Thursday, October 18th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, October 18th, 2007

Episode 10, 679 Taped 10/1 Director – Kathryn Foster

Today is completely devoted to John’s funeral. The opening scene shows John down on the docks, looking a figure coming towards him out of the fog. It is Marlena, and he stares in disbelief. He reaches out, tentatively touching her face, and cries out, Doc, Doc, it is really you. Oh, my God, Oh, my God, Oh, my God as they embrace. The scene shifts and we see Marlena standing alone on the dock. She has been remembering that oh so famous scene when John found her on the docks, after she had been gone for 5 years and was thought to be dead. She hears a noise, and calls out John’s name, asking if he is there. Around the corner comes Roman, telling her everyone has been looking for her. She is sorry, but how did he know he would find her there. He said John told him the story of finding her there, and had said it was a miracle. So he figured Marlena might be there, looking for a miracle of her own. He tells her the funeral is about to start, but she is not sure she can do that, she just doesn’t think she can say good-bye to him.

Folks have gathered at the Pub, setting tables and getting things ready for after the service. Doug & Julie are helping Belle & Hope, when Belle gets a call from Brady. She returns to say Innsbruck is socked in with a snowstorm, so Brady & Chloe cannot get a flight out. Sami tells her that Eric cannot get there either. Julie asks Kayla how her parents are holding up. Kayla tells them her mom is keeping busy and it helps, but Pop is taking it very hard. Steve says he should have killed Stefano when he had the chance. Stephanie expresses her condolences to Abe, knowing John was his good friend. Steve remembers how he was the one who first brought John to Salem, and we see a flashback of the young Steve talking to the bandaged up figure laying in a bed, and saying he will protect him.

We switch to Stefano’s hospital room, where he is reading the Spectator about John’s death. Tony arrives with a bottle of wine he had bought for a dinner he had planned with John & Marlena. He thinks Stefano could make use of it now, to celebrate his brother’s murder. Stefano sighs, saying something about…brother? You barely knew him. True, says Tony, since you left me on that deserted island for 20 years. He says he never even knew his sister. Stefano says something about both him and Lexie no longer being DiMeras. Anna arrives and they leave, but Anna turns to tells Stefano that she actually was feeling sorry for him. But he does not deserve her sympathy at all. After they leave, Stefano stares out the window for a bit, then picks up the phone, and calls for his limo.

Outside the Pub, Lucas is carrying some packages, when EJ comes up, offering to help him. Lucas asks what the blazes he is doing there, and EJ says he came to express his condolences. Lucas loses it, drops his packages, and punches EJ in the gut. Out comes Sami, Bo, Shawn, Sr. & Doug. Sami asks what he is doing there, this is not about him, and he is not welcome. She & Lucas go inside, as the men stand barring the doorway, and telling EJ to get lost.

Bo & Hope arrive at the church, seeing the huge display of roses, the flag draped coffin, the large pictures on easels, one of John alone, and one of John & Marlena. Hope asks who could have done all this. Father Kelly comes out, and tells them it was all arranged by special messenger, along with a check to cover all the expenses. From who, inquires Bo. And Father Kelly says the check was signed V. Alamain. Oh, my, says Hope, Vivian Alamain. She is John’s aunt. Is she coming? No, she said she did not feel she would be welcome in Salem. (Huh? Since when?) Belle & Shawn arrive, and she goes up to the casket, falling apart as she tearfully talks to her dad. Later, the church has filled up with all the Salemites, and yes, they are ALL there. Chelsea, Maggie, Stephanie, Philip, Billie, Shawn, Caroline, Doug, Julie, Bo, Hope, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Sami, Lucas, Belle, Shawn, Tony, Anna, even Jett. Marlena arrives with Roman, and sits between her two daughters, holding onto a hand of each. Father Kelly comes out, and the service begins.

Meanwhile, back at the Pub, and please explain how EJ got in there…..he is at the bar, drinking while Kate pours. He asks why she is not at the funeral, and she counters with the fact he seems to be celebrating, since his goal was finally accomplished. It started when he shot John. EJ doesn’t say anything at first, just acknowledges what she said, then claims he did not shoot John. Kate asks then who did. EJ shrugs, saying maybe Andre, or Bart. Kate laughs at him trying to pin it on dead people. She tells him he was raised to hate the Bradys, and did not even know them. Then he came to Salem and met them, fell in love with one of them. And if there is one thing she has learned, it is that lifelong hatred of anyone never has a good outcome. She learned the hard way. And he should realize the vendetta has been a failure. Because when this is all over, the Bradys will be together, stronger, and come after the DiMeras with a vengeance.

