Thursday, February 21st

Karenna - I wish you all the best. Today is actually my 2nd anniversary of being in remission. My best suggestion for anyone who has cancer is to take CHLORELLA. It's algae and it has the most dense level of anti-oxidants of any plant on Earth. It also has so much chlorophyll that it helps your body produce more hemoglobin (which leads to more red blood cells being created) which is something all us cancer patients need Best of luck to you. Oh, if you have a Whole Foods near you, they sell it for $8 a bottle. If not, try to find it in an herb shop.
OMG his name is SANTO - Santos is a LAST name in SPANISH, not Italian.
Not exactly. They are not related by blood. Sami is related to Colleen and EJ is related to Santos...but Colleen and Santos are not related to each other. They had an affair and a son, but there is no blood relationship.

Yes and as a matter of fact, Belle is actually blood related to EJ, but not Sami.
You are both right of course - Sami & EJ are not blood relations. Their chemistry is undeniable. It also doesn't gross me out that Max & Stephanie (or Max & Chelsea) are/were involved, not because of genetics anyway! Of course now Marlena is officially married to a DiMera - so Stefano wanted the woman who is married to his half-brother. If Stefano knew that all this time, imagine how hard it may have been for Stefano to not say to Marlena, "why are you so disgusted by me when you're married to my half-brother, Santo's son?" and on and on ...
Thanks for the write up Poirot. The show was a real tearjerker. I should have had the tissues, but thought I would not need them. Everyone was at the hospital waiting for the arrival of the people from the plane crash. (I wondered who has the twins. And no mention of Bo and Hope's daughter.) The acting when Caroline found out that Shawn Sr was dead was what made me cry. when they pulled down the sheet and you see Shawn.I was wondering why they didn't want Caroline to see Shawn. We always offer the family a chance to see the patient/body and give them one last chance to say goodbye. It also makes it more real to the family that the person is gone.
Karenna reminded me of something. Bo does mention his half sister having pancreatic cancer, and could there be a connection.
Yes thats correct.

What about Kaylas baby? did they show anything about that?
Did the rape not happen before Abby and Stephanie were born? If so they may have never knoewn about the rape. When Stephanie told her Mom about the rape Kayla never said that the same thing happened to her.
No kidding. Am I correct in remembering that Jack raped Kayla? That always struck me as weird when Abby and Stephanie were such good friends.
Yes, he did...years ago. He, Kayla and Steve eventually managed to put it behind them and move forward. Since Steve and Jack are brothers, Abby and Stephanie are their friendship made perfect sense to me.
Yes, he did...years ago. He, Kayla and Steve eventually managed to put it behind them and move forward. Since Steve and Jack are brothers, Abby and Stephanie are their friendship made perfect sense to me.

I had totally forgot Steve and Jack were brothers. The friendship does make a whole lot more sense now.
I bawled when I saw Caroline crying at Pop Shawn's side. Roman was getting to me, too! I've never seen Josh Taylor do such a fine job of acting. I saw the tears in his eyes and going down his face. Great job by all, again!
Sounds like another great show. Thank you Poirot for the write up. I was in tears when they told Caroline of Shawn's death. Also loved it when John went up to Caroline and said "From what I saw of him, I just wish he really was my father. Caroline thanks him." Look forward to watching it tomorrow. :clap::cry:

Peggy McCay (Caroline) and Josh Taylor (Roman) were absolutely wonderful today. They had me bawling. It was definitely a tissue day! I feel as if I lost a friend. Days deserves to get nominated for Emmys this year. If they don't, it will be a gross injustice to all the wonderful acting we've seen! I love John and chuckle when he calls Marlena blondie. I haven't been excited to see the next day's episode as I have been lately.