sister Sam, who encouraged her to fight to survive and save her marriage to John. Marlena injected herself with the antidote intended to restore her to consciousness and undo the paralysis. John's came to grips with his past life, the hurt of Coleen giving him up for adoption, and that knowledge he was Santo DiMera's son. John then faced his former self and realized that he still had deep-rooted feelings for Marlena, who was his future. Nicole and Chloe bonded over the men in their lives. Stefano and Dr. Rolf reunited as partners in crime. Lucas decided to move on with his life after Sami chose E.J. over him. Lucas arrived at the DiMera house to claim custody of Allie. Marlena regained consciousness but with no recollection of John.

Aug 17-21,2009

Dr. Baker blackmailed Nicole for $100,000 in order to pay off his gambling debts. Justin asked Victor to provide the ransom money needed to pay off Ciara's kidnappers. Bo had a frightening vision of Ciara's death, and called off Hope's rendezvous with the kidnappers. Hope and Bo argued about the best way to get their daughter home safely, unaware that Ciara's abduction was an inside job. Daniel had harsh words for Kate when he bumped into her on the dock. Nathan told Lucas that he must make all decisions regarding Chloe's health care. Philip fought with Nathan after he saw him cozying up to Stephanie. After Stephanie rejected Philip, he hooked up with Melanie, and they made love in a sleazy motel out of town. Victor told Stephanie that Philip disowned the Kiriakis family in an attempt to reconcile with her. Melanie was devastated after Philip told her that he wanted to get back together with Stephanie. Though hurt, Melanie told Philip that she would keep their affair secret. E.J. decided to order DNA tests for the entire family. Stefano promised Nicole that E.J. would never learn that Sami was Sydney's biological mother. Rafe and Sami split, but he still cared for her and seemed convinced that there was a connection between Nicole, Dr. Baker, and Grace's birth. Brady found a packet of cocaine at the Brady Pub on Arianna's watch. Arianna convinced Brady that she would handle the situation. Philip and Melanie were unaware that the motel manager taped their romp in the hay and planned to use the video to his advantage.

Aug 16-20,2010

Bo's testimony, plus that of family and friends, persuaded the judge to significantly reduce Hope's sentence. Hope was grateful to be able to spend time with Ciara, and get the much-needed treatment to deal with all of her actions over the past months. Justin and Adrienne reflected on the happy times in their marriage. Brady was determined to rid himself of his addiction to Nicole. Kate befriended Chad and then recalled a conversation with Madeline revealing Stefano as Chad's biological father. Kate asked Lexie how she'd felt when she learned that Stefano was her father. Vivian continued to plot to find a way to end Victor's growing friendship with Maggie. Nathan and Melanie bonded after they were attacked at the free clinic. Chloe and Carly frantically awaited the results of Chloe's paternity test. Meanwhile, Stephanie urged Ian to hack into St. Mary's computer files to get Chloe's paternity test results. E.J. told Arianna about his marriage to Sami. Rafe pretended to seduce Nicole to get the goods on E.J. Sami misinterpreted Nicole and Rafe's liaison, and then told E.J. that she wanted to get married immediately. Rafe forced Nicole to come clean about what she knew or else face more prison time. E.J. and Sami's wedding ceremony began just as Rafe learned E.J. had kidnapped Sydney.
It's fun to walk down memory lane. But in reality, I didn't remember A LOT of this. Hmm... Bo and the bat attack rings a bell but a lot of things after that just aren't ringing any bells. Up until 2008. Then it's all clear. Hehehe. Oh well... it'll come to me. :rolleyes:

And oh boy, I forgot about a lot of the stuff from last year. It's hard to believe that I've been watching for so long. My grandmother had seen every episode since the show started before she passed away.