Tuesday, Sept. 16th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Episode #10,912 Director – Phil Sogard

Today our Salemites are all having some heart to hearts. Stefano calls Anna into the room, making her a drink, talking of Tony. Anna protests slightly, but agrees to sit and talk. He shows her an album of pictures of Tony during his growing up years. Anna says Tony always told her there were no pictures, but Stefano never told him, and talks of how he kept tabs on Anthony while he was away at school. Tho we don’t see the pictures, Anna comments on Tony making his First Communion, and playing sports. Stefano goes on at how his children have not appreciated all he did for them, yada, yada, and Tony has betrayed him and will pay. (zzzzzzzz). He has always cherished his children. Anna scoffs at that. Cherish. Faking his death and banishing him to a deserted island for all those years??? That certainly is not an example of cherishing a child. Stefano shrugs. He will soon have another album full of pictures, when Kate has his baby!!!!!!! Anna has had enough, is going upstairs to Tony. Stefano tells her to take along the album, remind Tony of who he used to be. (Opera music plays in the background during all these scenes)

Sami is in the police station, trying to explain to her father why she went over to Horton cabin. Roman tells her that Lucas has custody, is perfectly capable of taking care of Allie, & that she was trespassing. She insists the door was open, she did not break in, & that she wanted to make sure Allie was alright. Marlena walks in, telling Sami she is giving good reasons for Lucas to get full custody, instead of joint. Sami rants at how Lucas was chopping wood, Chloe taking a shower, how irresponsible, and she has a good mind to….Marlena cuts her off, saying she is talking like a spoiled brat. That she should grow up, take responsibility for herself. Sami is shocked at her mother’s words, but Marlena has had enough of Sami’s childish & irrantional behavior. Sami is a grown woman with 3 children and needs to behave as such. If she cared about her children, she would realize her daughter needs both parents in her life. She raised Sami better than this. She walks out, Roman follows, asking if Marlena wasn’t a bit harsh. Nope, Sami is a spoiled & selfish manipulator, and if we continue to allow her to behave in this manner, her children will pick up all those same traits. They can no longer enable her, and she hopes Roman follows her lead. She walks out.

Roman returns to a pacing Sami, having run into Judge Henderson in the hall. Seems the judge heard all about Sami’s trip to the Horton cabin, considered it a slap in the face to him, and has extended Lucas’s time with Allie. He can’t do that, oh, yes he can, replies Roman. Sami is going to call her lawyer, and stop this. Roman has to leave because of a problem in the interrogation room, warns Sami to stay out of trouble. (like telling the moth to stay away from the flame! Ha.)

Over at the hospital, Hope runs into Kayla, inviting her to a ladies night out at the Blue Note. Bo & Steve are together at the Cheatin Heart, Hope has talked Caroline into watching Ciara & baby Joe (boy, Caroline raised 5 children while running a fish market, and never had anyone watch those kids, lolol, I think all could take lessons from her.) Kayla agrees to go, they talk a bit about their husbands wanting to nail Stefano, & along comes Marlena. They invite her to come with them, she is delighted. Hope claims the Salem P.D. is working very hard to try and nail Stefano for what he did to Marlena, and why. Kayla & Marlena exchange looks, obviously Kayla knows, & Marlena ‘fesses up that she injected Stefano with untraceable drugs, putting him into his coma, so he did the same to her. Hope reminds Marlena that Stefano will still be after her. Marlena says next time she will be prepared, they all will. Kayla says damn right we will.

Over at the Pub, Lexie sits with Theo, who is playing with his little truck. His little friend Sawyer stops by with his mom, but Theo ignores the hello. Sawyer asks his mom why Theo ignores him, Lexie explains that Theo gets so engrossed sometimes he doesn’t hear anyone. Later, she explains to Sawyer’s mom about Theo being autistic. The mom remembers that Matthew Benson was diagnosed recently with autism, she will get Lexie the Benson phone number, and perhaps they can exchange info, etc. (Just an aside, but does Days have a problem coming up with names? Henderson the butler, Judge Henderson. Matthew Benson? Weren’t Chelsea’s adoptive parents named Benson?)

At another table, EJ is questioning Nicole as to why she called the cops on Sami. Nicole thinks Sami was out of line, defied the court order, and asks EJ if he did not go after her to try and stop her. EJ claims she is the mother of his son, he was trying to make sure nothing happened to her. Nicole tells him that Sami is selfish & manipulative, is a horrible person, has, at one time or another, blackmailed nearly everyone they know. She starts recounting some of Sami’s past misdeeds, for which she should have gone to prison, including switching more paternity tests than one can imagine. Everyone is always cleaning up after her, and except for death row, Sami never pays. EJ agrees Sami is out of control. Nicole goes to the bar, while EJ joins Lexie & Theo.