Back at the church, we have different people coming up, to give their own eulogy. But the door opens, and Victor strides in. He stands in front saying he knows he was not invited, but he has some things to say. He talks of how he could have handled the business of Claire in a different manner, and knows John would have. He respected his former son-in-law, who always did the right thing. He even mentions John taking his name from a mission poster. Victor goes on about John and his good traits, then goes to Marlena, saying he is sorry. She says Thank you, and he leaves. Hope talks of how John always told her to be strong, and she breaks down, crying, and apologizing to John because she can’t do that. Not today. She goes on, her voice breaking, tears streaming, and then she just breaks down, no longer able to go on. Bo goes up to get her. Belle brings up a picture Claire drew for her grampa, and could not wait to give it to him. She talks of her dad, then breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably and Shawn goes up and holds her, as Sami rises to give her a hug. Sami talks of how she & John did not always get along, and she thought he would never forgive her for the things she has done, but he did. She is greatful to have been raised by two wonderful dads. She turns to the casket, and thanks John for caring for her. Caroline talks of how John was always like a son to them, in fact for quite some time they thought he was their son. But she could not love him any less, and always has considered John to be a Brady. She turns, kisses the coffin, and says good-by, my son. Abe talks of his good friend, his voice cracks at times, and he notes that tho John was never actually a policeman, he will be buried with full police honors. Anna talks of being on the phone with Carrie last night, for hours, and her memories of being with John. Anna admits she left Carrie to pursue her own life and careet, and now she is older and wiser, and listening to Carrie reminisce about the vacations, the Friday night pizzas, the good times she had, Anna wishes she had been a part of that. Interspersed with these little eulogies and various scenes of John with the person talking. No audio, just visual. Roman gets up, talking of how he is unusual among them all, since John had his identity for a while. John had his name, his family, his wife. And when Roman returned at last, John graciously gave it all back. And THAT is what Roman calls Class!
Marlena gets up, and thanks everyone for their kind words about her husband. She turns to the casket, talking to John, calling him her lover, and if there is such a thing, her knight in shining armor. She mentions all the dragons he has slayed for her, and wonders if she will ever feel safe again without him there. The door at the back of the church opens, she turns, as does everyone in the church. And there is Stefano! The expression on her face tightens, as she faces him.

Barb :cry:


I had tears welling up.............Thanks for your time.....A job well done.
Just reading this i had tears in my eyes. What will happen when i watch the shoe. Oh my God.
I thought it was bad when Zack was killed.

Today and tomorrow are going to be practically unbearable. I'm in tears already.

I'm glad Victor was there though. I did not expect Vivian, but yeah, she's his aunt, and I could see that.
You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us updated on what is going on. Thank you so much! I sit in my office and cry just reading your recap and hope no one wants anything from me! I too read what is going to happen and then watch it.

I love that they have mentioned so many character that are off screen, especially Vivian.

I still can't believe our beloved John is gone!
I love that the writers mentioned Vivian. I have always loved her character.

I hope Sami and Lucac stay together.
You know.. I would of thought that Roman would of had security there to keep out the likes of EJ and Stefano. But then we would not have a daily cliff hanger then.. I got a new box of tissues at the grocery store yesterday.. Sounds like I will be using most of them today and tomorrow..
Thanks for the wonderful job you do on the spoliers Poirot!! Plese keep it up!!
I would like to share a brief story of a character that I have grown with and would like to now say good-bye to...

It started in 1986 when I was sixteen and dating a girl who was an avid fan of Days Of Our Lives. To spend time with her, I would go over to her house after school and watch the soap with her. I didn’t care much for it, I was more interested in her, but after a few weeks of watching it with her I did draw close to one character…it was John Black. At the time he was the Pawn, who Marlena tried to convince that he was her lost husband Roman. My girlfriend hooked me onto this soap and long after we broke up, I have kept tuning into Days on a regular basis to see what has been happening to John (and the rest of the cast). A lot of things have changed and a lot of people have come and gone in the last 21 years, but John has pretty much been there all of the time. It is also now kind of ironic that on this Friday things will be changing in my life where I won’t be able to see Days on a regular basis anymore. It’s as if I came in at that same time John Black’s character did, and I’m leaving at the same time his is as well.

So, I would like to leave behind these lyrics to a character that I grew with...

Good-bye, my friend was a fun ride growing up with you. Thanks for the memories.

Oh, we never know where life will take us
We know it's just a ride on the wheel
And we never know when death will shake us
And we wonder how it will feel, so

Good-bye, my friend
I know I'll never see you again
But the time together through all the years
Will take away the tears
It's ok now
Good-bye, my friend

I've seen alot of things that made me crazy
And I guess I held on to you
I could have run away and left, well maybe,
But it wasn't time and we both knew, so

Good-bye, my friend
I know I'll never see you again
But the love you gave me through all the years
Will take away my tears
I'm ok now
Good-bye, my friend

Life's so fragile and love's so pure
We can't hold on but we try
We watch how quickly it disappears
And we'll never know why
But I'm ok now
Good-bye, my friend
You can go now
Good-bye, my friend

Good luck on your next adventure Drake!
Oh this is so difficult, I just can't believe they have really killed him off.

