Top 10 Married Couples of All Time

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Nov 23, 2006
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Know you all really enjoyed the trip down memory lane, remembering many different couples and scenes. It does seem we all are missing the "romance" of past years, and not happy with the present bickering, and fighting. The final vote count had some surprising results, & really was not decided til the end. FYI, next two closest vote getters were Carrie & Austin, plus Justin & Adrienne who tied. One voter loved the latter couple so much, her 3 children are named, Justin, Adrienne & Alexander. Several of you mentioned Vivian, some with her wonderful sidekick, Ivan,(they were never married, of course) and others with her memorable Jonesy. Thank you all taking the time to share your thoughts & your favs with us!


Shane & Kimberly were so good together, the way they got together was so great, as was their song Friends and Lovers, and the fact that Shane was a perfect James Bond replica, English accent and all, was a double bonus. They were so different yet they complimented each other so well. When they went undercover together on a spying job it was so exciting. Shane was so proper, and British, while Kimberly was so fun loving and American. It was wonderful they became really good friends before they even thought of becoming a couple, if only we could bring them back!


We waited years and years for these star-crossed lovers to unite, and for good reason. From the day John "the Pawn" Black walked into Dr. Marlena Evans' office, sparks flew! Fans didn't even care if the Pawn's true identity turned out to be that of the evil Stefano DiMera, as long as this actor and this actress were together! Something about the two of them together on screen is so intimate, so realistic, one easily forgets that they are simply actors playing out a scene, and not a couple deeply in love in reality. Their love scenes are so dead-on, it sometimes makes one blush, feeling like a voyeur intruding on some private moment. Who can ever forget their reunion scene on the pier, when Marlena unexpectedly, but truly came back from the dead!


John Black and Isabella Toscano had one of the few genuine and real relationships on Days. There was no lying, cheating or manipulations involved. The character of Isabella caught on immediately, and the two played off each other beautifully. The darkest day on the show is still the day Isabella died. The "dance into eternity" that she shared with John was probably the most touching moment ever seen on Days. In a time when John Black had nothing that was truly his, Isabella gave him a place to belong...with her. It was the show's most bittersweet and endearing love story. and broke our hearts to see the hurt and the pain in John's eyes as he held his beloved Izzy-B on that balcony overlooking Italy with the music playing for their last dance. When her hand dropped and you knew she was gone and the tears streaming down John's face will forever lock them in our memory as one of Days favorite couples.


Now here is proof that you don't have to be size 2 to be sexy and passionate! Craig and Nancy light the screen on fire with their intense sexual passion for one another. This is a couple that still likes to make out on the couch. As someone wrote "After 10 years of marriage, if I am still doing that with my wife, then hallelujah!!!" Also they are downright funny with role playing and other things to spice up their passion. This duo is very entertaining, yet much more realistic than most soap couples. First of all, when the truth about Chloe came out, we got no overplayed estrangement, rebounding with a sexy single, or a single out-of-character action from either player in the marriage. While the truth about Chloe's paternity remains a secret, they banter about it like real married couples banter about... normal issues... and yet retain the love in their marriage. Nancy is a "real woman" who is, ironically enough, in what seems to be the happiest marriage in Salem, and perhaps the only one with few dark storm clouds on the horizon. One would think that, according to the show, only skinny women can "land a man", as all the supercouples feature women who, while beautiful, are skinnier than 90% of us real women out there. So, Bravo to the writers who created this couple, and the actors who portray them so convincingly.

Soap couples don’t come any better than this. Married, divorced, then married again, Doug was also married to Julie's mother and fathered Julie's half-sister, Hope. And now Hope is also Julie's step-daughter. Confused? What we can't be confused about is what a super couple Doug and Julie form, and how likable each of them is alone, and how great they are when put together. Their love has withstood the test of time, and having them still around in Salem today is wonderful! We’re never quite sure if we’re voting for "Doug and Julie" or honoring and congratulating Bill and Susan for their many years together...either way, this real-life married couple represents a bond so deep and true that through the actors' devotion and passion...their characters' write their own storyline with just a gaze into each other's eyes ..they are simply too good together...they never seem to be acting in front of a camera. They are the only soap couple to have appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, and many feel Days was put on the map with that cover. Who can resist a love that has lasted for SO long and through SO many travails? Who can forget all of Doug's serenades to his fair lady? And it ended up in a REAL love that has lasted forever. They're gorgeous, they're sexy, and they're SO in love. She's whacky and he's just a sort of go-with-the-flow kind of guy. They compliment each other very well. They both would do anything for you and each has a heart of gold. Thus the feeling by so many, that Doug & Julie should be the next matriarch & patriarch of Days of Our Lives.


A clearly, much missed favorite couple. Do I really have to explain why? Both eccentric, outlandish at times, who could ever forget Calliope’s earrings? Or Eugene’s inventions? John de Lancie and Arleen Sorkin's portrayal of this couple was perfect as they had Eugene and Calliope cracking everyone up a million times over. They were so funny and hilarious together, and just made us laugh all the time especially when they had their dogs married... And the best wedding with snowman everywhere !!!


