Tues. 12/8/09


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Have to say this is a very slow episode, and not much is going on.
Nicole is constantly muttering in her sleep about finding Sydney, eventually managing to get out of bed, sees there is a guard outside her door, sees another door in her room, but it is locked. She does manage to find something to pick it.

Sami is worried about who took Sydney, is with Rafe, talking to EJ when Stefano comes in. Now they all accuse him of taking Sydney, while he, in true soap opera fashion, remains silent. He finally says he has an idea, claiming that Nicole probably knows. They all defend Nicole, talking of her being hit on the head, etc. but Stefano claims Nicole has always lied, is probably doing so now as well. He mentions his men have been tracking Nicole, just as EJ has been doing. This surprises Sami, but EJ admits doing so when Nicole left Salem's jurisdiction.

Hope opens the door to Carly, is surprised, Carly starts to leave, Hope invites her in. Snarky talk, again Carly tries to leave, but there is Hope talking about Carly returning to "my house" instead of just calling Bo to tell him, if she had to, that she would be staying at the Salem Inn. Bo reminds Hope once again that if she considers this her house, why did she move out. Hope also wants to know why CArly, in addition, was trying to move into Hope's aunt's home. Carly tells her everything is not about her, claims Maggie was nice to her, had a room.
In comes Victor, who realizes something is going on, and takes Ciara back to his place for an early Christmas present. Bo & Hope have promised her that when the tree arrives this afternoon, they can all decorate it tonight. Victor leaves.......Hope decides to also leave, & now Carly explains to Bo how it did not go well at Maggie's and she thinks her daughter really hates her.
Hope has gone to Java Cafe, chats with Mia, brings up Nathan being gone, mentions Carly, learns Mia was not happy with the idea of her moving in and doesn't trust her....makes Hope happy.
Earlier, Maggie had a bit of a talk with Mia, who is down in the dumps, feeling sad about her daughter having died.
Vivian gets a visit from Gus, who managed to get into Lawrence's safety deposit box. He mentions Lawrence having a Swiss bank account, also that Vivian is executor, and b ecause she gave Gus power of attorney, he was able to get into the box, and found this letter. Vivian opens it, reads it, says someone else needs to read this, too.

The show ends with Rafe talking the cop into letting him into Nicole's hospital room and finding it empty.
Thanks for the extra effort, Barb. I haven't had a chance to watch yet so I was glad to get to read the summary first. Will watch soon. I'm wondering why, if EJ was having Nicole tracked, did he not know where she was all along.
So, when Hope asked Mia about her "first impression" of Carly, Mia said that her first impression was to not trust Carly. Hmmm. Seems to me, Mia, that your first impression was to trust Carly to the point of telling her some pretty intimate details of your life!! I wonder why Mia is denying this now, to Hope [with whom she doesn't really have any kind of relationship.]
Struck me the same way.........but.......Mia has said she spilled all this stuff to a complete stranger.......who she knew nothing about, (and now is embarrassed), and Carly offered not a single shred of info about herself when Mia said that. Not even her name!!!! That is about the only reason I could see for Mia to have said this. And I agree, she knows absolutely nothing about Hope either. LOL
So, when Hope asked Mia about her "first impression" of Carly, Mia said that her first impression was to not trust Carly. Hmmm. Seems to me, Mia, that your first impression was to trust Carly to the point of telling her some pretty intimate details of your life!! I wonder why Mia is denying this now, to Hope [with whom she doesn't really have any kind of relationship.]

The writers set up this scene with Mia and Carly being at odds so Carly could be on the outs with both Melanie and Mia when she told Bo that she and her daughter got off on the wrong foot. It's just a ploy to try and keep the audience guessing as to who her daughter is.
Yeah, I get that. It just seems very strained -- to keep the viewers in the dark as to her identity. I can see keeping all the characters from knowing 'the secret', but it seems that since the viewers know as much as we do -- that she has a daughter and that it is either Melanie or Mia -- what point is being served to drag this last detail out any longer?