Thursday, June 28th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Episode #10,602 Taped 6/7 Director - Herb Stein

This Vegas Fly High story can’t be over soon enough for me, for sure. The plane has landed in Vegas, as the JERKemy wants hints from Stephanie on how to keep Max in tow. She mentions his love of race cars, easy women, and his favorite band. Jeremy gets Jett to take the girls to the hotel, while he gets the luggage. He puts Max off, (who wants to back out of their arrangement) to make his contact. Later he pays Max his share of the take on the trip, and then his contact arrives, and now Max gets a huge wad of cash, in addition to tickets and backstage passes to the Linkin Band. Max is thrilled, and now, has been bought and paid for.
Jett & the girls arrive at the hotel, with Stephanie anxious to hit the casino, borrowing $20 from Jett. Chelsea just wants to relax nice and quiet. They go in the room, where a huge party is in full swing, and one would think this was the Playboy Club…..Hugh Hefner would be proud. LOL. Nothing like giving hardworking flight attendants and courageous pilots a bad name. One guy and 3 gals are playing strip poker at one table, squeals and giggles all over the room, passed out drunks, all bedrooms “occupied”. Chelsea asks where she sleeps, and is told either the floor or bathtub, if she is lucky. She opts for some time in the hot tub with Jett. It is only minutes before Stephanie & Jeremy join them, making out all the time, and then a few others. Chelsea gets out. Jeremy gives her a hint or two on how to score points with the other flight attendants, she does, and is happy to get a cot for the night. Nick calls, but with all the noise, she is unaware of the desperation in his voice, and cheerily tells him goodbye, she will call him tomorrow.

Nick is at the lab, trying to call Chelsea, leaving messages, when in walks Mommy Dearest with Mr. Lewis of the Hospital Board. He tells Nick how Kate has been raving about him going over and beyond his duties, to help out her daughter-in-law. (Huh??) He says Kate is one to have in your corner, keep up the good work, and leaves. Now Kate piles on more of her intimidation, telling Nick that since he was top of his class, he has to be good at following instructions, and she wants EJ’s name to be on the results of Sami’s amnio. She warns him not to tell Chelsea, or anyone else, or he will be very sorry. She leaves, Nick tries over and over to call Chelsea. He finally reaches her, and with all the noise on her end, tells her he has to talk to her, and can she go to someplace quiet. (like perhaps the casino? Lol) She can barely hear, puts him off, and hangs up on him. Nick picks up the vial, and contemplates.

At the DiMera mansion, Stefano has caught Hope, and wants to know what she has done to Tony & Anna, what she is doing there. Hope is silent. He tells her to empty her pockets, she does, showing only a cell phone. Outside, Bo is hearing all this, tells her in her earpiece to hold on, he’s coming in. Steve stops him, saying no……and he goes in. Stefano is pushing Hope a bit, wanting to know what she is doing there, Steve strides in telling him to take his hands off HIS woman. Cue a startled Stefano, (and a giggle from me) as he goes on about Hope meeting him there, and for Stefano not to tell Bo or Kayla. Hope still has not said a word, but lays her head on his shoulder. A disbelieving Stefano is told this began when Steve was in the nuthouse, and Hope would visit him, blah, blah. Now Steve and Hope do a couple of short little kisses, and then one just a bit longer, as Bo is frantic to know what is going on. Stefano seems to accept the explanation, Hope says she has to go, Steve escorts her out. Stefano throws water on Tony, who jerks awake, and tells him he is useless. Outside Hope joins Bo, telling him she has all the photographs, and they leave.

At the Brady house, Roman is pacing outside, nervous with no word. Doug comes out, trying to calm him down. Inside, Julie is playing with Ciara, and going through an old picture album. She comments on what long hair her daddy had back in 1984. LOL. Bo & Hope return, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Suddenly Anna walks in, nearly collapsing, and asking Roman to take her to his bed. LOL. Amused looks all around, but Anna is not feeling well, certainly is not talking sex, and finally Roman agrees to take her back to her hotel. A bit later Bo, Hope, Doug & Julie are looking at the letters (evidently printed out) but since they are in Italian, have no idea what they say. Julie agrees to take them to the university in the morning. (I thought she had an understanding of Italian, and translated that lst letter that Sami & Lucas found). Finally Bo & Hope are alone, kibitzing about Roman & Anna, and who wins the bet, how many months of diaper changing, but why not get started on the one month of doing whatever Bo wants at night. Hope giggles, and I guess finds out just how horizontally busy Bo can be tonight.

Back at the DiMera mansion, Steve is making himself at home at the dinner table, after first taking 2 bottles of wine from the liquor table, and putting one under the table. Stefano, Tony, and a very groggy Anna come in with Steve asking them to join him. Nope, Anna has to leave, her cab has arrived. Tony is crestfallen, but she promises some other time. Now Tony thinks Steve spiked the wine, and he should test it. Go ahead, says Steve. (remember, he spiked the cork, lol). Well, he admits that his little affair with Hope was a hoax, says he figured he would score points with the Bradys and make them think he was on their side, and proceeds to tell them how Hope was looking for the letters, found them, took pictures. Stefano decides to let the Bradys learn who killed Colleen. Their family will never be the same.