The talents of Matthew Ashford and Missy Reeves make this couple just shine. They have so much chemistry between them and it shows in every scene. And voters were very clear they were voting for these specific actors in the roles. Jack and Jen shared a sense of adventure and an appreciation for fun. These two have been able to pull off the light comedy that's so rarely seen in soaps. Missy Reeves (Jen) has a natural charm and down-to earth quality that perfectly balances the quirky, often eccentric personality of Matt Ashford's Jack. They are another truly human pair. They fight and drag things out, yet not in secretive monologues to the mirror --instead, to each other! They actually hash and rehash issues, past actions, and conflicts, and ironically enough, with all the mind warping satellites and rubies which appear to have been the only thing stolen in Salem in the past twenty years, their realistic bantering is a breath of fresh air. We know they are still in love, Jack knows it, and Jen half-admits it to Hope, but they nevertheless go at each other like stray cats. And they are made more human by their forgivable yet blaring personality flaws. They are funny, filled with angst, serious, creative, intelligent, and equal partners. They challenge, surprise and engage each other the way no one else can. It's as if their souls and spirits were superglued together the day they met. They connected on such a deep level. They have a great friendship and thoroughly enjoy each other. That is sexy. They don't have to constantly be kissing or having sex to steam up the tv. Their eyes and facial expressions speak volumes!


Who could ever forget one of soap's all time greatest love stories, that continues to this day. The romance of the handsome rebel and the feisty heiress. Bo and Hope have (should I say had?) a friendship/love that seemed to transcend time. Each of them would put their lives on the line for the other in a heartbeat, and each would kill the other for even thinking about it. Bo and Hope together made a fantastic team, whether it was as crime-fighters or partners in crime, Bo and Hope always gave us something to look forward to with each and every episode. Their love for each other has withstood the test of time, and the devotion to each other is apparent any time they look at each other. The following came from one voter..."When Bo and Hope got married the first time, I kept my three young daughters home from school, donned them in their favorite party dresses, squeezed into my 7 year old wedding gown, poured champagne, non alcoholic of course, and watched the ceremony on TV. I even rented a sign normally used for subdivision announcements and wrote Congratulations Bo and Hope. Need I say more."


(being there was a tie for #1, we left out #2 couple)

They were perfect for each other. You could watch them together and actually believe that they were very happily married in real life. They were great, and were the best. Steve was a street smart guy who took no crap and Kayla was from the Brady family. Who will ever forget the scene when Kayla lifts up Steve's patch. They had the best sex scenes ever and Stefano never tried to break them up. Never before or since has any character on any daytime show been so transformed by love as Steve (Patch) Johnson was by Kayla Brady. It was the ultimate bad boy/ good girl, against-all-odds love story. They endured more obstacles and tragedy, they stayed together through it all, which is rare in the world of soaps. Only death separated them, and only barely then. Who can hear Lady In Red and not think of them? If I could wish for a single element to return to the show today, it would be this couple. Steve and Kayla had the old-time loyalty and devotion you just don't get in many of today's couples. They were the total embodiment of true love. Their Civil War story, where Kayla was Emily & Steve was Gideon was superb. It was so beautiful on their wedding day (on the boat) when Kayla was mute, Steve was doing sign language that the priest said for Kayla to repeat, and the part where she was to say courage, she started to talk. The character & storyline development of this couple was spectacular. Individually, they were interesting, but together they were downright fascinating! Many clamor for their return, and as one voter put it , "The thought of their return would make me want to quit my job to be able to watch the show real-time instead of taping it."


Without a doubt, they set the example for ALL couples to follow - a deep, loving, caring, mature relationship. No games! The Horton couple represent history, strength, and devotion to a family, a town, a way of life. Tom and Alice built the dynasty that is "DAYS OF OUR LIVES" and we are all better people to have watched and grown with Tom and Alice Horton over the years. They were and are the backbone of the show. The first show opened with their characters, and they were together for so long, you can still feel Tom’s presence even after all this time without him. Their’s is a love that will never die, and even tho Tom is gone, their enduring love still shines through. !! Alice – another "REAL WOMAN" -- no model thin, glamorized, siliconed and surgically enhanced woman for Tom Horton. She was always beautiful in Tom's eyes and he was always young and handsome in hers, as in their song...ALWAYS. It is still nice to see old clips of when they were together. They were great. The family still loves and needs them.

Tom and Alice Horton - It's simply a "given"... the original couple of DAYS OF OUR LIVES!
And again, the voting on this was done over 10 years ago, by the readers of Early Edition, over 4000 votes were cast. The comments are those of readers back then. Some things never change, right? LOL.
I TOTALLY agree with the two #1's...thought Tom and Alice should always be #1...should not be a tie.
Love me some Steve and Kayla and now they are trying to break them up...UGH!
Also LOVE that John and Isabella beat out John and Marlena. I loved John and Izzy B together....John and Marlena...not so much.
At the time, I remember recounting, and hoping someone would send something in late. LOL. But.....we were honest......and that is the way the votes went.
By the way, there were pics of every couple.......but THREE of Tom & Alice......however they just did not show up here.
Mine would include Kate & Stefano, Maggie & Victor, Sami & Rafe, Sami & Lucas, and EJ & Nicole. I agree with Tom & Alice being on there. I also like Marlena & John. I haven't seen many of their scenes, but I think I'd like Roman & Marlena as well.
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