Top Dads -????


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I just read what is supposed to be a report on the 10 best dads on the soaps.....with 2 honorable mentions. It covered all 4 soaps. I don't watch any other so not commenting on the entire group, just the Days mentions. John was #10, with Chad at #1 !!!! Brady was #3. Will & Sonny were in the middle somewhere.

Now, in MY opinion, Brady should not have even been in there. He has a son in CA he may talk to once in a while by phone, and a daughter he allowed his girlfriend to take with her on the run, to hide out. Doesn't seem like he cares much about his kids.

I'd put Lucas in that spot in a nano-second. John should have been #1, way ahead of the others, & I might give Chad a break, & put him in that #10 spot. Jack is working his way back up, but currently, no kids in town. Same goes for Steve.
I'd add Roman to the list. He's a great listener and gives great advice to Eric, and doesn't seem to hesitate on the tough love to Sami, and comforted her when EJ "died".

100% agree on Brady not needing to be listed.
I'd add Roman to the list. He's a great listener and gives great advice to Eric, and doesn't seem to hesitate on the tough love to Sami, and comforted her when EJ "died".
Not just the current version of Roman (Josh Taylor), but Wayne Northrop's Roman was a great dad to Carrie, and when John thought he was Roman, he was great with Carrie, Sami, and Eric.

I also thought Bo was a great dad with both Shawn and Ciara. Certainly better than Brady, who should not be on this list at all, or even Chad, as we hardly ever see him with his kids on the show to judge his parenting skills.
I believe that poll was dads presently on the soaps. I can't remember the site, and I don't watch any other soaps, in fact, did not ever see any notice of a poll there. But whoever did the voting, or tallying, not good, not accurate at all. (I would not vote in a poll that listed shows or actors I don't watch anyway, would not be fair. )

I just was so surprised to see Brady on the list......(maybe it was just the owners of the site who decided, don't know) & to see Chad as #1, lolol
Hmmm, I did not think it was "sexiest"...& could swear Brady was #3.
How could Brady and Chad be rated above the manly Rafe? What woman wouldn't be attracted to him. In contrast, Brady is an irresponsible, substance-abusing, Kristen obsessed lout and Chad could be described as an often foolish member of the DiMera B team. Xander also has those two beaten hands-down. He was a good father to Baby Mickey/Rachel and looks great in a suit or a towel. Who can top that?