Thursday, February 7th


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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Episode #10,757 Taped 1/17 Director – Kathryn Foster

Fair warning. Have a box of tissues at the ready, as you are going to need them today, and if Shirley Jones doesn’t receive an Emmy for her work on Days this past week, there is no justice. Definitely a cannot miss episode as the family gathers around the dying Colleen.

Chloe & Philip are downstairs, talking of Steve having taken Claire out for a bit. Philip gets a call from Lexie, and fills her in on Colleen being alive, but dying. She has been trying to call Bo, & Kayla but neither answers their phone. Phil says they undoubtably have their phones turned off, and promises to give Kayla the message. Now he & Chloe talk a bit about Brady, wondering who kidnapped him and why. It was not Colleen, and not Stefano. No ransom has been asked. Who is powerful enough to have done this and why. He is just trying to add things up, but two and two are not equaling four.

Upstairs, Colleen’s family is gathered round. John makes a lot of nasty remarks, Pop Shawn gets very angry at him several times. John is just so uncaring, as he chastises the about to be nun for having an affair with a married man, who fathered her illegitmate child, and for then faking her death to her family and to the man she professed to love. Colleen replies he belonged with his wife, and that is why she did what she did. They go back & forth with the insults, and replies, Pop wants John to leave, but Colleen insists he stays. Even Bo, Hope & Marlena try to shut him up, to no avail. Now Colleen talks of how she wishes John could be just like Santo, but John replies that Stefano told him what a miserable man Santo had become, suffering from his broken heart. Colleen hopes John will not always be the man he is now, that would frighten her. Belle pipes up that her father used to be a wonderful man, loving, caring, and John sarcastically then recites the rest of the Boy Scout traits. Pop Shawn stands, yelling at John that he does not care who he is, he should leave now. Colleen says no, let him stay.

Now she calls Belle to come over and bring her handsome husband. Belle sits on the bed as Colleen tells her she & Shawn, along with Claire are the future of this family. And to stay strong. Now she tells Bo that even tho he does not have Brady blood flowing in his veins, he has the Brady spirit. She mentions hearing he was quite the rebel in his day, to which Pop laughs and agrees. Colleen reminds Pop Shawn he, too, was quite the rascal in his day, & tells Hope she & Bo will have a long and happy life together. She calls Marlena over, telling her she is the strength of the family, and that she knows she will hold them all together in her capable hands. Now she calls Kayla to her bed, the doctor. Kayla thinks they should take her to a hospital, London, Dublin, anywhere, but Colleen says it is too late for that. She has fought the good fight, would have been dead month ago, but wanted her family to be safe, and to see them all. She calls Kayla the healer, then asks everyone to leave, except for her brother and her son. On her way out, Belle takes off the medallion, giving it to her father, saying he should have it. He fingers it a bit, then tosses it on a table. Now Colleen asks Pop Shawn to come over, and these scenes really break your heart, as Shawnie (as she calls him) cries he just got her back, he cannot lose her again. They hug, and Leeny tells him to remember all the good times they had when they were young. Pop is broken up, as Marlenaa helps him from the bed. She goes out in the hall, telling the other family members to come back in, it will not be long now.

And now Colleen calls to John, stretching out her arms, asking him to come and let her hold him one last time….John is standing by the fireplace, as Colleen entreats him to please, please let her hold him. He finally walks over, sits down on the bed, but with his back to her. Colleen puts her arms around him, saying how this is the last time she can hold him and the first time since he was a little boy. She gives sighs of happiness, then weakly asks John to hold her, please, she is so tired and needs to rest. John turns, slowly putting his arm around her. She lays her head on his shoulder, murmuring that she needs rest. He is looking down on her, as she breathes her last. He gently withdraws his arm, laying her head on the pillow. He feels for a throat pulse, touches her cheek. Bo comes up, and draws the quilt up over her face. Everyone leaves, except for John & Marlena. He looks over at the bed, (and I swear he has a tear in his eye right there), she asks what he is feeling. He replies that is a typical shrink question, what should he be feeling. She says, sadness, grief, anger, love?? He says that what he is feeling is that he wants to get that plane started up and get the hell out of there. Fine, replies Marlena. They start to leave the room, with Marlena going first, then John shuts the door on her. Marlena almost tries to go back in, but decides against it. Inside, John goes back to the bed, draws back the quilt, and softly says, Good-bye, Mom. He wipes a tear from his eye, touches her cheek with that same finger, and leans down, kissing her forehead. He then sits down on the bed next to her, and we leave him leaning against the headboard with his eyes closed.

