Time-Warner vs. CBS battle


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Several posters here have mentioned losing CBS in their area the past several weeks because negotiations between CBS and their cable company seemingly have hit a brick wall.

Well CBS fired another volley when they blocked internet viewing of their programs by customers of Time Warner. (That is unreal!). I heard Netflix, Amazon, a couple others.

This morning I heard that Time Warner is offering it's customers in big city areas (New York, LA, Dallas, etc.) free rabbit ear indoor antennas, so they could perhaps pick up CBS for free, as we all used to be able to do. Just passing on the news, folks. Call your cable company, if it is Time Warner, and you are affected by this.
Also affected are those whose Cable company is a partner of Time Warner, specifically Brighthouse & Insight.
Last night I dozed off for a while when the news ended, and woke up to David Letterman introducting Serena Williams...as he did so, he prefaced his intro moaning about the CBS/Time Warner "thing" causing all kinds of problems. And when she came on, mentioned the U.S. Open (Tennis) which I am guessing CBS carries. ??? One could tell he was ticked.