What a beautiful poem from BlackCorpJet... I too grew up watching the Salemites and love John dearly.

Farewell to a wonderful Friend.
Thanks for the recap. What did the previews look like for the next show?
Today was a sad day and tomorrow will be worse. What is Days thinking killing John off? He was the heart of Days. No one can take his place, no one.
I might bid farewell to Days too or just read about it here like a story book.
Thanks for all you do Poirot.
I think I will go for a walk and cry some more.
Thanks so much for today. I too, had tears, can't wait to watch! I have worked a lot lately and have depended on you to keep me up to date. I obviously missed something the last few weeks, I thought Drake had a contract thru the next few seasons. Can anyone tell me what happened? Surely, now that Days ratings have gone up the producers would not let a major character go!
Great job Poirot! You just do every scene justice! I appreciate your efforts in detailing these episodes. My heart hurts knowing I will get to see this tomorrow. I don't want to see the funeral! Sigh.

BlackJet - your story was touching! I always love to hear of men who watch Days and for what reasons. I hope you continue to keep up with this site. It's hard to let go of Days!

It's been a rough week! I really hope we get some happy times ahead.
Thank you Poirot yet again. I wasn't able to watch today (I am in Canada and see the day ahead version) but am sitting here with tears streaming down my face yet again at your well written synopsis. I am so glad that on the days I work I know I can really on this site to feed my Days addiction.

I agree with Alligato - happy times have to be ahead even though there will always be a hole where John should be.
geez.. I am sitting here at work.. with tears pouring out my eyes.... !! and my cheeks hirtf rom trying to restrain!.. I don't know if I can watch this... I too love john's character.. I love how invincible he always appears to be, and so love his eyebrow action.. Iknow lots of people make fun of that.. but I do enjoy it..

I also started watching days when John first came on, and have loved him since.. I loved him and Isabella together, and was so sad when she died....

aw geez... this is so bitter sweet.
I've been an on/off Days watcher ever since I was a kid.

I first started watching, back when I was about 7, during the Princess Gina storyline, then I stopped for a few years. When I was about 9, I saw a bit of the original story of Sami and Brandon. And I finally seriously started watching Days (back when I was about 12 or 13) the day that Tony (who was, apparently, really André) threw Sami through the window of the DiMera Mansion.
Do you know what I noticed whenever I watch days? John Black was always there. He always had something to do with the show. Whether it was in the major storyline or not, John was always there. I am tearing up as a type this. It seems so hard to believe that John will be gone. Now, admitedly, I haven't seen Thrusday yet. However, from what Poirot has written, I can tell that Dee Hall, Ali Sweeney...everyone at the funeral did a miraculous job! I will continue to watch Days, but there will always be an empty space in Days where John Black should be. Now, I know that someone else has done something similar to this, but I wish to dedicate this to John Black and all who love him:

I close my eyes
And I can see
The day we met
Just one moment and I knew
Your my best friend
Do anything for you
We've gone so far
And done so much
And I feel
Like we've always been together
Right by my side
Through thick and thin
You're the part of my life
I'll always remember
The time has come
It's for the best, I know it
Who could have guessed that you and I...
Somehow, someway
We'd have to say goodbye
You've helped me find
The strength inside
And the courage to make my dreams come true
How will I find
Another frined like you?
Two of a kind
That's what we are
And it seems like we were always winning
But as our team is torn apart
I wish we could go back to the beginning!
The time has come
It's for the best, I know it
Who could have guessed that you and I...
Somehow, someway
We'd have to say goodbye
Somehow, today
We have to say goodbye

No, I did not know Drake Hogestyn. But, in a way, I think that everyone who watches Days knows the character John Black.

Thank you

sunshine wrote:
Just reading this i had tears in my eyes. What will happen when i watch the shoe. Oh my God.
You will I will be doing...watching - and holding a box of tissues and using every last one of them!
I don't think I have been this affected by a soap character's death since probably when Steve "died." When I began watching Days in late 1988, John still believed he was Roman. I watched the entire storyline where he lost his wife, his job, and his children. I watched his life with Isabella, and then his affair with Marlena. So many scenes, so many storylines we have all seen and experienced together. The Bradys are grieving, and during that funeral.. we will all be Bradys and feel the loss. That is good storytelling. That is what soaps are all about, life... and death, and the real grief that families experience.
I would have to agree with you. This has been heart-wrenching, and not only for we viewers. The cast seems to be very emotionally affected themselves. They all are shedding real tears.

And in one of the previews for Friday.....Marlena SCREAMS at Stefano to get out!!!!