At the bar, Daniel comes in, sitting down next to Nicole who seems to be drinking plain O.J. he makes a comment about clean living, she immediately gets Pete to add some vodka. He asks about her dog, she says Pookie is on a play date, is her best friend now that Ava Vitale is gone. They exchange chit chat, each surprised the other is still in town. She stayed cuz of a guy, & Daniel because of a gal. He babbles about the misunderstanding with the gal, and she is off in France. She says something about her tummy not being in too good a shape. He thinks too many martinis, cosmos & screwdrivers, offers to run some tests if she comes down to the hospital. She blows up, wondering why doctors are always wanting to run tests. It’s nothing, she claims. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, she will be fine.

EJ talks to Lexie about various things. First Theo who is playing with a spoon, twirling it in the air. He tosses it on the floor, EJ picks it up. They talk about Theo, how he misses Chelsea, talk of Nicole, Sami, the hospital review board calling her on the carpet, then of Stefano. Lexie plans on stopping by to talk to him, agrees that Abe is livid that Stefano managed to elude the law, etc. all the while, Theo keeps playing with the spoon, tossing it on the floor, EJ picking it up and returning it, and despite Lexie’s admonitions, Theo keeps tossing the spoon. She takes it away from him, & he begins crying out loud, hollering. Nicole wonders what is up, Daniels explains about the autism diagnosis. EJ promises to help Lexie any way he can, just ask. They talk of Johnny, who recently had a cold, is a bit cranky. He talks of Lucas gaining joint custody, Sami going over to the cabin, etc. He is worried she is getting out of control. EJ has to leave, his turn to put Johnny to bed, read him a story. He bids Lexie & Theo goodbye.

Stefano is alone, the maid brings in a note from Miss Brady. It is for John, but is marked urgent. Stefano opens it and reads.

Sami is pacing at the police station, the door opens, she expects John, but it is Stefano who comes in, saying he heard she is having trouble with Lucas Roberts. Maybe he can help. She looks at him with venom, says “Go to Hell”, and out the door she goes. Stefano chuckles, good ol’ hell. What would they do without it.


The previews at the end are evidently of a gathering at DiMansion, and the folks are getting rather impatient as to why they are all there (Tony, Anna, EJ, John, Sami, Marlena). Stefano halts everyone saying no one leaves until they learn why the guest of honor has been brought here.
Folks, I am going out of town for a week beginning this Thursday, the 18th, and will be leaving very early a.m. It is a long drive. I have checked and I doubt I will be able to do any summaries while I am gone. Now Wednesday, Kathy Lu will have a summary up, and on Friday, DJM will be doing the summary for next Monday.

If anyone thinks they might like to give us here even a very short 6-10 lines summary, please let me know. We will be needing one for Thursday, Friday & next Tuesday.
I may be able to get on the board, but just will not be able to do the summary.
thank you all. :)
Days of Our Lives

Over at the Pub, Lexie sits with Theo, who is playing with his little truck. His little friend Sawyer stops by with his mom, but Theo ignores the hello. Sawyer asks his mom why Theo ignores him, Lexie explains that Theo gets so engrossed sometimes he doesn’t hear anyone. Later, she explains to Sawyer’s mom about Theo being autistic. The mom remembers that Matthew Benson was diagnosed recently with autism, she will get Lexie the Benson phone number, and perhaps they can exchange info, etc. (Just an aside, but does Days have a problem coming up with names? Henderson the butler, Judge Henderson. Matthew Benson? Weren’t Chelsea’s adoptive parents named Benson?)

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the name Benson. Remember how often they've recycled the name "Nick"? If they need ideas for names, why don't they look in the phone book? A little diversity would be nice.

Thanks for the great summary, and for including the previews!
Love hearing Marlena go off on Sami... now if only she will follow up those words.

So... is this the little 'moment' we heard rumor of between Daniel and Nicole awhile back? If so gee... that was nothin.

Lastly I just have to nitpick... so Johnny is home with a cold (and don't forget home is shared with Stefano), Sami is at the police station and EJ is at the pub. Soo... Allie is the only one with one of her parents... but she's the one Sami is freaking out about. Okay, just wanted to make sure I got that right. :)
Isn't Kate a little old to be having Stefano's children? I know Rolf can do anything but still.

It's about time someone Sami looks up to told her to cool it. She's been very obnoxious lately. Sami has always been one of my favorite characters but she's been so obnoxious lately that I can't stand to watch when she's on.

Thanks for the write up Poirot!
Love hearing Marlena go off on Sami... now if only she will follow up those words.

:clap::clap:I totally agree.

Lastly I just have to nitpick... so Johnny is home with a cold (and don't forget home is shared with Stefano), Sami is at the police station and EJ is at the pub. Soo... Allie is the only one with one of her parents... but she's the one Sami is freaking out about. Okay, just wanted to make sure I got that right. :)

:rotfl: Yeah, but we know that it had little to do with Lucas having Allie, it was all about Lucas being with Chloe.
Marlena and Sami have had the same conversation so many time before, Dejavu what makes her thinks this time will be any different?
I'm with you Jude who's watching Johnny? Must be with Rolf in the new Lab he is building. :rotfl:
Looks like Kate is going to marry Stefano after all. :duh: What could she possibly thinking?
Thanks for the recap Barb appreciate it. Have a good time in your trip. Hope your going some where is warm.:hot:
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the name Benson. Remember how often they've recycled the name "Nick"? If they need ideas for names, why don't they look in the phone book? A little diversity would be nice.

