Thursday, May 24th

People sure put a lot of faith in the supernatural on this show. Belle is sure Claire's alive because of a dream, and EJ's sure that Sami's baby is his because of a peacock feather.
jcart......thank you. in a nutshell....yep. that is it. Reilly is alive and still kicking in Sheffer's brain.
I wonder if their brains just turn to mush when they become writers for DOOL?
Someone on the writing staff must be a Star Wars fan, because that scene with Tony, EJ, and Sami, when EJ stops Tony from taking Sami, was right out of Return Of the Jedi.
I agree EJ is no saint nor are John and Marlena although everyone always forgets that John was an assassin and Marlena was the Devil and they did terrible evil things also. Yes oh yes I know that was all caused by the Dimera's but can we under estimate the Dimera influenced had on EJ. Can we even go as far as saying he to is a Pawn as John,Marlena, Steve and Hope all have been at one point in time. If you look at it realistically he would be the biggest pawn as he was used by Stefano before he was born, taken from his mother and brainwashed day in and day out all of his life. I think we should welcome him into the days family with open arms as we do John,Marlena, Steve and Hope and if viewer can over look all of these evils in the past of our loved characters why can't we do it for EJ, and I think this is storyline Days will use to redeem EJ.
yeah I thought it was a good enough point to say it twice but was not willing to rewrite it completely. Lazy me.