Tuesday, February 19th

I can see these scenes just fine too so I think it does depend on the television set.

I just wanted to comment about the praying scenes. I don't want to offend anyone but I for one am glad that they're showing the family back home praying for their loved ones! You don't see that on TV much unfortunately.
Haha, I love it, the old it's cold we need body heat and then we start making whoopie storyline. I know that Belle and Shawn are going to be together because they are leaving, Chloe and Philip will probably say it was just something that happened, they were lonely and it will never happen again, and then there will be puppy dog looks while she's looking for Brady. Her marriage was falling apart before he went missing and she's either lonely or looking to move on with her life but she's confused. I think the chemistry with Chloe and Philip is great, it's good to see them together again, I liked her with Brady too but if he's not coming back to DAYS I welcome back Phloe. Marlena and John will find their way back to each other, John seems to be slowly getting back to himself, I'm glad they didn't keep him the killer bad guy for that long, but you never know what the writers will think up day by day.
I'm sure Sami has been told "off camera."

Speaking from experience when people are gathered, waiting for news on a sick relatives condition,

I could see my own Dad telling me there was no need for me to come down to the station because he would call me as soon as he heard anything & the best place for me would be at home with my babies, especially since Ali has been so sick. Besides, Sami's already had her out in the cold to take her home from the safe house. Hey! Maybe she's the one watching Ceara!!!:D

Anyway, just a though! ;) :)
DOOL is not likely to air past 2009?? Then NBC will be left with no soap...while other major networds (cbs and abc) have plenty of soaps. Wouldn't that be a heavy blow to the station?
Wait til Fudd reads this. She wondered why the favorite ploy from days to conserve body heat had not been used on the plane. LOLOL

Glad to see that they are making up for that missed opportunity! At least they have separate tents!
i also don't understand why Sami hasn't been told. Maybe they are waiting until they know more so she doesn't feel like she has to...um...save her family.

Oh, j hunter! That was such a great post! Great laugh!
Thanks for the write up, Poirot!
"Over at St. Luke’s, Caroline is leading the group, all hands joined, in reciting the “Our Father”."
Just FYI: The "Our Father" is actually The Lord's Prayer.
Pilot and Co-Pilot

I was wondering what they did for these two guys - as far as I have seen they have not been mentioned.
John asked Steve, who said they did not make it. Have no idea about their bodies.
"Over at St. Luke’s, Caroline is leading the group, all hands joined, in reciting the “Our Father”."
Just FYI: The "Our Father" is actually The Lord's Prayer.

I know that. (I say it every week at church, and many times inbetween)....but for those who might not....I used that phrase instead.
Just got to see the show. It was easier to see. I was watching it on a newer tv. Was wondering how Bo was able to get up and go see Papa Shawn just after he was revived. Most of the patients that I have had that arrested and revived are intubated and sent to icu.
looks like the video was posted really late today.

for those who havent seen it yet, here's the youtube link:

gotta say I was crying when Victor put his arm around Chelsea to comfort her. But who is comforting Victor? BOTH his sons, his grandson and his great-granddaughter are all on that plane and his other grandson is still missing! All he has left right now (since they don't actually KNOW the plane crash victims are alive) is Chelsea! Oh right... and Ciara who's MIA.



Can't find today's show on YouTube(
DOOL is not likely to air past 2009?? Then NBC will be left with no soap...while other major networds (cbs and abc) have plenty of soaps. Wouldn't that be a heavy blow to the station?

I was thinking the same thing. What we need in place of Days is another hour of the Today Show! Just being facetious. How can CBS and ABC have all the soaps they have? Maybe the good story lines and wonderful acting will help NBC to reconsider. One can only hope.