Downstairs, Bo & Hope are helping Pop Shawn to a chair. Philip comes over, expresses his condolences and offering his help in any way, either here or back in Salem. He gives Kayla the message from Lexie. Chloe goes off to make tea for everyone, while Shawn & Belle sit at a table and talk. Shawn is not angry any more at what Belle did, and has made his peace with Philip. Belle says all that has happened should give them a new beginning for their marriage. Both hold hands and agree.
Kayla calls Lexie, fills her in on the death of Colleen. Lexie tells her that additional tests on Bo’s bloodwork are not good, he has to come back NOW. Kayla admits they have not told Hope yet, as there has been no chance. Lexie advises her to do it soon, as Hope has to be prepared to deal with this. She then tells Kayla that with all the bad news, maybe she would like some good news. She mentions Kayla’s bloodwork to check hormone levels before she left, and then tells Kayla the good news. She is pregnant.

Don't miss this episode, tape it, DVR, TIVO, whatever.....but is a tearjerker.
Oh I cannot wait to see this! Let's hope that since John is showing some emotion we will get the real John, or Ryan, back soon! I was wondering if Hope would have the same medical problem as Bo because she was saying her back was hurting her as well, but I'm guessing her physical came back okay as no one has mentioned anything about her. I wonder what John will do to Stephano when he returns to Salem?
This show is going to be wonderful! Can't wait to see it.
I keep having the feeling that John might be faking his memory loss. I thought this in the beginning, and with him showing this emotion with his mother passing, I can't help but feel he has somehow beat Stef. at wiping out his memory, and is playing along for some reason.
Whatever is going on with him, this is getting good, and I am happy he is back.
A little confused....

It sounds like a great episode, but I am a little confused on a couple of things. Didnt Kayla & Steve already tell Steph that they were pregnant? & now Lexie is telling her again? Maybe I missed something. And when they were all reading the letters a while ago, didnt Stepheno say after that sometime that he faked the letters from Colleen & Santo to torture the Brady's more? Could just be me as I watch "with one eye & one ear" as I work.
It sounds like a great episode, but I am a little confused on a couple of things. Didnt Kayla & Steve already tell Steph that they were pregnant? & now Lexie is telling her again? Maybe I missed something. And when they were all reading the letters a while ago, didnt Stepheno say after that sometime that he faked the letters from Colleen & Santo to torture the Brady's more? Could just be me as I watch "with one eye & one ear" as I work.

I remember them telling Steph that they were going to try and have a baby, not that they were having a baby.
i'm a crybaby!

Don't miss this episode, tape it, DVR, TIVO, whatever.....but is a tearjerker.

poirot, you should have said, "have the kleenex ready for this post!" i really don't know if i can watch this episode, i just don't do death very well. so sad. peace peoples! thanks poirot.
I just got to watch the last two shows. Todays so good. The part where Colleen tells John that she is his mother and he takes off to kill himself was so well acted. The fight between John and Bo was a classic. Today with Colleen dying was a real tearjerker. Wish I had that Tissue paper that Poirot warned about. (I read the recaps after I have watched the show) Days should get a emmy for this. Shirley played the part of Colleen so well. So sad to see her go.
Days lately actually seems like a real soap again!

I agree! It is moving along. We care about the characters and it jerks at our heart strings. The best part, is I really care about wanting to catch the next episode again. Now if they can add a little playfulness and humor after we lose Colleen and Shawn Sr., it would really be great!!