I don't see anything wrong with it as this happens in real life. A small office I worked in once had six women at the same time named Sharon.
Oh I know what's motivating Sami's fits I just had to be a snot and point out another example of how poor little Johnny is now the kicked to the side baby. I mean heck if Stefano was planning on kidnapping Johnny he would have such easy access to him now! Maybe that's why he hasn't... to easy.

Seriously though it just boggles my mind that EJ and Sami are still in the mansion with Johnny. I mean heck under the circomstances you'd think EJ and Sami would be asking Lucas to take Johnny too to keep him safe!

Oh and yeah... Kate having Stefano's kids... um.... wha?! Forgive me but is she really the best choice for a womb for rent? Hope he gets a discount.
THAT had to be very unusual, tho, Kathy! Tho I had a class in H.S. with 5 Barbara's, so the teacher gave us all nicknames. However, if Days can come up with names like Kayla, Beauregard, Roman, Marlena, Melanie, Morgan, & Stefano, Calliope, Chloe, they sure as heck can just grab a phone book open it blindly and point a finger on a page. LOL.
Have to confess, I was just waiting for Roman or Marlena to ask Sami where Johnny was? She is ranting all about Allie.......and where is her son. AND, if she is so worried about her children, what about Will? Sami just rants and carries on about how that b baby was all alone. Roman asks her why she just did not call. Nope, she had to see for herself. Ha.
If anyone thinks they might like to give us here even a very short 6-10 lines summary, please let me know. We will be needing one for Thursday, Friday & next Tuesday.

I only get half an hour for lunch. I could probably do a summary for half the episode for those days, so long as nobody else gets there first to watch something else. Also, I might be able to get away with leaving the TV on in the break area. I can hear it from my desk. I heard most of today's episode, but only actually watched half of it. So, my offer is tentative at best.
Have to confess, I was just waiting for Roman or Marlena to ask Sami where Johnny was? She is ranting all about Allie.......and where is her son. AND, if she is so worried about her children, what about Will? Sami just rants and carries on about how that b baby was all alone. Roman asks her why she just did not call. Nope, she had to see for herself. Ha.

Oh I think I would just bust a gut if Marlena asked Sami "So how is Will? Is he still not talking to you? Where's Johnny? How is he doing? Who's watching him right now?" Or if she just wanted to cut to the chase just ask "So how are you sons?"

But at least she did remind Sami she has THREE kids.
have to say thank goodness Marlena told Sami off!! Glad someone did!!
Thanks for the write up!!
Recycling names

That is actually one of the few things they do on this show that resembles real life, most days.
I can remember in high school that there were 3 of us that were best friends and we all had the same first name. We would introduce ourselves and say "Hi, we're Cindy." Dorky, I know.
And, I have so many friends with the same first name that my husband has to give them all nicknames like Chair Lady and Broken Leg Lady - please don't ask, you know how men are! :)
That is actually one of the few things they do on this show that resembles real life, most days.
I can remember in high school that there were 3 of us that were best friends and we all had the same first name. We would introduce ourselves and say "Hi, we're Cindy." Dorky, I know.
And, I have so many friends with the same first name that my husband has to give them all nicknames like Chair Lady and Broken Leg Lady - please don't ask, you know how men are! :)

Totally OT:

In our group growing up we had 3 Johns, 2 David, and 2 Scotts. We called two of the Johns and one of the Davids by their last names. Somehow we never worked out a method for the Scotts. But then one of the Johns changed his name but instead of picking something unique he changed his last name letally to Scott and his middle name to David I kid you not! We still called him by his original last name out of habit.
In our group growing up we had 3 Johns, 2 David, and 2 Scotts....But then one of the Johns changed his name but instead of picking something unique he changed his last name letally to Scott and his middle name to David I kid you not!

I believe it. Sounds like something my brother, a Jason, would do. However, being military brats, we never really put down roots well enough for him to pull something like that. And I think I can see why your John did it. Not only was he using up the other two common names in your group, he also assured that you'd have 3 of each - and he got to be in all three groups. I'm telling you, this is exactly the sort of logic my brother would have used. My dad jokes that one of these days, if I ever get around to finishing my psych degree, I can do my doctorial thesis on "Jason Logic."

Okay, I'm getting way OT here. Running on way too little sleep, too much coffee and some vitamin B. :back:
FINALLY! It's about time that Roman and Marlena took the tough road with Sami! I loved when Marlena told her she sounded like a "spoiled brat", and then when Sami asked who's side Roman was on, he said "Allie's... how about you?"

(I agree with all of you who have pointed out that Sami sure isn't with Johnny right now... talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Sami sure looks like she has taken a shower, and I'm sure it wasn't with the twins in the room... she's a loony!)

Genius!! Unfortunately, it's going to go in one ear and out the other with Ms. Bonehead Brady, but it's about time someone other than EJ and Lucas stood up to her... maybe if her parents had done this years ago, she wouldn't be the mess she is!