That whole Steve-Hope thing reminds me of the time when Marlena was pregnant with Sami, and Eugene Bradford pretended to be the father because Roman was undercover and believed to be dead. Anybody remember that?
I love the way Steve has been making himself at home at the mansion lately! I just wonder how much of it Steffy believes!
:duh: :duh: They way Steve is making him self home reminds me of the clown fish, the way he walks around that house. For all that don't know the clown fish makes its home in the tentecals of the sea animiny LOL its spell wrong but you get the picture ( a very posinous creature that stings its prey ). Anyways thats what Steve remind me of the way he prance his self around all those stingers but if he isn't careful just like the clown fish, rud off that protection ( nothing more than prey like anything else ) he would be.
Poirot wrote: He says Kate is one to have in your corner,
keep up the good work, and leaves.
HUH??? Kate is being investigated by the SEC. Her funds are frozen. The investigation has to be big time news in Salem -- assuming someone is still running the Spectator. How has her credibility with "respectable" people and organizations not been harmed? A member of the hospital board would not want to be seen talking with her, let alone promoting her influence.

Makes me think he wasn't really the "the" Mr. Lewis. How would Nick know the difference.
Do we know for sure what side Steve is on? I know he was on the island and supposidly "deprogramed". But where is Kayla? How do know for sure that it worked. Ironically, we actually have not seen her since the island, right? I'm not entirely convinced yet that he's with the Brady's. He's totally playing both sides right now.
I believe the whole Steve deprograming s/l is over. Or atleast I hope so. The only thing they could do is pick up with it saying he hid Kayla away somewhere and left the island and has been working for Steffano this whole time. Oh I hope Days doesnt go there Im tired of the Steve mind game s/l.
momof2 wrote:
Do we know for sure what side Steve is on? I know he was on the island and supposidly "deprogramed". But where is Kayla? How do know for sure that it worked. Ironically, we actually have not seen her since the island, right? I'm not entirely convinced yet that he's with the Brady's. He's totally playing both sides right now.

Oh thank you for vebalizing that one! I thought I was the onlyu one totlaly in the dark on that one as I have not quite figured that one out yet.

Although I am shocked Stef let Hope go. Has his illness softened him? Where is the secret room or the catcombs in which he would take her to and imprison her in? Feeling slightly jipped!
New here and much thanks for posting the Days Ahead...

Just a thought on the EJ/SAMI/LUCAS/NICK situation now... i think it'll come down to the question of...DID nick "fix" the paternity results.... from what it looks like he might or might not do it....
I was thinking the same thing about did Nick fix the paternity test or not idea. That would leave a lot more ??? to be able to drag the story out farther. Honestly I want it to be known who the father really is, but this is days so that will not happen for probably 10 years or so.
I believe Steve is on the side of good. I love the scenes with him in the DiMera mansion...!!! That guy cracks me up....I sometimes tend to think he's a little old for his fashion style but I went to a Leon Russell concert the other day and oh my gosh, what a bunch of rockin oldsters...!!! They are out there....ones that look and dress just like Steve...!!! And I know, most of you guys right now are :duh: , saying "Leon who??"......
Has there been 1 baby in Days that hasn't been "who's the daddy?" :duh:
PAllison, I remember Leon Russell! My parents had his records, I grew up listening to him in the 70s.

Back to 'Days':
I guess we see why Max wasn't included in the Brady family sit-down last week. He called out Jeremy for working with EJ, then caved in for Linkin Park tickets.

I don't where Steve is heading, but these scenes with the DiMeras are a lot more fun than watching him lead a revolt at a mental hospital or act as EJ's pawn.
You know one time Stef and Hope did the tango LOL so maybe he might have a hidden soft spot for her unknown to himself.......... :love:
Stefano DOES a bit of flirting with Hope, talking of how close they once were (remember the turret?) and kissing her hand, and asking if they can perhaps have coffee or something one day.
I swear tho, to me, it was like when a guy finds out some gal is "easy" and tries for his share of the action. But I could be wrong. Just was my take on the scene.
That is funny! I saw Leon Russell at Tim's Red Doggie Saloon in Milford, Michigan in 1995. I was sitting maybe 25 feet away. I am happy to hear he is playing around! :~)
Good lord I am so sick of the Teeny Boppers. Max looks so darn silly with the hair on his face. I Tivo Days and most always fast forward through the boring parts. I wish the writer would speed up some of these story lines. Too darn slow. :(
Ok I am finished complaining. Thanks for reading.
Everyone have a good night.
you would think with the whole hairbrush incident that Nick would think twice about doing a lab mix-up. why hasn't there been mention of Belle and Shawn since they got Claire back? Is philip staying true to his word and dropping the custody lawsuit? Whatever happened to the surrogate who was carrying Philip and Mimi's baby. I'm surprised Philip hasn't tried to get that baby..after all it is his baby. lol Maybe Belle will discover she is pregnant..her and Shawn did do the deed on the island lol. Thanks for posting the day ahead Barb!
"A bit later Bo, Hope, Doug & Julie are looking at the letters (evidently printed out) but since they are in Italian, have no idea what they say. Julie agrees to take them to the university in the morning. (I thought she had an understanding of Italian, and translated that lst letter that Sami & Lucas found)."

This is the kind of thing that just drives me NUTS!!!