Just a quick thought..... If John is Colleen son that makes him a Brady as well as his children...... Belle would be a Brady who married a Brady.... Would Shawn and Belle not be cousins now???? I am loving the show but they need to stop intermarring the family!!!
As has been said numerous times Shawn is not a true Brady becasue Bo's father is Victor not Shawn Sr. So they would not be cousins by blood.
Day's is exciting again

I had to chuckle at the user count on this board. There are almost 600 people visiting your site right now Poirot. Congratulations for having the BEST location to find the BEST of Days!
I had to chuckle at the user count on this board. There are almost 600 people visiting your site right now Poirot. Congratulations for having the BEST location to find the BEST of Days!

I second that! I couldn't even get onto this site for like 15 minutes b/c it was so busy!
I second that! I couldn't even get onto this site for like 15 minutes b/c it was so busy!

I couldn't get onto this site all morning...not until noon. Is that why?
Goodness! Congrats to Poirot and Wayne for your kick *** site!
Good job to Days for getting people interested.
Is it possible that Bo and Hope have been getting poisoned through some routine thing? (The water at their home or something at the police station? Maybe their favorite shampoo or something?)

That would be an interesting storyline, especially if someone like Kate owned the company that was poisoning them.
Powerful Episode!...

I agree with our lovely webmistress...this is a WONDERFUL episode...the writing, acting, direction, all great. There is one point in the show right when Colleen dies, that the camera goes from person to person and there is no background music...complete silence...not a sound. WOW. Notable standouts for me were Frank Parker (PopShawn) and Drake. And of course...Shirley Jones!!!
Moved to tears

You are a talented writer. I was move to tears just by reading your recap. I know I'll need a box of kleenex tomorrow. I wonder if the Alamains have Brady. Excellent job! Thank you so much for writing the spoilers for the days ahead. They are much appreciated.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Episode #10,757 Taped 1/17 Director – Kathryn Foster

Fair warning. Have a box of tissues at the ready, as you are going to need them today, and if Shirley Jones doesn’t receive an Emmy for her work on Days this past week, there is no justice. Definitely a cannot miss episode as the family gathers around the dying Colleen.

Chloe & Philip are downstairs, talking of Steve having taken Claire out for a bit. Philip gets a call from Lexie, and fills her in on Colleen being alive, but dying. She has been trying to call Bo, & Kayla but neither answers their phone. Phil says they undoubtably have their phones turned off, and promises to give Kayla the message. Now he & Chloe talk a bit about Brady, wondering who kidnapped him and why. It was not Colleen, and not Stefano. No ransom has been asked. Who is powerful enough to have done this and why. He is just trying to add things up, but two and two are not equaling four.

Upstairs, Colleen’s family is gathered round. John makes a lot of nasty remarks, Pop Shawn gets very angry at him several times. John is just so uncaring, as he chastises the about to be nun for having an affair with a married man, who fathered her illegitmate child, and for then faking her death to her family and to the man she professed to love. Colleen replies he belonged with his wife, and that is why she did what she did. They go back & forth with the insults, and replies, Pop wants John to leave, but Colleen insists he stays. Even Bo, Hope & Marlena try to shut him up, to no avail. Now Colleen talks of how she wishes John could be just like Santo, but John replies that Stefano told him what a miserable man Santo had become, suffering from his broken heart. Colleen hopes John will not always be the man he is now, that would frighten her. Belle pipes up that her father used to be a wonderful man, loving, caring, and John sarcastically then recites the rest of the Boy Scout traits. Pop Shawn stands, yelling at John that he does not care who he is, he should leave now. Colleen says no, let him stay.

Now she calls Belle to come over and bring her handsome husband. Belle sits on the bed as Colleen tells her she & Shawn, along with Claire are the future of this family. And to stay strong. Now she tells Bo that even tho he does not have Brady blood flowing in his veins, he has the Brady spirit. She mentions hearing he was quite the rebel in his day, to which Pop laughs and agrees. Colleen reminds Pop Shawn he, too, was quite the rascal in his day, & tells Hope she & Bo will have a long and happy life together. She calls Marlena over, telling her she is the strength of the family, and that she knows she will hold them all together in her capable hands. Now she calls Kayla to her bed, the doctor. Kayla thinks they should take her to a hospital, London, Dublin, anywhere, but Colleen says it is too late for that. She has fought the good fight, would have been dead month ago, but wanted her family to be safe, and to see them all. She calls Kayla the healer, then asks everyone to leave, except for her brother and her son. On her way out, Belle takes off the medallion, giving it to her father, saying he should have it. He fingers it a bit, then tosses it on a table. Now Colleen asks Pop Shawn to come over, and these scenes really break your heart, as Shawnie (as she calls him) cries he just got her back, he cannot lose her again. They hug, and Leeny tells him to remember all the good times they had when they were young. Pop is broken up, as Marlenaa helps him from the bed. She goes out in the hall, telling the other family members to come back in, it will not be long now.

And now Colleen calls to John, stretching out her arms, asking him to come and let her hold him one last time….John is standing by the fireplace, as Colleen entreats him to please, please let her hold him. He finally walks over, sits down on the bed, but with his back to her. Colleen puts her arms around him, saying how this is the last time she can hold him and the first time since he was a little boy. She gives sighs of happiness, then weakly asks John to hold her, please, she is so tired and needs to rest. John turns, slowly putting his arm around her. She lays her head on his shoulder, murmuring that she needs rest. He is looking down on her, as she breathes her last. He gently withdraws his arm, laying her head on the pillow. He feels for a throat pulse, touches her cheek. Bo comes up, and draws the quilt up over her face. Everyone leaves, except for John & Marlena. He looks over at the bed, (and I swear he has a tear in his eye right there), she asks what he is feeling. He replies that is a typical shrink question, what should he be feeling. She says, sadness, grief, anger, love?? He says that what he is feeling is that he wants to get that plane started up and get the hell out of there. Fine, replies Marlena. They start to leave the room, with Marlena going first, then John shuts the door on her. Marlena almost tries to go back in, but decides against it. Inside, John goes back to the bed, draws back the quilt, and softly says, Good-bye, Mom. He wipes a tear from his eye, touches her cheek with that same finger, and leans down, kissing her forehead. He then sits down on the bed next to her, and we leave him leaning against the headboard with his eyes closed.

Downstairs, Bo & Hope are helping Pop Shawn to a chair. Philip comes over, expresses his condolences and offering his help in any way, either here or back in Salem. He gives Kayla the message from Lexie. Chloe goes off to make tea for everyone, while Shawn & Belle sit at a table and talk. Shawn is not angry any more at what Belle did, and has made his peace with Philip. Belle says all that has happened should give them a new beginning for their marriage. Both hold hands and agree.
Kayla calls Lexie, fills her in on the death of Colleen. Lexie tells her that additional tests on Bo’s bloodwork are not good, he has to come back NOW. Kayla admits they have not told Hope yet, as there has been no chance. Lexie advises her to do it soon, as Hope has to be prepared to deal with this. She then tells Kayla that with all the bad news, maybe she would like some good news. She mentions Kayla’s bloodwork to check hormone levels before she left, and then tells Kayla the good news. She is pregnant.

As John so wonderfully said on todays show "Could somebody PLEASE get me a drink!" I second that! Might need one after tomorrow's show.
Shawn and Belle are not related.

Shawn and Belle are not related. Remember Roman IS NOT Belle's daddy.... John and Marlena are.....from the tete a tete at Titan I think. Shawn is Bo ( Roman's brother but I digress Victor and Caroline are parents) and Hope ( Addie's baby, don't remember who is daddy).Hope that clears up the mud. NO WAY could Shawn and Belle be cousins, siblings, half siblings, ect... even if distance or removed.